My little Girl - the GazettE - Aoi -


Buzz Buzz Buzz

I flipped to my other side and pulled the blanket under my chin.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

I turned on my back and flung my arm over my eyes.


"God damn it! WHAT?"

Aoi poked his head out of the bathroom and gave me a weird look. You'd think by now he'd know I'm not a morning person.

I snatched my phone off the hotel's end table, flipped it open to a twitter notification on my screen and tilted my head. "It's Kai's birthday?" I asked aloud, the screen still fuzzy from my lack of vision. Where did I put my glasses again?

I heard Aoi spit into the sink before coming out of the bathroom. "Pardon?"

"One of his fans sent me a tweet to wish him a happy birthday."

Aoi hummed of a moment before his phone went off as well. He quickly checked it and chuckled to himself. "I just got one as well,” his phone buzzed again. "Oh, and another."

Letting my phone slip through my fingers I feel back on my bed and rubbed my eyes. "I can't believe it's the second half of the tour already."

Aoi sat down on my bed and patted my knee. "Time sure flies."

That I had to agree with. The first half of the tour went by in almost a blur, almost every day there was another live, we never stayed in a hotel for over two days and my suitcase remained packed the whole time. I wasn't in the audience for all the lives but I watched them all from the side, and again I remember my conversation with Mayu-san (it seemed to be that she became my go-to lady for girl talk, thank God), none of them were the same.

With a stretch of my back I casted my legs off the bed and made my way over to the T.V stand in search of my missing glasses.

I heard Aoi laugh behind me and poked my shoulder with something. Turning around I was happily greeted with my black frames. "You left them on while you were sleeping. Again."

A chuckle escaped my lips as I slipped on my glasses, Aoi's face coming into clear view. "Thanks dad."

He smiled and ruffled my hair. "No problem."

Walking the few steps to the other side of the hotel room I un-zipped my suite case and fished out my clothes, upon feeling the cold October chill tickle along my skin from the open window I decide on the warmest clean clothes I currently had. Once I had my outfit gathered in my arms I headed into the bathroom and closed the door behind me as I let Aoi get changed in the main room and I in the on-suite. This was sort of a routine we had going on for us.

I quickly changed out of my warm cotton bottoms and slipped on a pair of new black skinnies. I quickly took off my tee-shirt and pulled my long black tang-top with white dots, it hung very loosely over my small frame and draped down to the ends of my thighs. Before I could feel another chill I grabbed my yellow hoddie and tugged that on over my head and intently felt the soft fuzziness inside of the garment, a wonderful shield from the harsh cold air.

Once I was dressed I decide to go with a simple make-up, powder foundation, thin black eyeliner, and mascara. When that was done I yanked my hairbrush through my black locks and combed through the stubborn knots and I grabbed a stray bobby pin from the bathroom counter and clipped my long bangs back out of my face.

All of this took about five minutes and I gave my final result one quick look over. Eh, good enough. At least I was warm, which was all that mattered.

Before leaving the bathroom I gave a quick knock on the door and asked Aoi if he was decent, he confirmed that he was.

Stepping out of the bathroom I made my back over to my site case and shoved my dirty clothes back in the luggage as I took out my pink Skullcandy headphones.

"You ready to go?" Aoi asked.

I nodded and stood up while placed the chunky headphones around the back of my neck. I followed Aoi out of the hotel room and grabbed my iPod and phone off of the end table as I made my way out to the door and out in the hall as Aoi shut the door behind us. Once the two of us had entered the hall, the door opened across from us and the figure of the bassist emerged out.

I smiled and nudged Reita's hip with my elbow. "Good morning."

The blonde man chuckled and picked me up clean off the ground as I let out a squeak of surprise "Good morning Skylar-chan!" he chirruped as he swung me around.

"Reita! Put me down!" I bellowed, anger completely lacking in my voice. Aoi stood next to us and shook his head and told Reita not to hurt me, he too never had any real disapproval.

I was placed back down on feet and Reita patted my head. “She’s a strong girl.” He said.

Literally am. I thought to myself, but decided not to voice that.

A few feet away another door opened, and before said man could turn around to greet the rest of us I already had him in a hug.

“Happy birthday Kai!”

The drummer took a step back at the sudden weight around his shoulders, but he immediately laughed and hugged me back, and once again I was lifted off of my feet.

“Thank you so much sweetie!” He exclaimed before once again putting me back on my feet.

I wrapped my arm around his. “How does it feel to be twenty-nine?”

