I'm Not O'-***ing-Kay

Lost My Way

He wasn't in the dark alley ways at night. Nor in the city during the day time. He wasn't even at our coffee shop. Every time I looked but found nothing my heart drowned in it's own despair. I couldn't find him anywhere. I felt like dying in the place where I stood. I couldn't give up though. I wanted him to bad.

I searched more ally ways that night. Nothing yet. Then I heard brushing up against a dumpster. I panicked and noticed it wasn't him. It was a only a young teenage girl. She looked as if she has over done it on the needle. I grabbed her hand and pulled her up. She looked at me with the brownest eyes, and pity feeled my body. I didn't know what to do. Either let her be or save her from the world that has rejected us both.

I whispered "Wh-wh-what's you're name darling?"

She rose her head and spoke with a voice that could heal broken souls.

"It's Kyrstin."
"Well honey, what are you doing out here?"

She paused. Writing lies in her head to feed me.

"Well I wa-"
"Doing drugs," as I cut her off.

She sighed and fell to the ground as I let go of her. She broke out into tears. I made my way to sitting next
to her.

"They lefted me here to die."
"Who's they?"
"They said I could do it once and not get addicted," she said as she grabbed my shoulders.

I froze. Her touch felt like Haden’s. It was unbelievable. Then walking up from behind her he came. He patted her on the head and looked at me.

"Hey bro, what are you doing out here so late?"

I couldn't speak. Wordless. Kyrstin rose her head and looked at me.

"What are you looking at?"
"My brother, I finally found him."

She turned around. He was once more gone. Am I seeing things? It's all to real though. I just need to sleep, badly.

"Are you sure he's here?"
"Well not anymore, he's gone somehow?"

She looked at me the way my mother did that morning. It killed me.

"Are you tired? You look like you've been up for hours."
"Just a little." I was almost tone deaf when she asked me.
"Well I have a place where you and me could stay, if you wanna?"

I looked at her. I tried to make sure I wasn't going wake up that morning with my stuff gone and money stolen.

"I'm not going to take your money," As she broke the silence.
"Okay, lets go."

Why did I trust this girl so much when I just meet her? She made me feel wanted. Like how Haden is.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay okay. I dont know when I wanna have Haden and Aeden have sex. Still thinking about that one.
Sorry the chapters are so short though :P
Butttt if you have anything you think should be added or taken out. Message me. Don't worry I dont bite.
Enjoy ^^
Like anyone reads this though...