This is my Life (Jacob Black)

This is my Life Chapter 4

Carly's POV

I frowned as Embry and I walked down the streets of La Push. Quil was grounded and Jake was with Bella. I had a feeling that today would change my life forever. Embry was quiet which meant he was thinking about something.

Embry shook his chin length hair, 'C.C. do you feel it?'
'What?' I asked.

Embry frowned, ‘Like someone's watching you.'

I looked around. It was just Embry and I in the street. My eyes focused in the woods. I shook the feeling off, 'No Em. Are you feeling alright?'

Embry shook his head, 'Nah. I think we should start heading back home.'

I touched his forehead with the back of my hand, 'Shit Em!!!!!!! You're burning up!!!! Come on!!!!!' I took his burning hand and we start to walk back quickly. Embry looked like he was in some serious pain.

'Carls, stop for a moment,' Embry said clutching his stomach. I stopped.

'Do you want anything?' I spied the pharmacy nearby. Embry shook his head and gasped for air.

'Carls,' Embry said. 'You know that you're my sister right?'

I yanked him up, 'Come on Em. You've got to get home!!!'

Embry allowed me to drag him home. His house was a few feet away. 'Carly answer me!!!'

I sighed exasperated, 'Yes. You're my brother Embry.'

Embry smiled,' That's what I needed to hear. Bye Carls.'

I hugged him, 'Feel better Embry.' I watch as Embry staggered up the stairs and disappear into the house. I sighed and looked at my watch. Shit!!!!! 7:00!!! I ran home.

'Where were you Carly?' Dad asked.

I grabbed the back of a chair before collapsing into it, 'I was walking with Embry but then he felt sick and I had to drag him all the way home.'

'Oh,' Dad said and he took up his paper. 'You hauled Embry all the way to his house?'

I nodded ,'Yeah. That boy weighs a ton!!!!!!'

Mom chuckled, 'I would expect that with all the muscle on him. I made your favourite, shrimp alfredo.' Mom placed a plate in front me.

'Thanks,' I dug right in. I put down my fork when the plate was only half empty. Mom frowned.

'Honey you okay?' she asked.

I groaned, 'I feel a bit queasy. May I be excused?'

'Go ahead.'

I nodded and ran upstairs to my room. I was so lucky to have a whole floor to myself. Mom and Dad slept downstairs. I changed out of my jeans and top into a oversized T-shirt and I jumped into bed.


I woke up and dashed to my bathroom and threw up. Dad heard me and he held my hair back and rubbed my back.

'Carly, are you pregnant?' he asked gravely.

'NO!!!!!' I shouted.

Dad chuckled, 'Just asking.' I playfully slapped his shoulder. I groaned and threw up again. 'I'm going to get your Mom.' He went downstairs.

Mom came in and took one long look at me. She then vanished downstairs. I groaned again.

Mom reappeared ,'I just called Susan.' I frowned. Why would she call Embry's mother? 'Embry is sick too. She says that there's a stomach flu going around. You must've got it from Embry.'

I groaned and rest my head on the cool tile floor, 'UGGHHHH.'

Mom and Dad laughed. Dad draped a towel over me,' If you're going to stay here for the rest of the night.'

I squinted, 'What time is it?'

'Two in the morning.' Mom answered. 'Get some rest dear. I'll call school in the morning and Jacob will get your homework for you. Okay?'


They laughed and exited my room. I groaned and tried to get some rest on the hard floor.