This is my Life (Jacob Black)

This is my Life Chapter 2

Carly's POV

It was an overcast day in La Push. I was on First Beach with my ipod in my ears and my sketch pad. I was drawing the cliffs peacefully until something heavy dropped next to me. I jumped.

'Embry!!!' I hit him playfully. 'Don't do that!!!'

Embry laughed, 'Sorry. Whatcha working on?'
I showed him,' Why are you here?'

Embry tensed, 'I was trying to escape Sam and his cult.'

I frowned, 'What do they want with you?'

Embry looked at me frustrated, 'I don't know. Sam's been giving me weird looks and Paul and Jared watch me in school. It creeps me out Carls. I don't want to join or even be like them.'

I put my arm around his shoulder,' Who said anything about joining them?'

Embry shrugged, 'Look at Paul. He wasn't friends with Sam, now he's like super tight with them. It's scary. They look at me like they're waiting for me or something. I don't want to be next.'

I rest my head on his shoulder, 'Promise me that you'll never become one of them.' I held out my pinky.

Embry laughed and wrapped his huge pinky around mine,' I promise.'

'Dude,' I said as we walked to Quil's house, 'Why all the muscles?'

Emby struck a pose, 'I know. They're amazing.'
'Come on,' I rolled my eyes and shove him onto Quil's front porch. I rung the bell. Quil opened the door and the three of us walked to Jake's.

'Jake you there?' Quil called.

'In here guys.' came the reply. We walked in to see that Jake was working on two bikes but he wasn't alone. There was a girl with him. She was pale with brown hair and eyes. She fit the description of Jake's all time crush. Isabella Sawn.

Jake's contagious smile spread across his face,' Bella, these are my friends; Embry Call, Quil Atera and Carly Cole.' Quil shook Bella's hand.

'So whatcha doing Jake?' I sang.

'I'm going to fix up these bikes,' Jake announced. Immeadiately, he, Embry and Quil launched into a deep conversation about them. I rolled my eyes and put on my ipod. I looked around for a seat when I saw Bella in my usual spot, in the passenger seat of Jake's Rabbit. I shrugged and went outside to sit under the trees. I was used to the boys forgetting that I was there but it didn't bother me. I continued to improve my drawing of the cliffs.

My eyes wandered to Bella. She was rather plain. She looked nervous and out-of-place. I couldn't see any of the extraordinary beauty which Jake described to us. She was paler than Snow White. Come on, I was kinda white too, but Bella I shook my head and concentrated on my drawing. "We R Who We R" by Ke$ha came on and, out of habit, I began to sing. They heard me and they called me back inside the garage.

Quil and Embry joined in right away and we were jamming out. Jacob smiled without looking up from the bikes. I frowned and pulled out the rubber band which he used to tie back his long hair.

'Hey!!!' Jake shouted and he started to chase me around the garage. Quil and Embry fell on the floor laughing. Jake eventually caught me by grabbing my waist. I gave up and gave him back his rubber band. Bella's eyes narrowed when she saw Jake's hands on my waist.

Quil saw, 'Ahem.' Jake's hands disappeared. The blood rose to my cheeks. Jake punched Quil's shoulder.

'Take your time Jake.' Embry teased. Jake blushed and tackled Embry. I pouted. I hated to be left out of a secret.

'I have to get home Jake,' Bella said.

Jake looked at her,' You sure? Are we boring you?'
Bella laughed nervously,' No. I'll come back tomorrow. Bye.'

We waited until we couldn't see Bella to let out a chorus of "Ooooooo"s. Jake blushed and I laughed as he smacked the back of Quil and Embry's head.

'So guess you'll won't be hanging out me tomorrow,' I said as Quil and Embry left. I had to wait for Dad to come back with Billy from fishing. It was Jake and I in the garage.

Jake nodded and he continued to look at the bikes,' Yeah. Carls, what do you think about Bella?'

I looked outside, 'She looks alright. What's her story? You told me that she was dumped by one of the Cullens.'

Jacob sighed and turned to face me, his dark brown eyes serious,' Yeah. One of the Cullens left her in the middle of the woods and she's been bad after that.'

'Who found her?'

'Sam Uley,' Jake said bitterly.

I frowned,' Sam Uley? You sure?'

Jake nodded and turned back to work on the bikes, 'I was there when he brought her.'

I nodded,' You know Embry's worried, right?'

' 'Bout Sam and his gang?'


Jake put down his wrench,' They've been looking at me too.'

'You? Why?'

Jake turned to face me, 'I don't know. I tried talking to Billy but he's no help. It's scaring the crap out of me.'

'Avoid them Jake, like hell.' I wrapped my arms around him. 'I don't want to see you joining them.'

Jake hugged back, 'I won't.'


'Dad?' we answered in unison which made us smile.

'Come on,' Dad said. 'It's late.'

Jake took my hand and we ran through the dark night. Billy raised an eyebrow when we arrived. I blushed and gently broke Jake's grip and stood next to my Dad.

Dad nodded, 'Bye Billy. Stop growing Jacob.'

Jacob laughed and flashed his white teeth, 'I'll try.'

I waved,' Bye Jake.'

'Bye Carls.'
I followed Dad into his car and we drove back home.
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I'm xxtrinighulxxx from Quizilla. I'm just posting my stories here.