Status: Active.


Chapter 31

Jacob’s POV

No one was home but Troy when I pulled up some time after nine in the morning. Her dad had left for work and Bella for school already.

I knew she’d be asleep, but I also didn’t mind too much because I was early anyways; we were supposed to show at the campsite any time from eleven to one.

Knowing Quil and Embry, they’d be there at three…unless Embry convinced Quil to come early so he could track down Danni, which I highly doubted. That boy would never make the first move; not unless he was helped.

I walked up the front porch, and debated knocking first before deciding to let myself in, and frowning when I saw that I could because the door was unlocked.

It made me angry to think that Troy was home alone, with the door unlocked.

Oh my god; Im losing my mind, aren’t I?

Grumbling to myself I clumped up the stairs to Troy’s room, seeing her asleep on her bed, just as I knew she would be.

Her head was resting on her pillow, her hair all over the place, while one arm was thrown over her head and the other lay limply on her stomach. Her face was completely relaxed, the way I loved to see it.

I sat on the edge of her bed and brushed her tangled hair back from her face. Her mouth twitched, but she didn’t wake up.

I sighed after a short moment before I dropped my hand from her face and shook her shoulder.

The amount of time I had spent watching her sleep was enough already, and I’d prefer her awake at this particular moment.

“Troy wake up,” I said into her ear while I shook her arm. She groaned in her sleep and flipped over, so I knew she was awake. “Go away Jake,” she muttered tiredly. I chuckled at her and shook her arm again before I stood up off her bed.

I yanked the covers off her body, relieved when I saw that she was wearing pajamas, while also wishing she wasn’t and she growled at me. I chuckled and shook her shoulder again.

“C’mon Troy, wake up and get dressed,” I said to her, earning another growl.

I was getting flustered trying to get her out of bed, and I started to seriously consider throwing her into the shower, but she might get mad at me for that.

Troy wasn’t leaving me with many options though as I shook her arm and tried to persuade her to get out of bed before I did something she wouldn’t like.

She muttered curse words at me and stayed on her stomach now so I couldn’t see her face anymore.

I shook her shoulder one more time, deciding to just go with my shower idea if she didn’t respond, but I didn’t get a chance.

What happened next was very fast – so fast I didn’t even get to think, or see it coming.

Troy sat up without warning, grabbing a fist full of my shirt and yanked me down on top of her on the bed.

I stopped breathing.

Before I could recover, Troy flipped us over so she was on top of me, and buried her head in my neck.

I tried to control my heart beat and slow my breathing, but it was hard. She was on top of me for god sakes. Her breath fanned my throat, which my heart had jumped into, and I shivered underneath her.

My body was going haywire right now, giving away how I liked this position too much. Was this payback for me holding her hand yesterday?

“Mhmm…” Troy mumbled, and then she sighed.

Then, as if to make things worse, Troy’s lips pressed softly on my neck. I swallowed loudly as her lips trailed up, from my neck to my chin to the corner of my mouth…

“Troy,” I whispered hoarsely, staring at her while she had her eyes closed, with her lips so close to mine, like before.

I didn’t entirely know if my saying her name was a protest, or me begging her to continue, but either way I immediately regretted it, because whether I wanted her to or not, she stopped.

And then, without a word, she got up off of me, and stood up, stretching her arms above her head while fixing her clothes that had gotten messed up when she had attacked me.

The sunlight that was pouring in from the window made a halo around her and did terrible things to my already dwindling self-control.

I stayed limp on the bed, not sure what else to do and Troy looked at me, kind of guilty, but mostly embarrassed.

“Sorry,” she said, without saying anything else. I tried to grin at her and I didn’t know how well I did.

“Er…no worries…” I mumbled, feeling heat clouding my face. I was so mad at myself for interrupting Troy, because not only did I not get to kiss her, but now things were extremely awkward.

“You can wait downstairs, I have to shower,” Troy said, not looking at me.

I nodded and headed downstairs, hearing her start her shower because we’d be without one for three days, while also putting myself down the whole time mentally.

I was upset with myself for not letting Troy finish, and I hated that this kept happening. I hated that we were always so close, and that I never got to kiss Troy while she was conscious.

Although she might’ve been half asleep earlier, she was perfectly awake when she had stood up, and she didn’t look like she was disoriented at all. She knew what she was doing.

