Starting Over

Chapter Eleven.

I took another three steps and turned, walking back the way I came. Ten steps in that direction, turn. I was pacing in the living room, I wasn't sure how long I had been, but I knew it had to be more than fifteen minutes. My eyes would occasionally dart to the clock on the wall, noting the time. Noting the missing person. But not really taking in the passing time.

Two more steps, turn. Glance at the clock. 3:47.

Where the hell was he? Nothing good happens after midnight. I know, I shouldn't be so worried, and I should trust him. But I just can't. He had been so incredibly distant from me lately, I couldn't help but worry what he was getting up to.

I made another round of pacing and paused, just for a second, just enough time to glance at my phone sitting innocently on the coffee table. I should call him, maybe he got in an accident? What if he wasn't okay?

I reached for the phone then pulled my hand back instantly. You can't call him, Riley. What if he sees it as a girl thing to do? Sees it as me checking up on him and that I don't trust him. No, you can't call him.

I scowled at the phone and fell back into my pacing routine, ten steps, glance at the clock, turn, ten steps.

I let a growl before stopping in front of the table again and picking up my phone, punching in the numbers. I waited impatiently as the phone rang.

"Hello?" A sleep voice answered and I was thankful she had picked up.

"Chels, I don't know what to do."

"Riley? are you okay? what's wrong? what happened?" Her voice instantly became more alert and a small smile made it's way onto my face. She was such a great friend.

"I'm okay, nothing's wrong.. well, there might be something wrong, but I-I'm not sure."

"Okay? What happened?"

"Mason picked me up from work tonight and after he dropped me off he said he was going to a friends house.. He's still not back yet."

"Did he say which friend?"


"Oh.." The line went silent for a moment "What time is it anyw- holy.. dude it's almost four in the morning."

"I know" I groaned and ran my hand through my hair, frustrated.

"Geez, nothing good happens after midnight."

"That's what I said! .. well, I didn't say it, but I thought it."

"I don't know, Riley.. I guess just go to bed and try to sleep, talk to him when you see him again, yeah?" she sighed and I nodded before remembering she couldn't see me.

"So I shouldn't call him?"

"Nah, I think it should be alright, just try not to worry, Riles."

I scoffed, I was a worry wart. It was what I did best. Worry worry worry.

"Go out on the balcony and just relax."

"Okay, sorry to call you so late." I frowned.

"Don't worry about it, it's what I'm here for. Love you, Riles."

"Love you too, Chels."

I hung up the phone and stared at it for a moment, my reflection was frowning at me. I sighed and put my phone down on the table, taking the necessary steps to get to the balcony.

I opened the sliding door and stepped outside, it was a very lovely night.. err, morning.. There was a soft breeze, and granted.. It was a bit chilly out, but I didn't mind, I liked the cold weather.

I hadn't been out on the balcony in quite awhile and sat down in one of the chairs, enjoying the calming affect the sound of the water had on me.

At some point I must have fallen asleep because I woke up and the sun was shining, my back was stiff from sleeping in the chair and I groaned while stretching out. It took me a few moments to remember what had happened the night before and I quickly shot up out of the chair, rushing into the house to see if Mason was around.

I searched each room, a little bit of my hope disappearing as I looked in each room, and he wasn't there.. I stopped in front of his bedroom door, it was shut, but I couldn't remember if it had been open or not last night. I paused, taking in a breath and knocking on the door.

There was no answer so I opened it slowly, sticking my head inside the room to look around.

It was empty.

* * * * * * * * * * * *


I didn't mind the voice that was talking to me, I just kept on with my current duty, filling up the ice cream buckets behind the counter, but with each one I replaced, I became more and more angry.

Two hands shot out in front of me and grabbed the bucket I was about to slam down.

"Riley." I looked at the person to my left and glared at him.


"What the hell is wrong with you?" his usual glare was on his face and I sent another one right back at him.

"Nothing, Jesus. I'm just cleaning." I went to grab the bucket back from him, but he pushed it away before I could grab it.

