A lost love store

Back at the store, what happens in the morning

Back at the store Mom started to get worried and went looking for me. She couldn't find me so she went and told security. It was for sure I wasn't in the store. So they called the cops and nobody could find me. The police told mom to go home that they would find me so they all went home and told dad what happened. Nobody had the Christmas spirit anymore. Even Quint wouldn't eat Everyone was so sad they prayed and then went to bed. After a long night nobody really slept I only got a little bit of sleep. When I woke up I was untied and I could see everything that was going on. I was in a dark forest but a few miles away was an old cottage like house with vines growing up the sides. I thought maybe that's where I would be staying. There was no sign of the old strange looking man anywhere so I sat up and I heard foot steps behind me. I turned around and it was the strange man I had saw at the store but he was with to other men. One who looked to be about 30 and the other who looked to be about 14. But there was no time for introducing. The old man who I later found out name was Mr. Jets said we had work to get done. No one argued we just walked in a silent strait line behind Mr. Jets. When we got to the work place Mr. Jets told me I was to work in the kitchen and told the two men that were with him that they knew the drill. I walked silently to the kitchen and there were other women young and old. About 10 other women in the kitchen and there were about 15 men outside. I was the youngest girl and all the other women came to greet me. They said " What's your name dear child?" I said " Rosella, can anyone explain what is going on here?" The oldest women said oh what a beautiful name. Everyone was talking at one. Then a lady named Jadey who was 23 said " Now everyone hush up Mr. Jets will think we aren't at work!" Then Jadey told me about this place. I didn't fully understand what was going on but I did understand that if I didn't do what I was told there would be a price to be paid.