Oh NO! There's a New Kid!

Chapter 2

Next Day

I pulled into my parking lot and turned the ignition off. My car was a piece of shit, but what more could you ask for off of a $7 an hour paycheck at Robin's Read-o-Rama. My boss underpaid me, but I got to read all the books I wanted. He was a weird of guy. Tall, fat, and happy. He wanted to leave his mark on the world through books (which I thought was a good thing) but he was still creepy. Kiki worked there with me. She was my other best friend. Izzy got the coolest job out of both of us, working at the Coffee Shop with Gabriel. Possibly the sexiest guy in school, plus he was gay.

He had gorgeous natural black hair and sharp blue eyes, He was such a doll and he belonged to all 3 of us. He liked to call himself Prince Charming with three beautiful princesses. I was his Ariel, Izzy was his Cinderella, and Kiki was his Pocahontus.

He was the one guy that held our hearts.

I trudged along the sidewalk into my winter wonderland...NOT. Roosevelt High was not at all it was cracked up to be, but it did look beautiful covered in snow. I pulled my hoody around me tighter and entered the doors into a warm hug.

Our school was rich and the heaters always worked. The front entrance was an indoor courtyard like area with a fountain and everything. I saw Gabriel standing there waiting for me like a Gay Knight In Shining Armor holding a nice warm latte fresh from Starbucks.

"Don't you get in trouble buying coffee from other businesses and not the one you work at?" I asked him accepting the warm liquid-amazingness.

"No but you should be in trouble for those shoes honey" he tisked at me as we began walking to our lockers.

"What's wrong with these shoes, I've had them since seventh grade!" I whined. He had been waiting for me to get rid of these shoes for years.

"Exactly they're old and disgusting."

"They're not old, they're VINTAGE!" I shot back defending my precious shoes. "Whatever," he replied taking a sip of my latte.

I giggled as he handed it back. "What?" he asked. "You just sounded so queer," I said wrapping my arms around his waist.

"But you love it," he said back, putting his arm around me and kissing the top of my head.
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