My little Girl - the GazettE - Aoi -


I hate and love mornings. I hate it when you wake up and you can taste the God awful morning breath in your mouth from sleeping with it opened, I hate it when you have to find someway to drag your but out of the cosy warmth of your bed, and I hated how my hair always finds some sort of way to deify gravity!

But I loved breakfast. I think that’s the only thing that can get me up. That and it being eleven in the afternoon.

With a grunt of protest and a long debate of weather I can give myself five more minutes of lala land, I was at last able to swing my legs over the side of my matters and great my feet with the rug. When did I get a rug?

Ah, right. I live with my dad. Strange how easy it was to forget that.

With a stretch of the back and a long deep yawn I pulled my body up off of the bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes before putting my glasses back on.

Walking the full twelve steps from my bed to the hall I was greeted with the wonderful smell of cooking eggs and toast followed by the deep rumble of my belly.

“Aoi?” I called out while making my way to the kitchen.

There was a clatter from the other side of the wall followed by what I assume to be a curse word in Japanese that I never knew as I stepped into the white room. “Hey Skylar.” Aoi greeted me while picking up a pan that fell. “How did you sleep?” he asked.

I went over to the fridge and pulled out a carton of milk. “It was good, the bed is really comfy.” I said. “How long have you been up?” I asked.

Aoi flipped an egg. “Hmm, since ten thirty, around then.” He said and I nodded. “How do you like your eggs?” he asked.

“Sunny-side up.”

He chuckled. “Me to.” A flip to the other egg. “Skylar could you get the plates please?”

I nodded and opened the cabinet that held the plates and bowls, the plates were on the upper shelves so I jumped up on the counter to get them. “Here you go.” I said handing the plates to Aoi.

Aoi took them. “Thank you.” He said. “But I have to tell you, they won’t be as good as Alexis’s.”

I took my plate. “Mom cooked for you?” I asked as Aoi took up his own plate and turned off the stove.

“Yep,” he replied and took the plate of toast to the tabled, I flowed. “I would have never liked eggs this way if she never cooked them for me.” He said with a smile and sat down.

I sat down to. “How often did she cook for you?” I asked.

“All the time.”


He nodded. “Yep. How are the eggs?” Aoi asked when I took a bite.

“It’s good.” I said. “But not as good as moms.” I joked.

He chuckled. “I’ll take that.”

I grinned and took another bit after Aoi took his first. “What time do you think we can start heading out?” I asked.

“After breakfast. That alright with you?”

I nodded. “That’s fine.” He hummed in agreement and we returned to our breakfast.

It didn’t take us long to finish our meal, the eggs were indeed good and I was grateful Aoi didn’t make a full out Japanese breakfast, that would of taken much longer to eat.

Once we cleaned our dishes we went into out own rooms and got ready, I was in and out of the shower in a few minutes and I pulled out the first dress that was packed away in some stray box in my room and somehow managed to find my makeup and curling iron in the same box.

Plugging in the curler and letting that heat up I dried my hair for a few minutes and let the rest dry by it’s self while I applied a tiny bit of foundation and mascara on, not in the mood for eyeliner today. Once that was done I changed into the apricot dress and began to curl my hair a bit before pulling it up into a low messy bun.

I turned off the iron and stood back and gave myself on glance over before going to brush my teeth. Pretty good. I thought as I headed to the bathroom.

Once my mouth felt fresh and clean I walked out into the living room where Aoi was patiently waiting.

“Sorry for taking so long.” I said once he turned to me.

Aoi shook his head. “It’s okay.” He said. “You look pretty.”

I smiled. “Thank you.” He returned it. “Do you think we can walk?” I asked.

Aoi nodded. “I think that would be nice, we’ll look around here first then go more into the city, is that okay?”

“Yeah that’s fine.” I replied as Aoi stood up.

“Alright so lets get going.”


We left at ten thirty in the morning and it was now four fifty two. Both of our feet were killing and our arms were sore from all the bags we now carried, they had to be at least forty pounds. It was such a relief to finally be able to sit down at last, even if the bench outside some convince store was slightly uncomfortable.

“So, what’s next?” I asked Aoi.

He looked down at his watch. “Well, we have been out for about six and a half hours, I think we should be calling it a day soon.” He suggested.

I hummed in agreement; we went to every kind of store I liked from books to sports so at the moment I never really had anything else in mind. “We should go get something to eat first.” I suggested.

Aoi nodded. “That sounds good, how about Okonomiyaki?”

I tilted my head. “What?

Aoi looked surprised. “You don’t know what that is?” He asked and I shook my head. “Well then, this should be new for you.”

I glanced at him nervously. “Is it good?”

Aoi thought for a moment. “It’s kind of like pizza but in a pancake form.”

I tried to think about my Japanese food knowledge. “Is that the stuff that they give you it in a bowl and you pour it out on this table grill thing and they kind of look like omelettes?”

Aoi nodded. “Yes that’s what it is.”

“Oh! Okay yeah let’s go there.”

“Okay.” Aoi and I both stood up. “I believe the closest one should be around the next two blocks.” I nodded and followed. Unfortunately though we never got to far before Aoi’s cell phone began to ring wildly in his pocket.

