Status: active

Without You Next To Me I Toss and Turn Like The Sea.

1. Sammi-Sweatheart & Snooks



I paused the tv, a Chicago Blackhawks game was on. It just started five minutes ago. Why Sam wasn't in here, confused me. She was the one that got me started on Hockey. She loved the game just as much as I did. I got up, walking to the kitchen.

“This better be important Sam. The game is on, and why you ain't in there, I have no idea.” My Tennessee accent was bleeding though.

Sam chuckled at my usage of 'ain't.' Sam was my best friend, she was the first person I met when I moved here at sixteen. We had classes together, started talking, then became best friends for life and totally inseparable. I raised my eyebrows, waving my hand on a 'move on gesture.' All she did was hand me a piece of paper, from then on, my life changed, so much. . . .

I packed the last bit of my clothing in my bag, I smiled in content when I zipped it up. A week ago, my roommate, Sam. got a letter. Last month she enter a contest, if she won she, and one other person, would have the chance to hang with the Blackhawks for a month. Well, obviously, she won. So me and her for the next month get all access to the B-Hawks. Plane rides, bus rides, VIP access, VIP seating, you name it, we got it. I walked downstairs with my stuff, Sam's stuff already down there.

“Sammi-Sweetheart, lets go. We gotta be on a plane in two hours.” I heard her groan at the nickname.

“Jezz Snooks, keep your pants on. I'm coming” I was a huge Jersey Shore fan, she on the other hand, hated the show with a passion. Obviously, her name being Samantha, I'm gonna call her Sammi-Sweetheart, wither she likes it or not. Well me being barely 5'2 and being Tennessee, having that slight tan skin. She thought it would be funny to call me that. At least I don't gotta hear the name 'Shawty' anymore. I had enough of that in high school. She came downstairs with her carry-on.

“Got the tickets?” I asked, she nodded her head. We had to fly out to Washington. Everybody was expecting us. A couple of the guys was suppose to pick us up from the airport. We grabbed our stuff, I locking the door in the progress.

We just landed in Washington, standing in the airport looking for some hint of Blackhawks any where. Then, there they was. Patrick Sharp, Adam Burish, and Brent Seabrook. They stood holding a sign that said

'Adisyn Charlotte Story & Samantha Mary McConnell.' in beg red letters.

I chuckled, slightly shoving Sam, she looked at me confused. I pointed to the awkwardly standing Blackhawks. She smirked, then looked raising her eyebrows up and down. I burst out laughing, getting a few stares in the process. I leaded the way towards the three men, Sam following me. As we got closer, I could hear the conversation going on between them, they didnt even notice us coming there way.

“I wonder if there hot?” Seabrook said, looking around. Burish chuckled as Sharp hit him upside the head.

“Ow! What the-” He stopped when we came in front of them, dropping our luggage. I waved at them, Sam chuckling at my hyperness.

“Hi!” I said smiling big. They smiled back at Sam and I. Patrick Sharp was the first one to speak up.

“Hi, I'm Patrick Sharp.” I gave him a hug, Sam following in suit.

“Adam Burish.” He moved forward as he pulled both Sam and I in a hug. We both laughed.

“Brent Seabrook.” He did the same to Sam and I as Burish.

“So are both of you guys from Chicago.” Sharp asked as they helped with our bags.

“Me, I was born and raised. But Syn here moved to Chi-town from Tennessee when she was sixteen.” Sam said putting an arm around me. I rolled my eyes, giving my corner smile.

“Yep, born in Georgia, raised in Tennessee.” I replied, my southern accent showing.

“Yeah, your southern all right.” Burish said, looking back at me, smiling. We all was in the car, we all clicked instantly. Were all laughing and having a good time, I could feel that me and Sam will be insanely close to these three.

“So what do you guys do. Do you two go to school.?” I looked over at Seabrook

“Yeah, we both go to Loyola College. Sam's studying photography, I'm studying meteorology.” I said answering Breezy's questions. Sam was about to talk when my phone interrupted her.

“Same day, I'll be living in a big ole-”

I signed when I saw the name on my phone. Coach Truesome.

“What's up coach?”

“I heard your voicemail. I understand you'll be in and out of town for a month. I hope your aware that I expect you to practice no matter where you are. Your losing your power in your pitching, and your running's became slow. I know I gave the whole team off for a while, but Adisyn, you have amazing potential to go into the major league, not all girls do that. No girl has done that. I just wanna see you excel greatly in this sport. OK.”

“Yes sir, I know. I completely agree with you. My pitching has decrease lately, and something needs to be done about it. I know there's a lot of batting cages in Washington, and I'll hit those up first thing in the morning.”

“Ok Adisyn, I expect it to be amazing, I'll have you come in after you trip to see it.

“Yes sir.”

“Alright, have a good trip, Bye superstar.” I hanged up my phone.

“Coach making you work over break?” Sam asked me. I chuckled a dry laugh.

“Yeah, I told him I'd hit up the batting cages in the morning, I'm losing speed in pitching apparently. I need to work on batting to. Sometimes I wish I stuck to track instead of baseball. Ms. Wyatt was such a pushover when it came to breaks. But, Truesome jezz man, he will work you ass off, even when on break.” I leaned my head back.

“Yes that's true, but Syn your amazing at baseball, your softball coach said you'd be better off as a baseball player, then softball. Girl you have it. Wyatt's the same way if your good. I'm on a crazy workout during this break. You gonna go running with me in the morning.”

I nodded my head. “Coach said that my running was getting slow. Which I don't blame him. It's extremely slow.” I turned my head to the guys, completely forgetting they were there.

“You guys do sports?” Burish asked. I laughed, Sam laughing along with me.

“Yeah, but Sam's the big jock here.” I nudged her shoulder. She gave me a confused look.

“Oh whatever! You did softball, baseball, and basketball from elementary to now.”

“Technically, just baseball.” I said interrupting her.

“Yeah, but who was the first girl in fifteen years to break records at state for our school.” She rolled her eyes.

“Anyways! I-”

“Ok, wait a second. You do track, and you do baseball, correct.” we both nodded our heads

“So why the hell is hockey your favorite sport?”

“Well I grew up watching Hockey, and when Syn moved over here, I got her into it. She's fallen in love ever since.”

“Yeah, and I can't skate to save my life or I'd do hockey, besides I don't even know if I wanna do sports for a living. I mean yeah, if I do get the chance then why the hell not. But if not, it's ok. Not going to hurt me.” Sam rolled her eyes.

“Oh shutup! Your the best outfielder and pitcher we have.” I shoved her slightly.

We arrived at the hotel, the guys helped get our stuff out the trunk. And we high tailed our way in the hotel.
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Heyy Ya'll. So whatcha think. It's slows, I have a bunch of ideas for this story, i just having trouble gettin there. Ideas's would be lovely