Just Best Friends. Nothing More

The flight.

"Um... I want to go somewhere far. Some place where they don't know who we are."

"Sounds good to me.... How about California?"

"Gerard. Be serious."

"I am..."
Franks POV.

"Gerard... I can't believe we are doing this." I just lost all self respect for my self and everyone around me. I was sitting there,, in the fucking airport waiting for my flight to come so me and Gerard can hit California.

"Frankie! You need to know how to live a little!" Gerard was encouraging.

"You think I need to live a little! Compared to your k--" Gerard's hand slammed over my mouth.

"Don't you say a word about that in a airport Frank, NEVER!" He whispered in my ear. I was just about to say that he was a killer, and my life was a shabby in some areas.

"Okay Gerard. I won't say a word. I promise." The rest of the time waiting was tireding. I leaned on Gerard’s shoulder and started to nod off. Gerard woke me up when we were supposed to leave and we made it in to window seats.

"Frank, this is going to be great! Just think of it, Me and you just hanging out on the beach, hot Girls everywhere we go, it's going to be fantastic!" I looked at him, Thinking about what he just said.

"About that Gerard. I have something to tell you, but I'm scared that you will judge me for who I am..."

"Go a head Frankie. I'm here to listen. And there has been something bugging me too. But you first!" He looked egar to find out what I was going to say. I was egar too. I just didn't know how to say it. Or should I write it to him. I had no clue. I just wanted to get it out.

"Gerard. I think I um... I... likeyou!Nowdon'tbemadIjustneededtogetitout!!!" The last part I pratically screamed. People on the plane started looking at us. Gerard moved into the seat next to mine and sat there. He was prolly mad at me and wasn't going to even say a word to me.

I looked at Gerard, he was looking at me. He leaned over and whispered in my ear "I was always in love with you Frank, Always" He kissed my lips gentally and started to smile. The other people in the plane grew annoyed with us. So we decided to keep it to I love you....
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Thanks. ily!
