My little Girl - the GazettE - Aoi -


Well, packed was certainly one word to describe the audience. They were all standing and chatting away to each other and I could promptly tell that at least sixty percent of them were girls. It was a bit intimidating to know that I never knew one soul in that crowd. I have no friends in this country.

But I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I was pumped to see the GazettE live and nothing was going to bring me down.

Putting on a brave face I made my way to the side of the arena to make it seem like I never came from an ‘employees only’ door (no one noticed me anyways but I did it just in case). One of the security guard noticed me and gave me a smile and directions to where I was to enter the pit. I gave him my thanks and went to arena entrance.

No one looked to me as I made my way down the isle and to the front row, then again I was only looking straight and not to the side, but I could have sworn I seen a Reita cosplayer some were, oh well.

I soon got to the front and slid my way past the thirty odd girls to where my seat was. The group to my right was anxiously chatting about the concert and could hear one of them saying how hot Aoi was. I shuddered, eww! He’s my father for God’s sake. Because of that commentary I decided to focus on the gentle hum of the arena on not one conversation, it was amazing how all of the voices eventually blended together.

I sat down in my seat and pulled my phone for my pocket, Aoi wanted me to text him when I got to my seat.

To dad;
Hey, I’m in the audience now. Good luck!

To Sky;
Alright! We are coming on now, so have fun and thank you!

I made a quick reply before existing out of my texting and going into the games on my phone and clicked on Brick.

About a half hour later the lights began to dim and then shut off, everyone went suddenly quite for a moment and I lost the game by the distraction and looked around for a moment as well before realising what was happening.

The lights on stage casted a red hue and just like that everyone started screaming as I flinched at the sudden noise. I stood up from my chair and shoved my phone back into my pocket as live intro began to play and everyone –including me- began to clap a steady beat as the members began to come out.

First it was Kai, he came out as a layer of fog engulfed the stage floor. The drummer gave the audience a rock on sign with his smile and all the girls squealed. He walked up on the little platform to his drum kit and settled down as the next member came out.

Uruha trotted across the stage, his long coat flared out the smoke as he walked on. He held his arms out and all everyone went nuts but all I did was giggle at his dorkyness. He went to the far end of the stage and his guitar was handed to him.

Next was Reita, he entered with his arm up in air and pointing his finger to the sky, I heard a few girls behind me yelling Reita-sama at the top of their lungs as he stood by Kai’s drum kit and received his bass.

Now it was Aoi. I heard the girl next to me screaming out to Aoi and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. He smiled out and waved his hands to the audience and did a spin along with a silly dance, this time I really did roll my eyes and felt the embarrassment of when a parent did something stupid in front of their children.

One of the crew members gave Aoi his guitar and he slugged the strap over his shoulder. Once the instrument was on comfortably he then looked back out in the audience, he was facing the far end and I could see his eyes scanning the faces. I knew he was looking for me but I didn’t know if my voice was powerful enough for him to hear over everyone else but I gave it a shot. I took a deep breath and yelled out to my father once, twice, and on the third time he looked out in front of him. He glanced at the girls for me and I let out one last fateful call and he then caught sight of me.

He smiled widely and waved frantically at me and I covered my eye with my hand as the girls next to started screaming thinking that Aoi was waving at them. I glance up at my father and he was still smiling, I smiled back and waved slightly as Ruki came up on stage.

His tiny frame came to the front of the stage and everyone started screaming for him and applauding. He shot his fists up in the air and garbed the microphone stand as he turned around and walked towards Kai’s drum kit and all the other members followed suit.

The cymbals were hit twice and Uruha started the intro to Nausea and Shudder. Everyone screamed louder as Uruha played his riff then the rest of the members played, then Ruki yelled into the mic and everyone started to moved across the stage as all of us in the crowed moved and chanted with them as Reita yelled into his mic as Ruki sang. The song then dropped for a moment with only Uruha playing and Kai hitting his cymbal twice before the lyrics started up. The screaming died down and everyones hands were waving in the air.

So long hikari no mukoue
So long namonaki jiyuue
So long huanwo nomikome
So long dareyorimo takaku tobe

The fast rapping lyrics came in and everyone on and off staged moved to the music. Again Reita started yelling in his mic and all of us in the crowed did the same. We all moved and danced to the first verse and then once again simply moved our hands and chanted not-so-violently for the pre-course.

Then, as Ruki began rapping once again everyone jolted their head forward as Reita yelled LOOP. I was tempted to do so but from previous concert experience I did not want to risk another strained neck and broken glasses, so I opted for shoving my fist in the air instead while still giving the song justice.

