Status: active and writing!

My Life as I Knew It


Chase looked at me as I pulled out my phone.

“Hello?” I said.

“Luke, c-can you please come back?” She asked nervously.

“Yeah Case I can, I’ll be right there,” I said. I snapped my phone shut and looked at Chase and his sister, Emma.

“I need to go back to Casey, and fix the mess you caused,” I seethed, looking at Chase. I walked away back to Casey’s house.

Casey’s POV

I sat on the floor of my bathroom, bent over the toilet. I was so nauseas. I heard my bedroom door creak open.

“Luke?” I croaked.

“Yeah, it’s me Case,” He said soothingly. He walked in through my bathroom door. I grimaced at the look on his face.

“Oh Case, what’s wrong?” He asked. I felt so sick at this moment. And before I knew it I was emptying any contents left in my stomach in the toilet. I coughed and I felt Luke hold my hair back. He slowly rubbed my back. Tears streamed from my eyes uncontrollably. I hiccupped.

“What’s wrong with me Luke?” I sobbed. He shook his head and then snapped upright.

“I got it, you stay here, Can I borrow your Mom’s car?” He asked. I nodded and he rushed out of the house and drove away leaving me clueless as to what he was going to do. I took a deep breath and them I threw up again.

Luke’s POV

I don’t know if Casey know what I’m thinking but I don’t like the thought at all. I grabbed Ms. B’s car keys and hopped in the car. I drove down to the nearest gas station and pulled all of my hair into my hat and covered my forhead. For what I was about to buy I dint want anyone to know it was me.


“I’d like to buy this” I said burying my chin in my shirt.

“And what have you done, sir” he replied

“its for my mother” I added quickly. What I shoved into my pocket and was going to give to Casey was a pregnancy test. I was scared. I didn’t want my Case to carry that bitches baby.

Casey’s POV

The next thing I knew Luke came crashing through my bathroom door. He handed me a small box. I knew what he had thought now. I’m scared shitless now. I shoved him out of the bathroom and drank some water from the faucet to clean my mouth and to put some fluid in me.

**5 min later**

Luke came in when he was allowed. I looked at the test. A single tear streamed my face. He rapped me in his arms and I just stood there crying. I think I might be falling for Luke. His kindness, his sweetness, and how he really cares for me. Now for the test. The result was…..
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oh snap. proboly saw that coming. but dont you just love cliffy's. i'm so sorry about how lllooonnnngggg it took to update and how short this chapter is.
school is sooo over powering and u should understand. i'm in 9th grade for petes sake.
well, comment, subscribe. all that jazz