Status: Hiatus

Out Like a Cigarette

Ice Cream

Honestly, it was weird having a third person in with Jake and me. Jace was cool and all, but he just was so, well, so innocent and trusting. It will get him killed if he isn’t more careful about it. Proof if this was now, as we were standing in line at an ice cream shop. He was talking to some random person in front of us, and that random person could be the life or death of him.

Finally the person was ordering and left. I glared at the back of Jace’ head as he stepped up to order, Jake holding back a smile and the cashier lady looking curious. Jace ordered a chocolate cone with sprinkles on it and a vanilla cone with sprinkles on it. Why did he need two cones? Once he got them he handed the chocolate one to me. Well, forced me to take it.

“Uh… Thanks…” I say slowly, not sure of why he gave it to me.

Grinning he replied, “no problem,” and paid. Jake ordered a cup of chocolate ice cream with sprinkles and paid for it, and I would have gone next, but Jace had already gotten me some, so we turned and sat down.

“Here, for the ice cream.” I tried giving Jace four dollars, but he wouldn’t take it.

“No, I got it for you. Don’t worry about.” He tells me, avoiding the money like it was the plague.

“But I feel bad that you paid for me.” I tell him, and he grinned. It was a grin that just spelled out trouble.

“You can make it up by going on a date with me Friday.” He tells me, and Jake bursts out laughing.

“She’ll go, I promise.” Jake answers for me before I had a chance to respond.

Perfect. Just what I wanted.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, sorry it is super short, but there was no other good way to end the chapter.
It wasn't what I wanted and was going to be a filler, then I decided to get the story line speeding up.
Sorry it's short and crappy after no update for a few weeks.
Now, because of school and the amount of work, classes and extra-circulars I do updates will be once a week at most from now on, and probably on a Friday, Sunday or Monday.
Thanks for reading!
And I love anyone who commented. You guys are my heroes.
Check out my other new story An Unwanted Love please?