I'm Not O'-***ing-Kay

It Sounded Like The End

Walking down the street with her felt safe. Even with this tiny girl as protection, I could not worry about anything. The feeling lasted all the way to the shelter. As she opened the door I stumbled in and found a place where I know people don't judge. It felt nice.

She walked me over to open beds and laid down. I didn't know weather to take a different bed or share. I made my way over to a different bed just in case. She turned over to me and looked at me for awhile.

"Is there something wrong my dear?"
"No, I just can't believe you saved me, I would of died if it wasn't for you."

She made a heart shape out of her hands then slipped them under her head and fell asleep. I made my way up and sat next to her. I kissed her forehead and went back to bed. I felt a slightest grab on my waist. I flipped over and it was Haden. I knew I was seeing things because I was tired, but what if he was really here?

He leaned up against my ear and whispered "Aeden."
"What?" I wasn't sure if I was talking to myself or not.
"Well, I tell you in the morning, but for now sleep my baby." He kissed me on the lips and slid next to me.

I sat awake with Hedan's hair in my face. He smelled the same as that one morning. I ran my fingers through it. It felt so good to touch him once more. I wanted more at the moment, but he was asleep and there’s other people around. Questions ran through my head though. Things needed to be answered before I sleep. My eyes started to close down on me. Before I fell asleep someone walked up to me and Haden. I drifted off.

"AEDEN!" Haden shook me awake.
"Oh God, what the fuck do you want?"
"It's morning time, let's leave."
"But it's not like I can just leave Kyrstin here, she needs me."

He turned away from me. He was not to big on the whole sharing me idea. It made me upset sometimes because I could never have friends. I loved him though. Until the day I die.

"But I love you, therefore she can screw off and get over it."
"Now Haden, please don't be like this right now."
"NO! Either it's me or her, and to think I love you and was going to fuck you so hard you were going to cry!"

I paused. Not here, not now. He is selfish, but I love the monster. How could I say no?

"Number one, way to far! Haden You're being a brat and need to stop it," I tried not to speak so loud. People were still sleeping.
"I'll go, just wait."

He got up and starting walking out.

"I'll be outside," He shouted to me.

I wanted to leave Kyrstin a note, but I couldn't find any paper or a pen. I look at her, and patted her head. She woke up with quick reflexives.

"Ohh, it's only you," she sounded out of breath.
"I going to leave, but if you ever need me, you'll have my name."
"What is it?"
"Aeden Camrey, remember that please?"

She paused. "Forever and always hun."

She smiled and fell back to sleep. I made my way out the door, and saw Haden. He waved. I waved back, and then a strange man walked up to him. He was shaking his hands for me to go back inside. I wouldn't, I just found him and was not going to let go. Haden saw I wasn't leaving, so he took the man down a ally. I ran to catch up. I made my way all the way down there. Out of breath and still very tired, I sneaked my way down the ally way.

They were no where to be found. Why the fuck would he keep leaving me?

I fell to me knees and broke out crying. Then the man walked up behind me. He bent over and whispered in my ear.

"Time to join or brother for a last goodbye."

He then grabbed me and threw me into a dark trunk. I over reacted and started to breath hard. No air. I knocked my self out.
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I'm done with this story, sorry no more chapters :/
I don't wanna finish it...

JK, almost had you going didn't I? haha xD
Enjoy the new chapter my readers ^^