My little Girl - the GazettE - Aoi -


Five days, it’s been five long gruelling days. When the heck is Mrs. Bishop coming back?

“Calm down Sky.” Alex said. “She said she would be back by the fourth, you still have one more day.”

I groaned. “I know that, it’s just so hard.”

“What I still can’t believe,” said Carlie. “Is that Aoi is your dad. Like, holy crap, your dad is, like, famous.” The amazement still in her voice as she continued to re-live this insane revaluation.

“I told you you looked like him.” Bridget added.

I whined. “I know, it’s just it still hasn’t sunk in yet that he is my dad.” I said. “I mean, I’ve been in to the Gazette for, what, three years.” I walked over to my friends and sat down with Alex on the couch. “How could my mom not tell me that Aoi is my dad. I had like a thousand Gazette posters on my wall, I told her Aoi’s real name, and she still never told me he was my dad.” I grumbled. The day I found out that my father’s name was Yuu Shiroyama I nearly passed out. The man who I’ve been idolising for the past three years, who inspired me to pick up a guitar and play, who I always wanted to met someday, and who I always admired turns out to be my father! I could not help but feel a bit betrayed by my mom. God rest her soul, I still love her with all my heart, but come off of it, how come she never told me?

“I just can’t believe mom.” I mumbled.

“Well,” said Bridget. “What did you expect her to do? Come up to you and say oh by the way, that man on your wall is your father, surprise?”

“No…” I muttered.

Alex put his arm around me. “She was defiantly going to tell you when you were older.” He said, then took his arm back.

I shrugged. “Maybe.”

Just then we all heard a car pull up in Bridget’s driveway.

Bridget raised an eyebrow. “My parent’s aren’t supposed to be home for another hour.” She said.

Carlie set down the fuschia nail polish she was putting on her toes and hopped over to the window on one leg.

“Dude, I think that’s Mrs. Bishop.” She exclaimed.

“What really?” I asked and ran over to the large window and a blonde woman came out of a yellow car. “It is!” I yelled.

Running down stairs I made it before Mrs. Bishop did and opened the door for her.

“So what happened?” I asked. “Did you talk to him? How was it? What did he say? How did he take it?”

Mrs. Bishop laughed. “Wow now, one step at a time.” She said once she was in the house and I closed the door behind her. “Lets go up stairs and talk.” She suggested.


Once we got up stairs into the living room, I sat down once again by Alex and Mrs. Bishop sat in the armchair with Carlie and Bridget on the floor.

“So?” I asked. “What happened?”

“Well,” she started. “Mr. Shiroyama was… confused about what was going on, but he took it rather well, for someone find out he had a daughter.”

“You didn’t tell him that I knew who he was right?” I asked.

She shook her head. “I never, I only told him that you knew we found him. I did not tell him you knew about him and his band.”

I sighed. “Good. Carry on.”

“He was a bit hesitant at first about it and he was not sure what to make of it. His lawyer, another local Social Worker and myself tried to explain what was going on but he got frustrated under the pressure witch is understandable.

“Anyway, he left his lawyer’s office and I followed him out. He was quite irritated but then I showed him your school picture, and well… ” She dragged off with a smile

“What? What’d he do?” I asked quickly.

She smiled again. “I can’t even describe his face, but he looked so happy and I swear his eyes were sparkling.”

I felt a smile on my face. “Really?” I asked.

She nodded. “I asked him if he feel in love with you. He asked if he did what did it mean.”

“What did you say.”

“I told him he was already a father to you.” She said.

“Really?” I asked I knew my eyes were glowing, Mrs. Bishop nodded. “Then what?”

“Well he left after that but I could tell he was in a better mood.” She explained. “Then about two hours later I got a call from him saying…” She said, teasing me.

“Saying.” I insisted almost jumping out of my set.

She then smiled. “Saying that he wants to take you in.” She finally said.

I fell back in the couch. “He did?” I asked dazed.

She nodded. “He told me that he wanted his daughter.” She then sighed happily. “Even though he never met you yet, he already loves you.”

I felt myself smile and I also felt tears run down my face, I didn’t really know why I’m crying, but I do know that I’m overjoyed. I always wanted to know my father and I always wished that he would be a cool and fun dad that I could spend time with and finally be able to have the father daughter relationship I heard of in so many songs.

And now I can, and what makes it even better is that I already look at my dad as my hero.

I felt Alex put his arm around me. “Why are you crying?” he asked, I could hear the smile in his voice.

I tried to wipe away my tears but it was no use. “I’m just happy.” I blubbered. “I always wanted to met my dad, and now I’m not only meting my dad, but also my hero.”

“Your not just going to met him,” Carlie added. “You’ll be living with him.” She said and pushed my knee playfully.

“So when is she leaving?” Bridget asked Mrs. Bishop.

“He said, if it’s okay with Skylar, he would like her to be there by the end of the week.” she told us. “Will that be okay with you?” she asked me.

I nodded. “That’s okay.” I said.

She smiled. “Alrighty then, I’m going to go now and leave you to your packing and I’ll be here by the end of the day to get your stuff. We’ll be sending yours belongings up to Japan little by little so you don’t have to worry about getting all your things when your at the air port.” She explained. As she got up from her set she turned to Bridget. “Bridget, could you please tell your parents to call me?” she asked. “I have to explain to them what Skylar is doing.” At the moment Bridget’s parents are look after me.

Bridget nodded. “Sure.”

“Thank you.” She said and made her was to the staircase. “I’ll see you later Skylar.”

I nodded. “Yup.” Then she left.

Once she was gone none of us said anything for a moment. The silence was so loud but we did not know how to fill it. We all wanted to say something, but we couldn’t.

Soon I heard a sniffle and I glanced down at Carlie with her head down and tears in her eyes. I quickly got up off the couch and hugged her witch she returned and began to cry a bit louder. I rubbed her back and told her it was okay.

“I know it is.” She said. “But still, we don’t want you to go.” She sobbed. “We have all been together since we were kids.”

“It’s not going to be the last time I’ll see you guys.” I told them, Bridget looked like she was about cry and Alex was trying his best to be strong for us like always. “We’ll still talk, I’ll call and I’ll go on Facebook more often, and I’ll come up and visit. Maybe someday you guys could come up to Japan with me.” I suggested. I tried my best to sound positive for them, but honestly I was heartbroken to.

“But,” Alex said. “We all know you need to go, and I don’t want to stop you form being with your dad.” He said. “We will miss you like hell, but at the same time I don’t think you should stay here when you should be you your family.” I glanced up at him and seen his expression was sad but at the same time determined.

Bridget nodded to. “I don’t want to keep you from you family either.” She admitted.

I smiled. “I know.”

Carlie then stopped crying and let go of me. “Just promise that you’ll still keep in contact.” She said sternly.

I laughed. “’Kay.”
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I never did like this chapter lol, i knowww fillers suck xD rates and comments are much loved :D