Oh NO! There's a New Kid!

Chapter 4


I approached our usual table, but with a new member in tow. Kiki, Izzy, and Gabriel stared as we walked up. A smile slowly smoldering over Gabriel's face as he noticed New Kid behind me. New kid's name by the way was Tommy, but New Kid stuck easier. We only had first period together, but the rest of his schedule was pretty easy to find on his own, so all was well.

"Sit down," Izzy said scooting over so he could squeeze between Kiki and Izzy.

I sat directly across from them next to Gabriel. "Be careful," I warned him with a smirk, "You're sitting in the Tripod Of Doom," I said referring to the female part of our quadrilateral.

"They can get pretty crazy," Gabriel warned. "Ahh shucks G, thanks for the support," I said playfully punching him in the arm.

"So where are you from?" Izzy asked draping her arm across his shoulders. He looked a little uncomfortable, but he would get used to it. That's just how she is.

"Idaho," he replied giving her a small smile.

"Are we still on for shopping after school?" Gabriel asked looking at each of us. "Of Course!!" Kiki (the shop-a-holic) replied answering for all of us.

"Okay we'll take my car then," Gabriel said matter of factly. "Hey what about mine?" I asked.

"Nuhhh uh. We are not going in that thing after what happened the last time!" Izzy shot out, "No way!" Kiki agreed.

"Come on, no one got hurt and I fixed it in under half an hour," I said, defending my precious car now. God they were picky, but I still loved them.

"No, that thing almost KILLED us!" Izzy continued. "I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes!" So over dramatic. I snickered loving the daily drama that occured at our table.

"It was bad," Gabriel said, as if he had final say.

"Wait...what happened?" Tommy asked looking a bit scared.

"Nothing," I replied, "she just overheated a bit, and popped a tire, and backfired. It was all good though. Once I got her cooled down and changed the tire we were good to go."

"So you fix cars too?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "Is there anything you can't do?" he smiled. Kiki, Gabriel, and Izzy burst out laughing. Thanks a lot guys. =P

"My dad's a mechanic," I said sheepishly.

At that the bell rang for sixth period. "My car after school!" Gabriel called out in a sing song voice. So flamboyant, I thought smiling.

What do you have next?" I asked. "Music Theory," he said looking at his schedule. He smiled knowing what was coming next. "I'm guessing I have that with you, Music Geek?" he asked.

"Of Course!" I said wrapping my arm in his leading him off to the music wing. My Home.

"Hey Mrs. Gilbert!" I called out cheerfully.

"Hello Isabella," she said "what wonderful masterpiece do you have for me this time?" she asked as I handed her my short composition.

"We have a new student too," I said "This is Tommy Phillips."

"Well hello," she said setting down my music. I picked it back up, knowing she would be looking for it. That's what Mrs. Gilbert was like...CRAZY!! but what music teacher wasn't?

"Well all we're doing today is reviewing A minor, which I'm sure you already know Isabella, so take our new student into Piano Room 2 and show him the basics of this class."

We had 6 piano rooms, which was just a sound proof practice room with a piano. That was only in the music classes, that excluded the practice rooms for the Choral Rooms and Band Rooms. Our school prided it's music department. That's why I was lucky to go here.

I closed the door behind me and turned to face Tommy. He looked so sexy with part of his blonde hair hanging in his face. "Can I play that?" he asked pointing to my music. "Sure," I said a little confused.

If you don't understand anything just..." I was cut off by the sound of my music coming form the piano. He really could play the piano, and well too. I watched as his body swayed with the music. But not just any music, MY music. He played it perfectly, just how I wanted it to sound. I was entranced watching him and before I knew what was happening my feet carried me to the bench and sat next to him. He side glanced at me with a smile and focused back on the music.

As he finished it he looked at me. "What do you th---" he tried asking, but I cut him off with my lips over his.

I kissed him!

I pulled back realizing what I had done. "I am so sorry!" I tried apologizing and stood up, but got caught as he grabbed my wrist pulling me down on his lap. He looked into my eyes and pushed my brown hair behind my ear as he pulled my face back in for another kiss.

A shiver ran down my spine and electric currents radiated from the touch of his fingertips.

I smiled against his lips as his tongue poked at my lip for entrance. I accepted and kissed him long and hard. We made out until the bell for seventh period rang and I jumped, almost falling off of him.

"Swim." he said looking at his schedule.

"Band." I answered. I gave him one last kiss before he disappeared out the door to go get wet in the pool. (hehe >_<)

I sat on the piano bench, still a little breathless until the warning bell told me I was late for band.

Mrs. Analla was going to kill me.
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