My little Girl - the GazettE - Aoi -

“Never let the rain fall form the sky, the blue sky is to beautiful to be covered by clouds.”
  1. One
    How could this have happened to mom? What did she ever do to deserve this?
  2. Two
    But I just can’t help but think that I’m missing something. Is it that I’m becoming lonely?
  3. Three
    “Alright, hear it comes.” I mumbled to myself then took a deep breath. “Four days ago,” I started; the others leaned in on the couches. “I found out that I have,” another deep breath. “A kid.”
  4. Four
    I could not help but feel a bit betrayed by my mom. God rest her soul, I still love her with all my heart, but come off of it, how come she never told me?
  5. Five
    Sixteen more hours until I have my girl.
  6. Six
    But I knew then to that I’d get to know all of him, because at this moment, I just meet my father.
  7. Seven
    It was nice, and it felt good to be like this with Aoi. No, to be like this with my dad[.
  8. Eight
    Aoi glanced back at me and I could see Ruki looking behind him at me, he caught my eyes and he gave me a warm smile. “Hello Skylar-chan.”
  9. Nine
    I finally truly realised that once upon a time they were in love with each other, truly and deeply in love.
  10. Ten
    I shrugged. “It’s alright I suppose, I’m not the only child who has a famous parent.” I gave him a smile. “I’ll live.”
  11. Elven
    I nodded. “The first words I ever said to Alexis was can I help you with something?” I smiled. “What I really wanted to ask her was will you marry me?”
  12. Twelve
    I shrugged. “I don’t know. My period hasn’t exactly popped up in casual conversation.”
  13. Thirteen
    Once the door was fully closed I close my eye, took a deep breath and turned around to face the already packed arena.
  14. Fourteen
    It was a skill that those five men had that made them my favourite band and how they got so into their music was inspiring in it’s self
  15. Fifteen
    Reita chuckled. “Skylar-chan what are you up too?” I smiled slyly. “You’ll see in due time.”
  16. Sixteen
    That lecture left me a bit speechless, all I could do was nod. I could see when he was coming from, but I never expected to be scolded (if you could call it that).