Oh NO! There's a New Kid!

Chapter 6 Part 1

So we had arrived at Gabriel's castle...The mall. We evacuated the small confinements of the car and walked up. I hope the security guards were on their toes today. They would have their work cut out for them.

We all stopped and stood in the entrance of the mall and stared each other down, as if it was an old-time Western Shoot Out.

"Spencers," Izzy said syly. "No way...Gamestop!" Kiki shout out.

War was in full swing now. We could never agree where to go first.

"I want to go to Imagine!!!" I said sticking my chin out.

"BATH & BODY WORKS!!" Gabriel chimed in clapping his hands.

"Mediate please!" I begged Tommy. "Save us some blood and guts, my wounds are still healing from last time."

"Okay, Video Games, smelling good, sex, or hippy?" he asked scratching his head.

"I win!" G said grabbing Tommy's hand and leading the way. I swear we all had dibs on that kid. But he didn't seem to mind. Thank God he wasn't homophobic.

But Gabriel had won, so we were on our way to Bath & Body Works.

"Mmmm this smells good!" Gabriel sighed. "Check this out!" I called, squeezing the new foaming soap into Kiki's hair. Hey, I could see over the top of her head, that gives me full permission to put stuff in her hair. "Ughhhh!" she said slapping her head, sending the foam everywhere.

"Smell this one," Izzy called to us as she smoothed some Sensual Amber lotion on her arms. "No this one!" Kiki said rubbing in Sweet Pea. Tommy joined in adding Coconut Lime Verdana and I rubbed in some Warm Vanilla Sugar. I added a spritz of Pear Blossom and she was good to go. "You smell amazing!" I said in a perfect fem, flamboyant Gabriel voice.

"You smell like a cheap whore." Kiki stated bluntly, giving a blank stare.

"Let's go," Gabriel sing songed. "I got my new Japanese Cherry Blossom Body Wash and Lufa! Stop lathering Izzy, you look like a cheap lesbian porn."

God this kid killed me. I snorted and put the bottle (slippery from lotion) back on the shelf. "Japanese Cherry Blossom?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "I have sensitive skin!" he shot back grabbing my hand. "Let's go get you some sexy lingerie for T-Man there."

I blushed a bit and Tommy just smiled.

"Trying to imagine that?" Izzy asked coming up from behind him. "I've seen it," she whispered, slapping my ass.

Maybe we did look like a cheap lesbian porn. Oh well. *smirks*

"Gamestop!!" Jenna cheered running to the store next door. She was a total videogam junkie. We watched her run in, trip over her shoelaces and fly stright into a sexy guy playing the new Wii.

He stumbled a bit and caught her. He had long hair down to his shoulders and wore a wife beater under a sexy Avenged Sevenfold leather jacket. Guy had good taste. "Hey" he said, his ams encircling her waist as he held her up.

"Ten bucks says she doesn't do it," Izzy asked me. "Deal," I said shaking her hand. We watched from a distance, me secretly hoping she'd make out with him.

They exchanged a few more words and Kiki rose on her tippy toes, planting a huge wet one right on his lips.

"YES!!" I said doing a victory dance. "Where's my money?"

Izzy slid a ten between my breasts and punched me in the arm.

"Fine you win this one."

We decided Imagine would be next, no one was thrilled to go except me. They all thought it was a cool store but it took some patience to look at all the really cool stuff they had. "Okay Hippy here you go," Kiki said walking back out the door. "Imma get a slushie," Izzy stated taking Gabriel with her.

I breathed in the scent of incense and closed my eyes. "I love this store," I told Tommy, smiling.

"Hmmm, stand over here," Tommy said, placing me in the center of the store, "and close your eyes. I want to pick you out something special."

I closed my eyes intrigued. I wonder what he would pick out.I felt him walk away as the area he occupied just turned cold, from the lack of his body heat.

He came back about 5 minutes later and opened my hand. I felt a small, delicate chain wrap around my wrist. I opened my eyes to see a small silver peace sign with a Faerie entwined in it. It was beautiful.

"I've always wanted to buy this necklace," I told him, giving him a hug. "Once I saw it, I knew it was you."

He smiled and took it back. He went to the cashier and paid for it. "What are you doing?" I asked. That necklace was $30!

"It's a gift for you, turn around."

I did as I was told and lifted my hair off my neck. His fingertips grazed my neck, sending a chill down my spine. He turned me around so I was facing him and kissed me. "I've never acted so...vulger or fast, but the mintue I laid eyes on you my gut told me you were the one."

I panicked. What was I to do?!

As if he could sense my uneasiness he entwined my fingers in his. "Come on, let's go get the others," he said and we walked out.
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COmmmments PLeaseee!???
