My little Girl - the GazettE - Aoi -


The next day came by fast, after mine and Aoi’s father-daughter moment he spilled the beans about the tour.

“You’re going to Tokyo Dome?” I yelled.

Aoi flinched at my loud voice. “Yes, we got it confirmed today.” He explained.

I bounced on the balls of my feet. “This is actually so awesome!” I squeaked.

Aoi chuckled. “Why do I have the feeling you’re more excited than I am?” he joked.

I shrugged. “Because I get to see it live!” the realisation hit me. “Oh my God I’m seeing the GazettE live at Tokyo Dome. Holy shit!”

Aoi looked at me like I had ten heads. “Are you okay?” he asked wearily.

I tried to stand still and took a few deep breaths. “Yes I’m fine.”

Aoi smiled and ruffled my hair. “Isn’t kind of odd that you being my daughter, you’re freaking out over my band?”

I glanced at him. “Thank you very much Yuu Shiroyama, I’ve been a GazettE fan longer than I’ve know about being you child, I am a fan so this is very exciting to me. The GazettE on stage and off stage are different to me.”

Aoi chuckled and held his hands up defensively. “Alright, alright, I get it.”

I huffed. “Good.” I then turned into the kitchen. “Now can we please have supper?”

Aoi headed in after me. “Yep.”

Now it is Tuesday afternoon and Aoi and myself are seated in front of his laptop at the kitchen table, we are currently on our third website for a privet tutor.

“This lady looks promising.” Aoi muttered.

I skimmed through her bio. “Ten years of high school Japanese and History teaching, twelve years of teaching in Kyushu University in Literature.” I paused for a moment. “That looks pretty good.”

Aoi nodded. “Kyushu is a pretty big time University.” He said. “Do you want to give her a call?”


Aoi sat up from the chair and went over to get the phone, once he received it he came back over by me and sat back in his chair. I took my glasses off and cleaned them off in my shirt and once I had put them back on some one finally answered the phone.

Aoi sat up straight. “Is this the home of Hayashi Kiwayo-san?” the person answered and Aoi relaxed his shoulders a bit. “Good day Hayashi-san, I’m Shiroyama Yuu, I would like to know if you would be able to tutor my daughter.” Her reply was quick and Aoi grew a smile. “Yes that’s wonderful…yes…yes…yes… Actually I was hoping if she’d be able to tutored six times a week…” her answered took some time. “Oh yes that’s fine… yes…yes… If you’re not busy at the moment…yes…Yes thank you.” He hung up.

I raised an eyebrow. “So?”

Aoi smiled. “She can do it.” I let out a sigh of relief. “She is going to be coming over now and meet us and see where you are.” He explained.

I nodded. “Okay.”

It never took Hayashi-san to long for her to arrive at our house, by the time a knock was herd from the door we had some tea steeped.

Aoi gave me a quick smile and an encouraging squeeze on the shoulder as he headed to the front door to greet the woman.

I could hear Aoi’s voice followed by the voice of the Hayashi-san’s. I heard some footsteps in the hall and soon my father and Hayashi-san were in the kitchen.

Aoi cleared his throat and gestured towards me. “Hayashi-san, this is my daughter Skylar.”

She nodded her greying head and gave me a bow. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Skylar-san.”

I bowed back. “You to Hayashi-san.”

Aoi smiled. “Skylar please show Hayashi-san to the living room, would you like some tea?” he asked the lady.

She nodded. “Yes, that would be nice.” She turned back to me.

I gave her a smile. “This way please.” I made my way to the living room with Hayashi-san behind me.

Once we entered the open room she took her place in the armchair and I sat on the couch and turned towards her. Hayashi-san made herself comfortable in the set, she then pulled her large purse on her lap and took out a thin duotang folder. “So Skylar-san, what is it that you would like to focus on in your studies?” she asked.

I shifted in my chair. “Well, pretty much everything I was supposed to learn in Japanese and History from elementary to high school.”

She looked surprised. “That’s a lot to cover.”

I started to fidget with my fingers a bit. “Well I’ve only recently started to live with my father and I’ve never been in a Japanese school before.” I explained. “To be honest I don’t know any Japanese History and I don’t know many Kanjis either.”