With a grunt Aoi pulled out his iPhone. “Yes.” There was a reply. “Oh hey Kai, what’s up.”

I glanced up curiously. Kai?

The drummer said something to Aoi, which caused him to sigh. “Yeah I know but I’m kind of busy now.” He glanced down at me. “I know it’s due soon.” Another reply. “What really?” once again Aoi sighed. “How long would it take?” Kai’s reply took some time. “I suppose…Yeah…Yeah... Okay... Sure… See you in a bit.” He hung up.

I raised an eyebrow. “What’s up?”

He sighed. “Do you mind if we go to my work for a few minutes.”

I glance up at him. “No I don’t mind.” I said.

Aoi smiled a bit. “Alright, thanks.”


It was only a short walk from where we were to the PSC office, it took us a little less then ten minutes, but sure enough here we are standing inside of the cool foyer. It looked pretty normal for a bussing building, front desk, lounge chairs, it was basic. I don’t know if I was expecting people to be scurrying around in a blind panic or if there would be strobe lights. Well, this was a music business after all.

Aoi placed a hand on my upper back. “This way Skylar.” He led with me in stride.

It was lest then ten steps to the elevators and Aoi quickly pushed the ‘up’ button; it took a while for the machine to come down. The doors opened and we stepped inside, Aoi pushed the button for the thirteenth floor.

We waited for a few seconds for the doors to close and I soon felt us rising. “A new single?” I asked.

Aoi chuckled. “Yeah, it’s due in September, I have to go over a few of the notes for one of the songs, we are a bit at a block but it’s slowly starting to work it’s self out.” He explained.

I hummed in understandment. “I haven’t heard of it yet though.” I said.

Aoi nodded. “We haven’t come up with a pacific release date yet so that’s why it’s not public.” He said. “But there is also a few other thing that we have to work out as well.” He added a bit nervously.

I glanced up. “Like what?”

He starched the back of his head. “Well, I’m pretty sure you know by now that we are going on tour, so…”

Ah. “I see, you’re not to sure what to do with me yet, right.”

Aoi nodded. “Yeah.” The doors opened and we stepped out. “Well you’re going to have to come on tour with us, I can’t leave you home alone at this age.” He said.

I nodded understandingly. “Oh I know that, it doesn’t bother me, I kind of figured I would be coming with you guys anyways for a while.” I said. “I promise I won’t be any trouble.”

“I know you won’t,” he said. “It’s just that there are a couple of other things that we are still trying to figure out with you.”

“Like what?”

“Well,” he started. “For instance, school. If you were to go back to school next month you’d be in grade nine again, I’ve seen your report cards and you really do not need to go back to junior high.” He said.

I let out a sigh of relief. “Yeah I really don’t want to do repeat.” I said.

“You won’t but we’ll discus schooling later.” He stopped at a door, a piece of paper with ‘the Gazette’ written on it. “You okay?” he asked.

I nodded and he opened the door and we both stepped inside.

I kept one step behind him as we entered, I could faintly hear a few people talk but they were in a different area that was blocked by a wall.

“This way.” Aoi directed but dropped the bags by the couch on the far wall, I did the same.

I went with him to where the voices were coming from, there had to be about six or so people there, I could easily pick out the Gaze members, the other voice must have been the manager.

Aoi stepped into the room and I stayed behind him, sort of hidden by Aoi. “Hello.” He greeted.

“Ah! Aoi-san!” I assumed this to be their manager.

“Good afternoon Sakai-san.” Ha! I was right. “How are you?”

“Good.” He replied.

This time I heard Kai’s voice. “Thank you so much for coming down Aoi!” he said. “We won’t keep you to long.”

Now it was Reita, I could see him and Ruki a little bit from behind Aoi. “Where’s Skylar-chan?” he asked. “She back home?”

Aoi chuckled. “No, she’s here with me.” I felt myself lean back into the wall.

Uruha piped in. “Really? Where is she?” he asked, no trouble to hear his excitement.

Aoi glanced back at me and I could see Ruki looking behind him at me, he caught my eyes and he gave me a warm smile. “Hello Skylar-chan.”

I smiled shyly back. “Hello.” And Aoi stepped ahead and I entered the room.

I felt a bit overwhelmed but not enough too completely shy away. “Hello.” I said once again.

The other men in the small area all gave me the same soft look; it kind of made me feel like a newborn baby. It was a little bit nerve wracking but not intimidating.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Skylar-chan.” Uruha greeted me with a bow.

I returned the jester. “It’s nice to meet you too Uruha-san.”

“Ah,” The blonde guitarist looked at Aoi. “You told her who we are.” He said. “Oh and please just Uruha is fine sweetie.” He said to me, giving a kind smile, which I returned and nodded.

Aoi chuckled. “I never needed to, she has been a GazettE fan for a few years now so it seems.” He said proudly.

Kai look surprised. “Really?” he glanced down at me. “Do you know who I am?” he asked.

I nodded. “Kai-san.”

Kai showed off his dimple. “Oh the [I[‘san’ is not necessary.” He said. “Just Kai is fine.”

