What a Mess up Life

In the morning of an amazing day

I woke up to Owen smiling in my face. I kissed him and got up. The house was a mess!. I change into some clothes. I woke everyone up and then they went home. I told Owen he is helping me. Ringggg!...Ringgg! went my house phone. Shit, my mom !! I ran to the housephone and answered it. Hey mom. Hey sweety,everything okay?. Yeaa. Be home in a little bit. Uh okay love you bye. I hanged up the phone. I turn to Owen, "CLEAN THERE COMING HOME!". I panic. I picked up the bear cans,Took off the decorations,Fixed up the living room,Threw out the vodka bottles,picked up the food that was smothered into the floor,washed the floor. There!. Its clean!. I saw my mom coming up the driveway. Me and Owen sat on the couch and pretend nothing happened. My mom walked in the house and her jaw opened of amazement. Nice..i know. I smiled. "Wow Stash im proud of you",my momma said. I know well Mom this is my boyfriend Owen,Owen this is my Mom. Nice to meet you,Ma'am. Same. I smiled of happiness. Im actually happy. This is the 1st!!,I thought.