We're All Just Actors On A Stage

2. JAK PAK is back!


I packed the last bit of my clothes, I zipped up my second bag then laying it on my bed. I heard a bus pull up in front of my house. I signed. I didn’t bother going down stairs to open the door. They all had there own key, so it didn’t matter. I heard my front door open then shut.

“KINLEY!!!!!” Before I could even turn around, I was being dog piled on my bed. I grunted in pain.
“I think my ribs just got broken. Thank you oh so-freakin-much.” I maneuver my head around to see who just broke me. I rolled my eyes at the lovely pair. Of course, Jack and Alex, who else would it be. I laughed at them grinning real big. They got off of me. When I got up from my bed, I ran and jumped on Jack, wrapping my legs around his torso. He hugged me tight

“AHH! I missed you so much boo-boo.” Jack said using his old nickname for me.

I laughed at him. He put me down, and I ran to Alex doing the same to him as I did with Jack.

“Junior. Why didn't you tell us you was coming with us.” I rolled my eyes as the nickname they gave me as Alex let me down. They always call my brother by his last name, Flyzik. Me and him are like a power team when we work together, so the crew and band gave me the name Junior, short for Flyzik Jr.

“I didnt know till three hours ago, when Matt called me.” I said grabbing my back pack, my laptop case, and my camera bag. Alex got one bag, and Jack got the other one. We made out way downstairs and out the front door to the All Time Low bus.

I smile as I entered the bus. A gush of memories flooded back to me. I chuckled as I walked back to my old bunk, top left, three bunks down. Under Vinny, in the middle of Alex and Jack, and across form Zack. I rolled my eyes as I saw his bunk.

“Kin,” I heard a voice from the back lounge. I turned around to see Zack. He looked different from the last time I saw him. He cut his hair so it was back to being short, he was also buffer. My breath got caught in my throat, and I couldn't think straight. I let out a light sign.

“Look, I feel horrible for what happen. And I really treated you like a total dick. I just really want us to start over again, as friends. McKinley, your my best friend. You know me better then anyone I know. I understand if you don’t forgive me, I wouldn't if I was you. I just wanted to let you know.” I looked at him, unable of what to say. We looked at each other for what seem like forever. He signed then walking back to the back lounge.

“Zack!” He turned around. I walked over to him and gave him a hug around the neck. He picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso.

McKinley Flyzik, what have you gotten yourself into...
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