This is my Life (Jacob Black)

This is my Life Chapter 1

Carly's POV

'Carls, honey.' my Mom's gentle voice woke me up. 'Time for school.'

I groaned,'Five more minutes.'

Mom chuckled,'Do you want me to call Quil, Jacob and Embry to wake you up?'

My eyes shot open,'I'm up!!!!' My mom laughed and left me to get ready. I groaned and went to brush my teeth and bathe. The last time the boys woke me up; it involved cold water, bubbles and fishes. I stood infornt of my wardrobe in my robe. Hmmmm, what to wear? I took out a black skinny jeans and a yellow tank top. I shrugged it on and went to brush out my hair.

'Ouch!!' I said as I struggled to get the brush out of my hair. I finally got it under control and, satisfied with my appearance, I skipped downstairs.

'Good morning Carly,' my Dad aid sipping his cup of coffee. I kissed his cheek.

'Five minutes on the dot Carls,' Mom said. 'That's a new record.'

I grinned and took my breakfast,'Thanks.' We ate breakfast silently.

'So C.C., we'll be working late today,' Dad said. 'Are you sure that you'll be alright?'

I nodded,'Yeah Dad.'

Dad smiled and kissed my forehead,'Bye Carly.'

Mom kissed my cheek,'Bye honey.'

I watched them go into their separate cars and drive off. I sighed and glanced at the clock in the living room. Shit, I'm late!!!! I grabbed my bag and carkeys and ran out the door. I started my Toyota Corolla and drove to school. I reached in school in five minutes. I looked around for Jake, Quil or Embry. I grunted when I couldn't find them so I went straight to my locker.

'Hey Carly,' a boy greeted me as I turned my lock.
I looked at him. Short, blue streaks in his brown hair, hazel eyes. 'Hey.'

He looked nervous,'S-S-So, are you busy this Friday?'

'Yeah, she's taken,' Jake answered for me. 'Goodbye.'

The boy scampered when he saw Quil, Jacob and Embry. I smirked,'Hey boys.'

'Hey Carls,' they answered back.

'How come you guys took so long?' I asked.

Quil and Embry laughed,'We had to wake Jake up.'

I raised an eyebrow at Jake,'Let me guess, cold water, bubbles and fishes?'

Jake laughed,'Yup.'
'Ah,' I said closing my locker door. 'Welcome to my world.'

'Then we had to walk,' Jake said.

I grimaced,'You could've called.'

Jake shook his head,'Nah. The Rabbit's almost finish.'

Embry scoffed,'You've been saying that since last year.'

Jake smirked,'Do you want to walk to school when it's done?'

'I take it back.'

I laughed and the bell rang. We groaned and trudged off to torture.
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I'm xxtrinighulxxx from Quizilla. I'm not plagerising. Just posting my stories here.