Oh NO! There's a New Kid!

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

I sat watching the cursor blink on an empty page. I was suppose to be writing my english paper, but nothing came to mind.

That was the problem, I could write grand stories of love and passion or of fairytale princesses but I could not write abou the significance of the book Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I didn't even read the book since it was such a bore. No one cares about Pip's life (who the hell was Pip anyways?!)

I snapped my laptop shut and placed it on the shelf next to my bed. Who cares, I'd just read my best friends Izzy's and re-word it or something. It would have to be a day late. I turned off my lamp and snuggled down into my pillow. I sighed as all my muscles relaxed, waiting for sleep to work it's magic.
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Short...but GO TO CHAPTER TWO!! XD