Oh NO! There's a New Kid!

Chapter 5


We met up at my car to store all of our shit while we went to the mall, Gabriel late as always. I wondered what poor boy he was making out with in the Boys Room right now. I slammed the door and locked it and looked at Izzy and Kiki. "SHOT GUN!" I screamed taking off after the car. "NOT FAIR!!" Izzy yelled catching up with me. "First one there wins!" Kiki called out passing both of us. Fast little shit!

Just because she was only 5'2 doesn't mean she should always win. I felt like a lumbering giant compared to those two. I was at least a head and a half taller than Kiki and a head taller than Izzy. We all reached the car at the same time. "I won!" I yelled pushing Izzy out of the way. "No you didn't I DID!" Kiki yelled trying to jump on my back. WOOOO! I had a height advantage there.

"Shit!!!!!!" I screamed as Izzy bit my arm. "CHEATER!!!"

"HEY!" Gabriel yelled, his voice booming over all of us. Izzy had me in a headlock and I had Kiki by her hair.

"Ahh come on G, what'd we tell you about only using the man voice in emergencies!" I said.

"This is an emergency. You guys are gunna hurt my car!" he said going into his normal, fem voice.

"That's better" I said releasing Kiki's hair and fixing my shirt, which had ridden up a little.

"Now girls shouldn't we let our guest sit in the front?" he asked in his father figure voice, motioning to Tommy.

"It's okay, one of them can have it," he said. Smart Boy.

"Ro Shambo!" Izzy said. "No! I suck at this game!!" I whined. I really did. Ro Shambo was a cooler name for Paper, Rock, Scissors.

"I quit you guys battle it out," I huffed, defeated. Kiki had won, so she got shot gun.

Tommy held the door open for me and I squeezed in the middle.

"Ready?" Gabriel asked after he had buckled his seat belt. "Mhmm," I nodded.

He turned the key and Enya blasted out of the radio. "AGHHH! COME ON!" Kiki yelled covering her ears. "WHAT IS THIS SHIT?!" Izzy asked. "KIKI SAVE US!!!" I yelled to her. Tommy just sat beside me, laughter rumbling through his rib cage. I knew this because I could feel it, since I was smooshed into his side. He wrapped his arm around me and I nuzzled into his shoulder as Kiki put on the Misfits.Thank the Gods for good old fashioned Punk music.Gabriel gave me a I-told-you-so look in the rear view mirror when he saw me curled into Tommy's side. I flipped him off and settled back down, breathing in Tommy's scent (which was amazing!)

"TO THE MALL!" Gabriel shouted putting his car into gear and pulling out of the parking lot.

"TO THE MALL!" Izzy, Kiki, and I repeated. It was tradition, our Mall Arrival Warrior Call as I liked to call it.