I'm Not O'-***ing-Kay

I Thought The Dark Was The Safest Place

Pitch black. I couldn't see a thing. I could feel tears dripping down my face. I wiggled around a little bit. No space, but I bumped into something.

"What the fuck? Where am I?"

It was Haden's voice. I would know it anywhere.

"Haden? It's me Aeden. Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm doing quite well in THIS FUCKING TRUNK OF A FUCKING CAR!"
"Sarcasm is not helping the problem or how I'm feeling."

He nudge up to me and dug his head into my chest. I'm started to whimper. I was scared for the both of us.

"I'm sorry Aeden, I got us into this mess."
"What did you do?"
"Things I wouldn't want your little self to worry about."
"Well clearly I have to worry about it or I'm going to die in the back of a car."

He paused for a moment knowing I was right. He gave a sigh and continued on.

"It's really nothing," he paused again.
"Really Haden?" I shook my head, "nothing as in just ya' know old friends you have had coming back to revisits the past?"

I could tell he was trying to stare at me even if I couldn't see.

"It's kind of like that, trust me Aeden, you wouldn't understand."
"Well being as you're not going to tell m--"

We heard car doors shut and foot steps to the back. Haden gasped and started to whimper. The trunk opened. The day light blinded my eyes. I could only see arms reaching me. Was I dead? Are these God's arms coming to bring me home safe or the devil coming for me and Haden?
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I have no idea if I wanna go on. School is coming up and I wont have time. It's alot of work. Hmmmmmmm. I'll think about itttttttttt ._.