“Oh, okay.” I smiled. “So, Kai?”

He nodded and shook my hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you at last Skylar-chan.” He said.

I laughed. “It’s nice to meet you to.”

Reita chuckled and stood up from his chair. “It’s wonderful to meet you Skylar-chan.” He said and held out his hand.

I smiled. “It’s nice to meet you to Reita-san.” I said and shook his hand; I did my best not to stare at his bare nose. Why did he cover it up? It’s so cute!

He laughed. “No need for the ‘san’.” He smiled. I smiled and nodded.

Ruki gave me another smile and stepped out from behind Reita. “It’s great to finally meet you Skylar-chan.” He took my now extended hand. “The ‘san’ won’t me needed for me either.”

I flashed him a smile. “It’s nice to meet you as well Ruki.” I let go of his hand and then turned to Sakai. “And it’s nice to meet you too Sakai-san.” I added with a bow.

The manager bowed back. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Skylar-chan.” He said happily then turned his attention to Aoi. “Now then Aoi-san, let’s go over what you’ve missed.”

Aoi nodded and took a seat at the rectangle table and I stayed up by the wall. “Skylar you can sit over in that arm chair if you’d like.” He said.

I took a glance at the chair in the corner of two floor length windows. “Oh, yeah, sure.” I made my way over and perched myself in the leather seat and glanced outside watching the people in the streets.

Sakai cleared his throat. “Now then, Aoi-san we have went over a few details about the single.” he begun.

I saw my father nod through the window. “Yes.”

The manager handed him a piece of paper. “Well for starters…” I tuned out of their conversation and rummaged through my purse. Where is it? Ah! Here we go. Twilight. Where was I? I flipped through a few pages. There we go, I picked up where I left off.

I think I can feel a pattern starting to form here, they talk boring business and I’ll just chill here and read. I kind of like the sounds of this, but I might need a few more books though.

Eventually, the chitter-chatter of the men faded to a ‘hum’ then to nothing at all, my mind entered the book and I virtually forgot the outside world. I wasn’t really sure how long their meeting was but when I checked the page number I was on now I realised that I read about ninety pages, I flipped through the remainder and found out, unfortunately, that there was only less than sixty pages left. Sigh. I took a glance at the other men, they looked like they would still be working for another little while, and I picked up on the third last chapter.

In less than an hour I shut the book, fished again for about the sixth time. I picked up my purse from the floor and put the book inside. I sat back into the chair. Now what? I looked over at Aoi, he was hunched over some paper with Kai leaning over him and pointing at a few things written on it, it didn’t take long for him to notice that I was watching. “You’re not reading?” he asked.

I shrugged. “I’m done.”

Aoi looked surprised. “That fast?” I nodded. “Well, we are just about done so hang tight for a few more moments.”

I nodded again. “Okay.” So much for in and out. I pulled my iPod out of my bag, thankfully there was Wi-Fi, I wonder what’s on the go with Facebook? I opened up the app and quickly realised that my notifications were through the roof. Really? When you don’t go on the computer for a few days is really necessary to get about fourteen messages for people you barley knew? I never even bothered to open any of them, they all had pretty much said the same thing. “Hey Sky, I heard about your mom, I’m so sorry! If you ever need to talk I’m hear for you babe!” “Hey hun! I feel so bad about your mom, we should hang out sometime okay? Text me love!” Why is it that they always use ‘babe’ and ‘hun’ when they barley knew me?

It wasn’t like I didn’t appreciate the kind words, it was just I knew how these girls worked, all they really cared about was the latest gossip and the death of my mother was very high news. Thankfully though not many people knew I was in Japan yet, but as soon as school starts I would be bombarded with questions when they find out I’ve moved. But I’ll deal with that then. I never bothered to reply to half of the messages, only to the people who I was close with, which was only a handful. It was no surprise to see Carlie, Bridget, and Alex’s messages we’re pages long, and also how my wall was completely spammed by them. It made me smile to see all the silly things they said, they all kept the whole Japan thing quite. It took me about fifteen minutes to reply to each one, and by the time I finished Bridget’s Aoi was ready to head out.

I seen my father out of the corner of my eye, he came over and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Hey, you ready to go now?” he asked.

I nodded. “One second please.” I said. “Just have to finish this up.” I quickly typed in the ‘xoxos’ and a ‘I’ll call you soon’ to Bridget’s messaged before sending it off and turning off my iPod.

I picked up my purse and shoved my iPod inside. “Okay I’m good.”

Aoi just nodded and I followed him to the other room where the other men were getting ready to head out as well.

Kai came over and patted Aoi on the back. “Thank you for coming out.” He said. “Don’t forget about the interview on Monday.” He reminded him.

Aoi nodded. “I won’t.” he answered rather lazily and picked up his bags, I already had mine. “I’ll see you guys on Monday.” They just nodded and Aoi stared to head out the door.

I quickly gave a bow to everyone in the room. “It was very nice to meet you all.” I said for about the sixth time this evening. They all gave me a final warm smile and a polite good-bye before I headed off after Aoi.
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Comments and Rates are much loved :D