I sighed and ran my hands angrily through my hair, realizing I had to cut it soon.

Troy’s POV

The warm water of the shower did not relax my body the way I wanted it to.

I was still overly tense and jumpy from what I had just done with Jacob. I had no idea what possessed me to do what I did, but I couldn’t deny that I didn’t like it.

I washed my hair with a bit more force than necessary, getting angry at it instead of myself.

After a few minutes I turned off the water and went to my room to get dressed before I grabbed my duffel bag, which was packed with the clothes I’d need for the trip.

“Ready to go?” Jake asked, standing up his eyes didn’t entirely meet mine, but I expected it to be that way.

“Yep,” I said, keeping my voice normal, like nothing even happened, so this morning wouldn’t come back to haunt me later.

We walked out into the bright sunlight and Jake tossed my bag in the back seat of his car while I slid in the front.

The ride wasn’t silent, because if it had been that would have made the awkwardness nearly unbearable. We both tried to strike up our own conversations and get things back to normal.

It was like this unspoken agreement we had whenever one of us strained our friendship by doing something similar to this…

I caught myself thinking about how bad it was that we got into these situations so easily, and knowing that I’d never stop it.

It was around ten twenty when Jake finally hit the road that led off into the woods and to the campsite, his Volkswagen barreling down the dirt road until we cleared into a large open dirt area used for parking.

About half of the sophomore class was here, including Quil and Embry, who both waved at me and shot bright knowing smiles at me and Jake.

Jake smirked at me, watching me from the corner of his eye and chuckled, obviously not caring about their reaction, but having something else on his mind.

“Embry must be waiting for Danni,” he said, still with that smirk, although his tone of voice was very casual. I chuckled and this morning’s events fell away like they had never happened. I could at least pretend like they hadn’t anyways.

Jake and I were do or die tonight with Danni and Embry; we had to get them together.
“Hey guys!” I said happily to the pair when Jake and I approached them. We left our stuff behind in the car, not worrying about it at the moment.

“Hey Troy,” Embry greeting, smiling at me brightly. Quil grabbed me in a hug and kissed my cheek and Jacob grimaced at him.

“Hi Troy,” he greeted when he let me go.

They were the only ones here I knew besides Jake, because Austin, Nat, Antoine, Chelsea and Mark were all riding together.

They had offered for me to come with but I don’t think I could stand to ride in Austin’s SUV while Ant had his ‘Notorious’ CD’s blasting through the speakers at high volume for an eternity while we picked everyone up and drove to the camp site.

I didn’t sign in with the science teachers, since I didn’t have to do it immediately. I had until one and it wasn’t even eleven thirty yet.

“What’s up guys?” I asked, jumping to sit in the bed of Quil’s truck. My legs dangled and I swung them like a two year old.

“Nothing much…Embry woke me up bright and early to get here,” Quil said while punching Embry in the shoulder. Embry just rolled his eyes.

“Same here,” I said, and eyed Jacob who had done the same, although it really wasn’t that early. He rolled his eyes as Embry had and shoved me roughly on the shoulder where he was leaning against the fender of the truck.

I laughed as my body slouched to one side before coming back like a boomerang effect as Jake pushed me.

“That’s only because it took you like an hour to get up.” Jake muttered smiling, but not making any future comments because it would bring back the memories from earlier.

“Hey gorgeous,” Paul called towards me suddenly, winking and waving before walking right past Jake, Embry, Quil and I and heading straight towards a band of girls, his eyes straying from me to them in a second.

Taking a second look at his new fascination, I realized they were Piper’s usual group, and they were trying very hard to act subtle about Paul going over to them.

Jacob growled very low in his throat, mumbling about how he was going to rip Paul’s throat out while he and the other guys all started complaining about him at the same moment.

I started thinking to myself while they went on, and before I knew it I was actually talking out loud.

“Tree…tree…tree…tree…tree…” I muttered, and the three boys all looked at me weirdly. “What are you doing?” Embry asked me slowly.

I shrugged and made my face look very innocent. “Playing eye spy with myself…Im losing,” I say and everyone laughs at me at the same time that Antoine and the gang pull up beside us.
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This one's sort of filler-ish. Comments make the drama come faster ;)