Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Seven

(Draco’s POV)

I woke up this morning in my private room (Thanks to Father). I got into the shower then got dressed into black jeans that hung loosely on my hips and a white shirt that you could see my 6-pack easily (for the ladies of course). I went downstairs and made my way to the Grand Hall for Breakfast.
**Where the hell is Jordon? He's been acting weird lately** I thought to myself.
I entered the Grand Hall and all the ladies looked at me and swoon. I smirked and sat down and started to eat some toast with eggs. Then Jordon came down and sat in front of me.

"Sorry, I'm late, My roommate was hogging the bathroom" Jordon said grabbing Waffles, eggs, bacon, and toast.
I shrugged "Okay.." I said not believing him really.

I heard the door open and I heard Her laugh. I look over and see Cleopatra and McBane laughing about something. Cleo looked at me then sat down a few seats away from me on Jordon's side. McBane sat across from her still talking about some thing. I shrugged her (her meaning Daygon) off my mind and looked at Jordon who was looking at McBane.

"Dude what is your problem?" I snapped
He shook his head "What you mean? I'm just wondering what they are talking about?" he said
"Why do you care?" I asked
Jordon didn't answer right away "Cause I heard that Daygon might like you" he said
I raised my eyebrow and looked over at Daygon who was looking at me. I smirked and she rolled her eyes .
"What you looking at Malwhore?!" She called across the table. Everyone then looked towards me and my eyes widen
**Damnit Merlin I hate it when she calls me that** I thought then I smirked
"Nothing Interesting" I said looking back at my food. I pushed it away cause i wasn't hungry anymore.

Just then Dumbledork took the stand. "Ladies and Gentlemen, since classes have been canceled due to an Illness among the staff, we've decided to host a Welcome Back Dance this Friday or I should say Tomorrow. Today everyone is welcome to go to Hogsmead and get their outfits, but this isn't just a Dance, this will be a Masquerade Ball. One of many this year" He said "Now first through fourth years, the party starts at 3pm to 8pm, and fifth through seventh years starts at 8pm to 1am. Have a good day" he added before stepping down.
"Whats Hogsmead?" I heard Daygon ask McBane
I laughed "God Daygon have your parents taught you nothing? "I asked standing up and walking over to her.
"Shut it Malwhore" she said then looked at McBane
"Hogsmead is like Diagon Alley. It's a shopping place here ." McBane explained
I walked away from them and headed towards Hogsmead. I had an idea.