This is my Life (Jacob Black)

This is my Life Chapter 3

Jacob's POV

I watched as Mr. Cole's car disappeared around the bend. I sighed and walked back to my garage to work on the bikes Bella brought me. I picked up a wrench and started to work on "Bella's" bike. My thoughts turned to Carly.

She's so pretty. I have known her since we were kids. I was pretty much like her brother but I felt differently towards her. Since we entered high school, I saw how guys looked at Carly. They made me see Carly in a new way. Her bright eyes, her body, her luscious hair. I dropped the wrench.

Am I crushing on Carls? I told Quil and Embry that I sort of like her. But I like Bella too. Carls is more my friend than a crush. What if I told her and she doesn't see me that way? Would that ruin our friendship? I will crush on Bella. I can't take the risk with Carly.


'So you're 30?' Bella asked as she watched me worked on the bikes.

I grinned, 'Yup.'

'Hmph,' Bella said. 'Jake, can I ask you something?'


'Is Carly your girlfriend?'

I thought about it, 'No.'

Bella seemed to relax, 'Okay.'

'Bella? You out here?' I heard Charlie ask.

'Shoot,' Bella said. 'Coming!!!!' I grabbed Bella's hand and I led her back to the house. It wasn't the same as holding Carly's hand. Carly's hand was nice soft and gentle. Bella's hand was tense. She broke my grip before we reached the house. I saw that everyone was here.

'Jacob,' Mr. Cole said. 'Nice to see you again.'

'Hey,' I shook his hand, 'Where's Carls?'

Mr. Cole smiled, 'She spent the day up with her mom in Port Angeles. They're picking me up.'

'Oh.' Bella seemed happy with that. I took some food and started to talk to Seth and Bella. Seth clung on to my every word which seriously bugged me. I shrugged it off. Then Carls' Toyota pulled up and she and her mom got out. Shit, Carly looked amazing in her outfit. She was wearing skirt and a tube top. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

'Hey everyone,' Mrs. Cole said. She held up a pot, 'My special recipe for spaghetti, Dig in.' Carly came to join our little group.

'Hey,' Carls said. 'What's up?'

'Long time no see,' Seth said giving Carly a kiss on her cheek. I clenched my fists. Carly blushed and shifted the topic.

'So what happened in La Push?' Carly asked.

'Rain,' I said and, on queue, the rain came pouring down. Everyone scrambled for shelter. Everyone but Carly. She stayed out and spun in circles in the rain. I shook my head at her childish behaviour.

'Come!!!' Carly begged me. I shook my head no. 'Please?'

I shrugged off my jacket and joined her. Everyone eyes were on us. I splashed water from a puddle on Carls.

'Hey!!!' Carly splashed mud on me.

'That's not fair!!!!' I whined and I started to chase her around. As I passed near the porch I heard Sue say, 'They will make a cute couple Sherise.'

Mrs. Cole laughed, 'I know. Getting them together will be easy.'
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My stuff on quizilla's back so i'll be updating there too. ^__^