The woman pursed her lips in thought. “I understand you situation, and I believe I will be able to teach you all that you’ve missed.” She explained. “How long would you like to have these lessons for?” she asked.

Just as I was about answer Aoi came out of the kitchen with a try of three teacups (Aw God love him, he got me some too), apparently he heard our conversation. “Would we be able to have them from here on to April?” he asked and handed her her tea

Hayashi-san said her thanks. “That should be fine.” She said and sipped on her drink. “But I must ask, what would you like to do when you go on tour Shiroyama-san? Will Skylar be coming with you?”

Aoi nearly choke on his beverage and I’m pretty sure my tea almost came out through my nose. “Pardon?” Aoi asked.

Hayashi-san laughed slightly. “My nephew listens to your band, I am quite up-to-date in the pop culture.” She explained.

Aoi chuckled. “I see.” He tapped on his glass. “I’m not quite sure.” He said. “What would you suggest? Skylar will be accompanying the band.”

Hayashi-san placed her cup down. “Skylar-san how would you feel about doing some ‘homework’ while you’re on tour with your father?”

“I don’t mind.” I told her.

Hayashi-san nodded. “Alright.” She then opened the folder and pulled out some papers with Kanjis on them. “Skylar-san could you please read and write out the Kanjis you see here.” She asked and pointed the first page.

I nodded and sat on the floor in front of the coffee table and reached for the stray pen at the end of the glass top. I glanced down through the page and found that all these Kanjis were pretty easy, I wrote and read each one effortlessly. Hayashi-san was happy with my work and I managed to fly through six out of ten pages. After that I quickly found out that the rest of the pages we’re a lot harder.

I combed hand through my hair. “Okay I have no clue.” I placed the pen down and took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes.

Aoi reached over me and picked up the page. “These are everyday Kanjis.” He said.

Hayashi-san nodded. “Judging by how much you know here you are above a grade five level.” She informed.

I grunted and put my glasses back on. “That sucks.”

Hayashi-san laughed. “Not really, actually it’s quite impressive for someone who’s never been a Japanese school before. Your mother taught you well.” She complemented.

I smiled. “She did.”

Hayashi-san sat back into the chair. “Now, I would like you to read some sentences…”

I’m pretty sure I stayed seated on the floor for a good hour reading and writing more than I’ve ever done in any English class. Aoi went back and forth from the living room to the kitchen, returning each time with a new cup of tea, how much caffeine did I have in that hour, I do not know.

Finally I read the last paragraph for the day, Hayashi-san gave me props and said she would be back in two days time for our first lesson. She gathered her things and headed for the door with Aoi following her out.

I sat back up on the couch and I silently listened to their conversation for a few moments. Aoi gave her a brief explanation of our situation and how I came to be living him after my mothers’ death. Hayashi-san understood and promised that she would keep this information to herself before she left.

Aoi came back into the living room and sat down by me. “Well I don’t know about you but I all of a sudden feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”

I laughed and leaned back into the couch. “Yeah, I do to.”

He grinned and ruffled my hair (seriously why does he keep doing that?) and I swatted his hand away. “Actually I need to talk to you about what’s going to be going on next week.”

I glanced at him curiously. “What’s up?”

He looked a bit nervous. “How would you feel about doing the interview Friday?” he asked.

I chewed the inside of my cheek. “I thought that we would be doing it in September.”

Aoi starched the back of his head. “The tour will be staring a bit earlier than what we thought.” He explained. “So we need to get this out before then, we’ll be recording Red on the eighteenth, the music video will be done on the twentieth and the first day of the tour will be on the twenty-third.” He said.

I sighed. “I don’t really have much of a choice in this do I?”

Aoi shook his head. “I’m afraid not.”

I shrugged. “It’s alright I suppose, I’m not the only child who has a famous parent.” I gave him a smile. “I’ll live.”

Aoi chuckled and put his arm around my shoulders. “You’re a tough girl.” He then though for a moment. “Like your mom.”

I laughed. “I guess.” I leaned ahead and grabbed the remote. “I wonder what’s on T.V?” I asked and leaned back against Aoi.

He hummed in thought. “I believe Transformers is on, want to watch that?”

I nodded and turned on the T.V. “Sure, I love that movie.”
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comments and rates are muched loved <3