Then the song came to it’s soft verse. We all chanted and swayed as it progressed to the music pause where Ruki did his hand movements above his head and we all clapped to the beat before the solos came.

The solos were one of the biggest reasons why I loved this song, how they managed to make them so graceful and raw at the same time was beyond me. It was a skill that those five men had that made them my favourite band and how they got so into their music was inspiring in it’s self, and as I watched my father play his solo I was proven right.

His eyes were on his guitar and his fingers slid up and down on the neck. He had hit every single note to perfection and played everything by heart. I could tell that right then his music ment the world to him and everything else just died down a bit, I wondered if he could even see or hear anyone else, or even cared. But then his eyes glanced up and they had met mine. They where shining with happiness and joy, and in that moment I had realised that his music wasn’t the only thing that was important to him, but I was also just as meaningful to him, and that made me proud to be his daughter.

Aoi’s solo then ended and Uruha picked it up, and like my father, he too was lost in his music as he played. I watched as moved his finger up and down the frets and never missed a note, I had to wonder what kind of a drive they all had to be feeling when they played on stage liked that?

His solo soon played their last notes and Ruki began to sing again with the audience chanting along with Reita. I watched as all the members play, how they moved differently to certain parts and swayed to each tune, and even how Kai’s facial expression changed. But now, they were having fun and we all moved and chanted with them as the song soon came to it’s end.

We all clapped and yelled out for a moment before the next song came on, then I sang to Shiver.


“Thank you Nagoyo! Thank you Nagoyo!” The drums pounded and the guitars gave their final screech as Kantou Dogeza Kumiai ended and Ruki yelled into the mic. “Matanee!”

All of us cheered and clapped as each one of the members started to exist the stage and giving us all one final wave and few clumsy bows. Kai was the last to leave and before he did so he threw his drum sticks into the audience.

Once they were all gone some around lingered for a moment and chatted excitedly while others made their way out of the stadium.

I squeezed my way through the people and followed the crowed out and managed to slip my way into one of the doors without being noticed. The door led to a long empty hall and I wondered for a moment if this was the right way to go, but even if it wasn’t there was no way I was going back out there and get trampled.

I walked down the empty hall and turned right and walked around for a little while, the live house wasn’t to big anyways, I’d figure out where I was going. Sure enough I started to hear some voice down a hall and I followed them.

Opening the door I seen the bustle of the crew, I think I was mistaken for a stray fangirl for a moment judging by how on first glance their faces went from surprised to relief, it made me if something like this has happened before.

Walking around back backstage for a moment I soon found the gazette’s dressing room and seen the five men laughing and smiling while sitting down out of breath or lying on the floor.

I smiled at the sight and clapped my hands earning their attention. “You guys were wonderful!” I said in a horsed voice.

Reita laughed from the floor. “You sound awful.”

I laughed as well. “You’re not the only one tired. Everything hurts and I sound like a donkey.”

Aoi chuckled from the couch and patted the spot between him and Kai. “Come sit.”

I did and plopped down between the two men. I rested my head on his shoulder and he placed his arm around me.

Aoi glanced down at me and rubbed my shoulder. “Tired?” he asked.

I nodded my head and felt my eyes weighing down. “A bit.” I mumbled.

Aoi laugh a bit. “We’ll be returning to the hotel soon.” He promised.

Once again I nodded and sure enough the staff and crew quickly got everything back in order and the gazette members changed out of their costumes and back to their regular clothes. In less then two hours we were back at the hotel. I quickly changed in the bathroom out of my clothes and in to my comfy P.J’s before flopping on my bed and closed my eyes and waited for sleep to take me over. And as I waited I heard Aoi come out of the bathroom and chuckle at the sight of his daughter curled up on the covers. He came over to my bed and started muttering something about catching a cold and breaking my glasses before pulling the covers at the end of my bed over my shoulders and removing my glasses. He stayed there for a moment longer, and he then leaded down and gave me a kiss on the for-head.

He pulled away and gave my head a gentle pat. “I love you.” He said before turning around and slipping into his bed.

As he laid there I opened my eyes slightly. “Love you more.”

He opened his eyes for a second and gave me a smile before saying good night, sleep then taking us over.
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Arn't I nice :D ? I give you the next chapter in a DAY!
With the last few lines I had put in a bit of "My Little Girl"'s lyrics :)
Rates and comments are muched loved!