Status: Working on it. :) Please please please comment!

Superhero Origins: Watercat


Haley was in the hallway when the final bell rang. Wally ran up to her coming from Boys P.E. His red hair was still wet from the shower.

" Hey. How was biology?" he asked as he leaned up against the lockers.

"Horrible. Disgusting. Uncomfortable." she replied.

"Sounds fun." he joked sarcastically. "Jessica still white as a sheet?"

She took a deep breath and sighed. Jessica was Haley's lab partner and had been a pain her the entire class.

"No. She's mad at me though. First, she refused to do the writing part, claiming it was way too boring. So me, being the nice guy, let her do the slicing and dicing of the fish."

Wally laughed.

"That was your first mistake. Don't give an angry chick a scalpel. Even I, know that." he said.

"Right." she said. "With all of your experience with past girlfriends, I'm sure."

"Dude. Not cool."

Haley laughed as she closed her locker. They started to walk to the school parking lot.

"So then what happened?" he asked.

"Oh, when I asked her to gently slice the stomach, she stabbed it and ruined the entire experiment! Ugh! She's such a baby."

Before Wally could say anything, Jessica appeared out of nowhere and pushed her way through them. She elbowed Wally and Haley in the gut on purpose, causing Haley's books to hit the ground.

"Uh, excuse you?" he yelled as Jessica stormed off.

"Like I said. She's just pissed because I stood up for you."

He stooped down and started picking up Haley's papers and books.

"Doesn't mean she has to act like a total jerk about it. I would have kicked her out by now."

"And where would she go? You know I can't do that Wally." she said.

"I guess. And hey. She wasn't behind us when we left the lockers. Where did she come from?" he said while handing her books to Haley.

"I..." Haley wasn't sure. She put her books in her bag. "I don't know. But who cares? I'll see you later Wally. Try not to be late tomorrow? I might blow a fuse if I'm stuck with her another morning." she said as she put on her helmet and got on her motorcycle.

"Haha. Ok. See ya tomorrow!" he said.

Wally walked over to his mom's car as Haley drove off.

As she was driving, Haley began to think about what Wally said. How did Jessica end up behind them? She wasn't there at all. And it didn't make sense that she walked home, but beat always beat Haley. Thinking about it made her head hurt.

It wasn't long until she pulled into the driveway, parked her bike, and walked inside. There was a note on the kitchen counter.

"Big open house deal at 2:30. Will be home with dinner. Don't burn the house down. -Mom"

"Awesome." she said.

Haley went upstairs and peeked inside Jessica's room. But surprisingly, she wasn't there.

Haley's head started to hurt again. It was as if someone took her history book and slammed it on top of her head. And her back was throbbing as well. It couldn't have been her monthly gift. She had just got over the last one a week ago.

She walked into her purple bedroom and saw Rhea, her black cat, sitting on her pillow.

"Hey Rhea. Seen Jessica around yet?" she asked.

The cat meowed softly and thumped her tail up and down.

"Right. Still can't talk. Let me know when you get that down, kay?" she said as she pet the cat.

Her head and back throbbed some more.

"Ack. Alright, drug time."

She opened the top drawer in her night stand and took out two ibuprofen. She took a sip of the Pepsi that was on the dresser and popped the pills. It was gonna take some time for them to kick in. Haley laid down on the white duvet cover and decided to take a nap. It didn't take long until she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
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I like this chapter a lot better than the first one. Rate and comment!