Status: Active

And I owe it all to you (Jacob Black)

And I owe it all to you Chapter 1

Ariana and Jacob. They have been married for close to 2 years now. And Ari just gave birth to a baby boy.

Ariana's POV

I woke up in the hospital. I smiled and raised my bed so I could sit upright. Carlisle had moved me to one the most expensive rooms in the hospital. I had my own bathroom and kitchen. I sighed. I was alone. It wasn't nine o' clock as yet so Jake couldn't come to see me as yet.

Jacob. My husband. I wanted to see him so bad. I missed him so much. I next my thoughts turned to my son, Dadrian. I smiled. He was more like his dad every single day. I wanted to see him so bad. The bloodsucker stench became stronger as Carlisle came to check up on me.

He opened the door, 'Good morning Mrs. Black.'

I smiled, 'Morning Dr. Cullen.'

Carlisle chuckled, 'Everything's fine. You're recovering well. And Dadrian is doing extremely well.'

I wanted to see him, 'Can you bring him?'

Carlisle smiled ,'He hasn't woken up as yet Ariana. Trust me, as soon as his eyes open, we'll bring him.'

I sighed ,'How about Jacob?'

Carlisle shook his head, 'Hasn't arrived as yet.' I groaned. 'But you can call him.'

I sat up 'Thanks Carlisle.' I dialled the number for our house. I waited for Jake to pick up.

'Hello?' Even though we've been married for nearly two years, his husky voice still sent my heart in a frenzy.

I grinned, 'Morning honey.'

'Ari?' Jake asked. 'How are you angel?'

'I miss you Jake.'

I could hear the smile in his voice, 'I'm coming just now. There are some people who want to see you.'

'Who?' I asked.

Jake chuckled,' You'll see when I reach.'

I heard Dadrian cry, 'Bye sweetie. Dadrian's crying.'

Jake laughed, 'I'll see you soon. Bye.' I hung up the phone and Esme opened the door. I smiled as she rest Dadrian in my arms. His bright eyes looked up a me endearingly. Esme quietly left the room. I smiled and gently smoothed out his ear. Dadrian left out a small cry.

I giggled, 'You hungry?' Dadrian gave me look, just like Jacob, to say What do you think?

I laughed and started to feed him. I marvelled at my baby. He had a mixture of hazel and dark brown for his eyes. He had my smile, Jake's nose, hair and everything. He was just a wonder. I smiled. A peaceful feeling fell over me. My baby. I would give my life to watch over him. Dadrian let out a small coo and I stopped feeding him. I held him up.

'You don't eat much for now,' I told him, ‘just wait until you reach 13.' Dadrian laughed which caused me to laugh. I felt Jake getting closer. I waited.

'Ari!!!!!!!' Paul, Sam, Emily, Jennifer (Sam and Emily's daughter), Billy and Jacob opened the door.

I laughed and Jake claimed his spot next to me. He kissed me and then took Dadrian to burp him. Dadrian went willingly with Jake. Emily came and hugged me. Billy came and I kissed his cheek.

'You look well Ari,' Billy said.

'Thanks Billy.' I said.

'What's his name?' Billy asked as he watched Jake talk to Dadrian.

'Dadrian.' I said. 'Dadrian Ephraim Jacob Black.'

Billy chuckled, 'After your dad?'

I smiled, 'Yeah.'

He kissed my forehead, 'Nice to see you Ariana.'

Paul claimed my side next,' Hey Ari.'

I smiled, 'Hey Paul. How you going?'

Paul grinned,' I'm doing alright. Rachel moved in. I got a job.'

'YOU GOT A JOB!?!?!?!?!?!?!?' I shouted.

Paul laughed ,'Yeah. Partum mechanic. Whatcha think?'

I pursued my lips ,'Not too shabby. Guess you'll be using those tricks I showed you?'

'Of course.'

'Auntie Ari!!!' Jennifer hopped up on the bed. She grinned.

'Jenny!!! How's my favourite niece going?' Sam considered me his sister so Jennifer was my "niece".

She rattled off everything she and Seth had been doing. I was surprised that Seth wasn't here with his imprint. Yes, Seth imprinted on Jennifer.

Emily took Jenny, ‘How are you coping Ari?'
I smiled back, ‘Great. The boys still giving you trouble?'

Emily smiled, ‘yes.'

I grinned, ‘Wait 'til I get back. We straighten everything out.' We laughed.

Sam sat next to me,'Hey Ari. How you doing?'

I hugged him, 'Good. Pack behaving?'


'When can I start back patrol?'

Sam looked at me shocked, 'We'll talk about that when you get back on your feet. Okay?'

I pouted, 'Fine.'

'Ariana.' Jake's voice was barely above a whisper. I smiled when I saw that Dadrian had fallen asleep in his arms. The others left. Jake placed Dadrian in my arms and together, we watch his sleeping face.

Jake kissed my forehead, 'He is........I can't describe how I feel Ari.'

I smiled and looked up at him,'I know Jake.'

Jake put his arm around me,' When did Carlisle say you could come home?'
I smiled, 'By the end of the week.'

'Home's really lonely without Ari.'
'I'm pretty lonely here.'
'We can't live without each other, can't we?'
'Pretty much.'
'Ariana Black, I love you.'
'I love you Jacob Black.'

Jake kissed me and I kissed back with equal passion, 'Dadrian is going to sleep in here?'

I nodded, 'In that crib over there. Can you bring it over here?'

Jacob kissed me and pushed the crib over to my bed. I got up and placed Dadrian in the crib. Jake wrapped his arms around me. 'Does he sleep through the night?'

'I don't know. It's going to be the first night tonight.'

Jake kissed my neck,' Don't worry Ari. You'll be fine.'

'I miss you by my side Jake.'

Jake swayed me in his arms ,'A week will be over before you know it Ari. You and Dadrian will be home and we'll be a family.'

I smiled and looked at him and kissed his cheek ,'Thanks. Uncle Jedidiah or any of the boys know as yet?'

Jake shook his head, 'I've tried calling them but it either goes to voicemail or they're busy.'

I smiled weakly ,'Don't worry.'

Jake looked at his watch, 'I have to go Ari.'

I kissed him,' Bye baby.'

Jake kissed me then gently kissed Dadrian's forehead. I don't know if he saw it, but the corners of Dadrian's mouth twitched into a small smile. Jake looked in awe at Dadrian and gave me one last hug and left. I sighed and sat back down on the bad. I wonder if I could last a week.
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just reposting. message me if you want me to post the last five chapters of the story of this is the sequel.