Sequel: Love at First Fright
Status: Completed :)

Blood-Stained Valentine

Interview time

**Joey's P.O.V***

Almost as soon as Rayna approved of the nursery we began adding furniture. Chair, bookshelf (filled with cds. Fuck books music teaches life lessons), the crib (painted dark gray), and the changing table. It seemed like every time Ray and Steph were together for more than 15 minutes near the mall they came back with clothes and toys.
By the time Rayna was 7 almost 8 months everyone knew the baby's name. Well except for Steph, SlipKnoT, my sisters, my mom, Chris, Mikey...ok. Wednesday, Rayna and I were the only ones that knew his name. We were actually pretty good with keeping this a secret and letting no one in the nursery.

One day when I was sitting in the studio strumming on my new guitar I was startled by my phone going off. The caller i.d said it was Corey.



"Who else would answer my cell?"

"Sorry. Hey 2 weeks we have a press conference."


"Same shit, new tour, c.d, how our lives are different. Blah blah blah."


"Yeah. You didn't know? Your proposal video is a hit on the site."

"Video? Who filmed it?"


"Oh ok." I looked up to see Rayna walking past the door.
"One minute Corey. Rayna!"

"Yeah?" She walked in the doorway holding her back. I felt so bad that she was in pain so much now.
"Press conference. 2 weeks. Wanna go?"


"Corey, where?"

"Hotel in Des Moines."

“Des Moines."

"O.k. Babe, will you get the clothes out of the dryer?"
I laughed when Corey made whip noises on the phone,

"Shut up dude, she can't pick up the basket."

"I know. Remember 2 kids. Alright Joey see-ya send Rayna and the baby my love"
"Will do. Bye."

I hung up, put away my guitar and walked over to Rayna. She looked so tired lately.
“Go rest. I’ll finish up the laundry."

She leaned against the door frame before replying, "O.K. there are baskets next to the washing machine."

I pushed her gently towards the stairs to go rest. She blew me a kiss and walked off.
Laundry a.k.a man torture. I mean i didn't mind doing it...when it was towels and took like 5 minutes to fold and put away.

When I opened the dryer I couldn’t help but let out a groan. They weren't my clothes. They weren't even Rayna's clothes.

I quickly threw his jeans and shirts in a basket silently thanking the fact he didn’t wear underwear. I don't care how clean they are I don’t touch another guy's boxers. Except for once and they were gross. Big mistake.

I walked up the stairs kicking open Wednesday's half open door revealing Wednesday sitting on the bed against the wall with his laptop.

"Knock much?"

"Not when I have your clothes."

I placed the basket next to his bed and sat down making him move over.
"You ok?"

"I guess. It's just so surreal. In like 2 months I'm going to be a dad."

"I know. I saw Ray go to bed a little bit ago. She feeling ok?"

"Yeah. She's tired. I mean she's gained like 30 pounds I think."

"That's not that much especially for a boy."

"Really? Well she's petite anyways and I'm you know and...It's not gonna effect him is it?"

"Nah he'll be fine. Want to see something cool?"
I agreed as he motioned for me to look at his screen.

"O.K this website is pretty trippy. You input a picture of yourself and your partner and it shows you what your baby will look like."

I watched as he uploaded a picture of Rayna with Mokie and the picture of me and Mikey,
"But Mokie's in that one and Mikey's in that."
"Shut up."

He cropped the picture and clicked the button marked "Make my baby." It loaded for a few seconds before showing a picture of a baby boy.
He had a head of thick brownish hair and deep blue eyes. I stared at the picture thinking of he would actually look like this.

I talked to Wednesday a little while longer and went into the bedroom where Rayna was on her side asleep. Mokie was curled up next to her and Roadie was in front of the bed both fast asleep. I slowly walked over to the bed and lay next to her. I smiled as she softly mumbled, "Eric" in her sleep.

2 more months and I'd finally get to hold him.
2 weeks went by before it seemed like I had time to blink my eyes. Rayna wasn't getting sick anymore. She seemed to pee every 15 minutes and her back was always hurting. I felt horrible but she wanted to go to the conference so I knew better than to argue. Her hormones were crazy!

"Joey. I'm cold. Can you get me my jacket before we leave?"

"Babe it's like 70 degrees outside?"

"Your point?"

"Fine. I can't wait for this to be over."

"Me too. One more month."

"And a half..."

And a half."
She laughed as I got her jacket and we got in the car with Wednesday.

"Let's go!"


"A little. I just wanted to get out of the house."

As I pulled up to the hotel I saw Corey and Sid outside smoking. We waved as we went to the back entrance steering clear of the smoke.
"Ray! How's the mystery baby boy?"

I laughed as Steph came bouncing up still not knowing his name.

"He's fine. Thinks he's playing double bass constantly."

"He's gonna be like his daddy."

"Hope not."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing oh nothing."

I kissed Rayna quickly and went into the room with everyone else of SlipKnoT to get ready.
"Joey how's the baby?"

"Good I guess still have awhile before he's here."

"Oh? About a month now huh?"

"Yeah. Hey Clown. What was it like your first kid?"

"Seeing her was breath taking the first time."

We all finished getting ready and walked, in order, to the press table. I looked to my left and saw Rayna standing with Steph and Wednesday.
The reporters asked Corey questions about his singing. Donnie on how it was to fill Paul's place etc...

Finally one reporter raised his hand and asked, "Joey, I saw the video of you running offstage then another on month later proposing. Has your life really changed as much as we think it has?"

I looked over at Rayna as she smiled and Wednesday placed his hand on her shoulder and mumbled, "Yes!"

"Yes I guess it has. I met a wonderful woman and fell in love. Well, we found out we were expecting a baby. That's kind of why I ran offstage. I was performing my solo and I saw her faint."
"Joey, how's the baby now?"

"Great. We're expecting a boy in a little over a month."

I looked over at Rayna before I said anything else. She had a look of surprise on her face as she gripped her stomach.


"Joey! It's time!!!"