He simply sighed. “Old.”

“Twenty-nine is not old Yutaka.” Said Aoi.

“You’d know.” I said and let go of Kai’s arm as he went over to his band mates.

Reita patted his back. “Happy birthday Kai.” Aoi smiled and placed his hand on Kai’s shoulder briefly, also wishing him a happy birthday. The drummer smiled and said his thanks. Shortly after that Uruha and Ruki came out of their rooms, after wishing Kai a happy birthday the six of us were shortly at the live house.

As usual, the arena was live with a bustle of staff and crew, everyone seemed like they wanted to be in three places at once. By the time we (or should I say Uruha and myself) reached the dressing room, Kai and Ruki were taken by the manager for a brief meeting about the stage set up, Reita was gone with one of his bass technicians, and Aoi had to go see about an issue with one of his amps. Leaving the lead guitarist and I to head off to the dressing room.

Once we entered the room Uruha was immediately rushed to one of the styling chairs, a tall dark haired lady stood in front of him and she began to apply his foundation, while I sat down on the couch and quietly watched the two.

During the transition between hair and makeup, Uruha finally seemed to have noticed me staring. “I’m surprised you’re not reading.”

I shrugged my shoulders slightly. “I wasn’t really in the mood for reading today.”

“Well, that’s odd for you.” That made me laugh a bit. “Are you in the mood for something else?” he asked, and then winced a bit when the stylist tugged on his hair, she gave him an apologetic smile.

A sigh escaped my lips. “I’m not sure,” I said. “Maybe.”

Uruha raised an eyebrow. “Is there something wrong?”

I shook my head. “No, not really.”

This didn’t seem to satisfy him. “Anything I can help with?”

Before I could say no something had came to my attention and brought a smile to my lips. “Actually, yes.”

The guitarist perked up. “What is it, sweetie?”

“I heard before that you did a lot of jogging, is that right?”

Uruha nodded his head. “Yes, I do. Usually every morning or at night if I never got a chance to do it earlier.” He tilted his head, before the lady made him straighten it. “Why?”

I started to play with the string of my hoodie, a little bit shy to continue. “Well, I was wondering if I could join you?”

The guitarist apparently didn’t see that coming. “You want to come jogging with me?” he exclaimed, completely surprised.

“If you don’t mind that is.” I added

Immediately Uruha nodded his. “Of course you can join me Sky!” he smiled. “I was just surprised, I never thought you would be into jogging.”

I smiled. “I was love running, actually, I love almost all types of sports.”


“Mm-hmm, I was in,” I paused for a moment to count, “volley-ball, soccer, basket ball, rugby, cross country running, gymnastics, and cheerleading in school. Well, not gymnastics, I did that outside of school.”

Uruha, and even the stylist, stared at me in aw. “That’s… A lot.” Said the lady.

“But cheerleading is not a real sport though.” Uruha pointed out.

I groaned. “Out of all of the physical activities I do, cheerleading is the one that tires me out the most. And cheerleading, along with gymnastics, are one of the most dangerous sports I’m in.” I placed a hand on my hip. “Athletes lift weights, cheerleaders lift athletes.”

The guitarist chuckled. “Still doesn’t count.”

“Dude!” I exclaimed and walked over to him. “Feel my abs!” I said and lifted up my hoodie, my tank-top now showing. “They are rock hard! And I these were from cheerleading and gymnastics.”

Uruha smiled but humored me anyways and poked my stomach, but he apparently didn’t expect to know that I was indeed telling the truth.

“Holy shit!” he bellowed and pressed his fist on my stomach. “You actually have abs!”

I smiled triumphantly. “See?”

“What the heck?” Uruha, the stylist, and myself turned to see the figure of Ruki and Reita standing in the doorway. “What’s going on?” asked the vocalist.

“Proving that cheerleading is a sport. I have abs from it.” I walked over to the two men and made them poke my stomach.

“My god Skylar-chan! You have better abs than I do.” Ruki laughed.

The poor bassist was still baffled. “I would never have known.” He chuckled. “You must really love cheerleading.”

“Well, I like it a lot, but I don’t per say love it.” I explained. “I can honestly go with out it, I don’t need to be in it, I only really joined because of the gymnastics.”

“You’re in gymnastics?” asked Ruki, I nodded.

“What can you do?” the bassist added.

“What do you want me to do?”

Uruha shrugged. “I don’t know, something?”

