We're All Just Actors On A Stage

1. Zack Merrick can kiss my butt!


“Kinley!” I pulled my phone away from my ear, already ignored with my brother.

“What Matt.” I signed into the phone. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother and all. But sometimes, he gets on my nerves. The sad part he's gone about 300 days out of the year, he's the manager for All Time Low, our best friend's band. Well, one of them was my best friend. Zack. He was at one point my everything. My best friend, my boyfriend, the one who knew everything about me. Well not anymore. Words were thrown, stuff was smashed, walls were punched, and the next thing I knew, I was on the red eye back to Maryland leaving last year's tour early.

“I need a favor.” I ran my hand through my long brown hair.

I mentally prayed that he didn’t need me to go on the tour for help. Last year I went cause they didnt want a bunch on new crew members. Flyzik need someone that can help anyone with anything. And that's what I was. If Jeff and Evan needed help with light and sound, I was there. If Vinny needed help with merch, I was there. If our guitar and drum tech Danny and Grieco needed help, I did that. If Flyzik and Matt Colussy need help. That was me. Alex needed help with songs, I was your girl. If they needed a photographer for the show, I had my camera ready. But on days off I mostly help Flyzik and Colussy getting the guys were they needed to be, and keeping everyone entertained.

“I need you back on the rode again.” I signed, closing my eyes.

“I thought you had that new chick?” I said, frustration dripped with every word in that sentence.

“She had to leave. She has school.” I wined, falling back on my bed.

“Besides, the boys like you better.” he said with a hint of a smile. He thought that would make me feel better. I adore the guys, there my best friends

“Yeahh, I'm sure they ALL miss me. That's bull Matt and you know it.” I snapped at him. I head yelling in the background, by my guess the boys just came off stage. I heard a door close and the yelling stopped.

“He really misses you Le. He's not happy without you.” I rolled my eyes.

“Obviously he wasn't happy with me either, cause he got drunk and did it with another girl.” Ouch. That still hurts to say.

“Kinley. Just please, this will be good for you. It'll be good for all of us. Jack and Alex aren't even half as crazy anymore.” I smiled Jack, Alex, and I, making tour twice as fun then it already was. Us three were inseparable. Especially Jack and I, we were the closest. Us three were the JAK Pack.

“Ok, I'll go. But Zack Merrick can kiss my butt.”
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:) :) :)

Sooooo Whatcha think?
It's slow, I know, I have a bunch of ideas writing down for this, I'm just having trouble with the beginning. Ideas will be pleasent! :)