Status: Incomplete, but will be done soon! :D Enjoy!

Fight for your true love!

Chp.2 Conversation, and just as we were saying, wait There back!

Riza and Lucrezia just sat there in silence after talking about that memory, Riza let out a slight loud sigh. Noin noticed that sigh and asked

“What’s wrong Riza?”

Riza looked slightly at her and said

“I’m just wondering when they’ll be back, talking about Roy, makes me feel just a little bit, lonely, with out him being here these last few days, I feel sort of empty.”

Noin smiled slightly and spoke with a sound of awe in her voice

“I’m sure they’ll be back soon, but I do know what your saying, I feel the same way with out Zechs being here.”

Both of them let out a slight saddened sigh and right after they let those sighs out they heard the familiar feminine voice of Rebecca Catalina yell “Hi Riza and Lu!”

Riza sighed but let out a slight giggle, as for Noin she just put her hand against her forehead a little bit embarrassed because of Becca calling her “Lu”.

She didn’t really like her first name, and Becca shorting it down to Lu was more embarrassing, because the way it sounded to herself it sounded like a 3 year old little girl’s name.

Riza smiled slightly because she could tell by the look on Noin’s face, how she felt about being called Lu.

Once Rebecca reached there table, she noticed the awkward silence. She sighed slightly to herself and said

“This is the first time I’ve ever seen you two alone, usually your with Zechs and Roy.”

Riza looked down into her tea cup with a slight frown upon her lips and spoke in a soft and slight sad tone

“Well, they were sent on a mission, by grandfather in Xergse,and they haven’t came back yet, we were scheduled to stay here, I’m not sure why we both put request forms to go along at there side with them, but got denied.”

After that being explained, Rebecaa looked across the table from where she sat beside Riza and noticed Noin also had a slight saddened look in her eyes and a slight frown upon her lips, she also looked at the blond beside her and noticed a saddened look in her eyes and a slight frown upon her lips as well.

Rebecca smiled brightly and said aloud "You two love them two, don't you?"

Riza and Noin both looked at one another after that with bright pink blushes across there cheeks.

Noin was the first one to speak up and said in a slight quiet but honest tone “Well I do love Zechs, very much.”

As for Riza she just sighed to herself with a slight annoyed tone, folded her arms on the table and laid her head down. She laid her head there for about ten minutes thinking about that question, thinking deep thoughts into it.

When she lifted her head up, she noticed both Noin and Rebecca were waiting for her answer still.
She sighed to herself with an annoyed sigh and said in a soft tone “Rebecca, really bugging your best friend about loving her superior?”

Rebecca smiled with a bright smile, let out a giggle and said “Well, we all know you two are very close, we can tell by the look in both of your’s and Roy’s eyes when you see each other you love one another.”

Riza sighed slightly annoyed by now and said “What the hell Rebecca, following my every move, if I did love him we wouldn’t have a chance, he’s to evolved with other women, plus I’m not his type anyway.”

Noin giggled out loud like a school girl and said “Rebecca does have a point Riza” with a slight smile upon her face.

Rebecca giggled slightly and said “ And I really believe you’re his type, look what you two have been through, and he even almost have gotten himself killed for you countless times” with a bright reassuring smile.

Riza sighed to herself showing a slight sign of annoyance and rubbing her temples she was starting to get a slight headache.

Rebecca smiled slightly stood to her feet and said “Well, I’ve got to get going girls, we’ll have this discussion more later” with a bright smile.

Riza and Noin both looked up towards the tall girl with brown hair at the doorway waving goodbyes and just a few feet behind her coming inside they noticed a tall man with black hair and a tall man with long blonde hair.

Riza and Noin both recognized those voices, those familiar masculine voices made a small smile creep upon there faces.

Roy and Zechs both walked into the café and noticed a women with bright violet hair and another women with long blonde hair sitting at a table by the window.

Just as Roy and Zechs were walking towards there table, Riza and Lucrezia noticed them walking towards there table.

Riza and Noin both stood to there feet to walk towards them, welcome them back. Just as Riza and Noin stood to there feet, Noin suddenly passed out, fell to the ground.

Riza bent down to Noin’s aide to check her pulse to make sure her pulse was okay. Roy and Zechs both ran over to where Riza was bent down, and Noin was on the ground. Zechs bent down to Noin’s side as fast as he could.

He looked at Riza and Roy and said “I’m taking her to the hospital, I’m hoping she’ll be okay I want to make sure she’s going to be okay.”

Zechs picked Noin off the ground, and held her bridal style in his arms, himself, Roy and Riza all walked outside as fast as they could out the door and started walking a quick paste towards the hospital.
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Dont own fma, if i did, there would deff be more royai xD