I nodded once again, stretched my wrists, ankles, and neck, before stepping back to give myself enough room. Once I was safe from hitting anything I leaned forward on to my hands and lifted my body up in the air, feet off the ground and my arms straight as could be, my balance was perfect and my body had no fear of moving from my hands.

I heard everyone suck in a breath for a moment but then I heard someone clap. “Wow Skylar-chan, that’s awesome!” Uruha said.

“This isn’t really anything.” I pointed out, and it truly wasn’t. Handstands were very basic by them selves. Now, if I was doing them on the bars, then that would be much more impressive. But this was pretty boring and after a few more seconds I bent my back forwards and let my feet touch the ground on the other side from where I previously started and in a fluent motion I went from a brief bridge to back straight on my feet in front of Reita. “They’re really easy if you have the upper body strength.”

The bassist chuckled. “I’d never be able to do that.”

I shrugged. “If you tried you could.” As I said that I noticed a new figure emerge from behind Reita’s back from the doorway. “Oh, hello Mayu-san.”

The light technician smiled. “Good morning Skylar-chan, how are you?”

“I’m fine,” I said. “Just showing off a few tricks.”

“Amazing tricks!” Uruha added, I laughed.

Mayu-san giggled and placed down the arm full of papers and other office like supplies on the couch. “To bad I missed it,” she said. “By the way, it’s Kai-san’s birthday today, right?”

I nodded. “It is, I wonder where he’s to?”

The technician sighed. “He’s working hard now.”

“I don’t think that’s very fair to him,” Ruki voiced out. “He gets worked like a dog everyday, he should at least cut back a bit on his birthday, I’m sure all of us could handle some of his duties for one day.”

Mayu-san nodded. “I fear that he will get sick if he continues to over work himself to much. He’s done it before.”

Reita hummed in agreement. “He honestly doesn’t care what happens to himself, so long as everyone is doing okay and everything is running smoothly.”

“But that just makes Kai, Kai.” Added the guitarist.

That, we all had to agree with. Although I haven’t know Kai personally for a long period of time, his absolute drive on making sure everything was perfect and everything was going according to plan was a quality that I quickly picked up on after a few days of touring with the GazettE. Because of this trait I had almost full confidence that if it wasn’t for Kai’s wonderful leadership skills I don’t think that the GazettE would have made it nearly as far or nearly as successful as what the are now. That wasn’t to say that Kai was more superior to all the other members, oh no. Each one of them contributed equally to the band and each member brought with them something to make the GazettE one of Japan’s greatest rock group today. But it was Kai who was the one that directed this ship, Kai was the one that everyone leaned on when they didn’t know what to do, Kai was the glue that held the GazettE together. He was the foundation, he was the sturdy bass, he was the leader, and for a dran good reason. So you’d think he’d get a break, just for today.

But alas, Kai was far to needed to take even a moments rest. It made me wonder if he truly did know how important he was to everyone. He’s so modest, I highly doubted he praised himself often.

And that was when a wonderful idea hit me.

“Mayu-san,” I called out to the technician. “Are you going to be busy for the rest of the day?”

The petite lady glanced at me. “No, I’m done my duties now. Why?”

I smiled and picked up the large page of Bristol board and a permanent marker. “Do you mind tagging along with me for the rest of the day?” I asked.

“I don’t mind,” she said. “But what’s going on?” she asked.

“I’ll tell you in a moment. Just come with me please.” She never said anything back but agreed anyways.

Reita chuckled. “Skylar-chan what are you up too?”

I smiled slyly. “You’ll see in due time.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Issue 1) I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING~ I really really really am T.T
I recently got a job and unfortunately I am kept over time every night -.- , but I love my co-workers and I get free movies, so I suppose working at a theatre is alright :), just a few hundred dollars more until I'm finished saving up for Latvia~
Issue 2) I had to re-write this chapter about twenty times because it just wan't working for me and I kept getting frustrated >.< , I'm still not totally please with this but it gets what I pretty much wanted to get across so that good I suppose :) , I will admit that I am trying to squish a lot of things in this chapter but I didn't want to go over eight pages, if I wanted to continue with the rest of this chapter it would have ended being fifteen or more, but I thought that would be too much, so might as well make it into chapter sixteen. Now I finally know where the next two chapters are going so that will make in between waits not so long :)
Issue 3) I start mid-terms on monday and I haven't really started studying yet T.T !! I'm screwed~ , so after chapter sixteen there will be no more chapter coming out for about a week prior. Sorry~

Well I hoped you enjoyed this chapter~, comments and rates are muched loved!!