Status: One Shot

This May Be Wrong, but I Don't Care

One of One

“Ray?” I peeked up at Gerard, seeing his adorable features twisted up in worry.

“Ray, what happen?” he asked, worry obvious in his voice as his eyes traveled down from my face to my hands. I looked down at them; I had been so lost in playing my guitar to take my mind away from reality that my fingers were bleeding.

“I was playing guitar, Gerard. I thought that was obvious.” I sighed and put my guitar down to wash my hands.

“Ray, wait.” I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to meet those beautiful hazel eyes. The eyes that haunt my dream; the eyes I’ve tried to escape from.

“What do you want, Gerard?” I asked, wanting to get away. I knew what I felt for Gerard was wrong, but I couldn’t help it. It also didn’t help that I knew he didn’t feel the same way.

“I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You’ve been acting weird lately, and we’re all worried.” I looked deep into those hazel orbs and saw true worry and caring.

“I just… haven’t been getting much sleep lately.” I said. And it was partly true; I’ve been waking up at one in the morning from rather… intriguing dreams of Gerard.

“Oh. Do you wanna talk about it?” I shook my head immediately. I didn’t want to tell Gee about my dreams; I didn’t want to ruin the friendship we had. Gerard’s face fell the slightest bit at my silence about the subject and I instantly felt bad, but I shook his hand off my shoulder and walked into the bunk area on our bus. I just needed to think.

I ended up falling asleep with my bloody fingers clenched together by my head. The dream I had was, of course, about Gerard. In this one, he actually loved me back, though. The dream was perfect, and I didn’t want to wake up. But all good things must come to an end.

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder and saying my name.

“Ray, Ray, wake up!” I recognized the voice to be Mikey’s, Gerard’s little brother. I peeked over at him and saw his worried face.

“Mikes? What’s wrong?” I asked, sitting up quickly.

“Have you seen Gee? He’s not back from the store yet, and we’re all getting worried.” I shook my head and got up. I was going to find him.

I walked around all of Wal-Mart twice and still didn’t see the head of raven hair that I was looking for. I even had the manager call him up over the intercom, but still no luck. I walked out of the store with my hand hanging with guilt and sadness. Why would Gee run away?

I heard crying coming from the alley and rushed to see who is was. I almost started crying myself when I spotted that familiar head of hair.

“Gerard!” I ran over to his side. He had a deep cut on his cheek and his shirt was ripped.

“R-Ray! Do-don’t let them h-hurt me a-anymore, p-please!” I felt my face freeze in shock. Why would someone hurt my Gee?

“Gee, what happened?!” I took his hand for support as I sat down. He crawled into my lap and cried into my chest.

“A m-man, h-he came o-out of no-nowhere. He h-held my n-neck t-to a kn-knife and t-told me t-to g-give him all m-my money. Wh-when I re-refused, he p-pushed m-me down and kicked m-me. He t-took my wallet and c-cut my ch-cheek in th-the process.” I held him tight.

“Oh, Gee.” I murmured into his hair, almost crying.

“R-Ray?” I looked into his eyes and saw something I thought I’d never see; love. He brought his soft, pale lips to mine and I felt my eyes widen in shock. He was actually… kissing me? I snapped out of it and kissed him back. I tasted blood because of the cut on his cheek, but it didn’t matter. Gerard was in my arms and he was safe now.

He always will be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha yeah, may not be too good, but the world needs more Geray stories ^_^ Hope you like it! Comments would be lovely, by the way... *Hint hint*