"Very funny. You act like your boyfriend broke up with you." He scoffed and I frowned.

"I'm not sure if he has.." My anger turned into sadness and my frown stayed on my face.

"Wait, you really had a boyfriend?"

"Have!" I tried to correct him, but it ended up turning into a question.

"Okay, whatever. Wh-" he shook his head "what happened?"

I looked at him funny.. This was so unlike Ashley to be nice. He was on a streak today though, he had given Alyx the day off so she could go to the hospital and be with her boyfriend, I wasn't sure if he had come out of his coma yet, but it was nice of him to let her go to see him.

And now he was asking me what was wrong? What the hell do I do? Tell him?

"Wh- I .. I mean." I shook my head again and Ashley nodded.

"Hold on." He moved around the counter and shoo'd the customers out.. nicely. What was up with him?

He locked the door and turned the sign to 'closed'. Signaling me over to sit at one of the tables with him. I walked over and sat down.

"So tell me what happened."

I sighed "He's been really distant, and then he went to his friends house one night and hasn't come back home since."

"How long has he been gone?"

"Two days." I frowned again. Yeah, it had been two days since the night he left, I hadn't heard anything from him. When I texted, no reply. If I called, it went to voice mail. I hadn't seen him at all.

"Huh, well that's not good."

I rolled my eyes "No kidding." I pushed my hand through my hair and layed my head down on the table in front of me.


...Was that all he had to say? I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, he shrugged "I don't know, man. I really just wanted to close shop."

I smiled a bit, there was the Ashley I knew.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I frowned and shoved my hands deeper into my pockets, it was a chilly evening and I hadn't bothered to bring a coat to work. I looked up at the driveway in front of me and my eyebrows shot up in shock.

Mason's car was in our driveway.

I quickly rushed inside, suddenly having the energy to not go to bed immediately.

The door swung open and the marvelous smell of spaghetti hit my senses. He was cooking? I slipped my shoes off at the front door and shut the door, walking into the living room, I peeked into the kitchen, I wasn't sure I wanted him to know if I was home yet. I wasn't sure exactly what to say to him.

But, he wasn't the one in the kitchen.

There was a girl at the stove, humming a random tune as she stirred the spaghetti sauce. She had short brown hair and looked like a barbie.. seriously, she looked so fake.

My face twisted up in confusion, and an unintelligible sound escaped from my lips "Buhh." she jumped and turned to look at me, shock written on her face.

"Uh, who the hell are you?" She pointed the wooden spoon at me and I raised an eyebrow.

"Who the hell are YOU? I live here."

"You live here?" She drew her eyebrows together and I nodded innocently. "Oh, you must be the roommate Mason told me about." She approached me and I stepped out from behind the wall as she held her hand out, a grin painted on her face. "I'm Mason's girlfriend, Alyssa."

I shook her hand robotically. Girlfriend? What. The. Hell. Hadn't he broken up with her? I needed to talk to him.

"Oh, c-cool." I managed to say the two words, mentally slapping myself for stuttering.

"Yeah" She nodded "I think Mason's in his room, he said he needed to shower."

I nodded "Sure."

I turned and left her standing in the kitchen, headed for Mason's room. His door was shut and I didn't bother knocking, I just shoved it open. Thankfully, Mason was just slipping his shirt over his head, the rest of his body clothed.

"Hey, babe. Ready for another round?" he turned around and as soon as he saw it was me, and not Alyssa his face paled and his body became stiff. "Riley."

"What the fuck, Mason? What the.. What's going on?" I glared at him and he opened and closed his mouth a few times.

"I think you should leave" me managed to spit out and my eyes widened in shock.

"Excuse me?"

"Just, get out of my house, Riley. You can come back when the week is over."

It was only Monday now, I could come back at the end of the week? What the hell. He was kicking me out?

"Are you kidding me?" I asked him, my mouth slightly agape.

He shook his head and looked me in the eye "No. Call Chelsea, and leave."

He brushed past me and walked down the hall, I'm guessing he was headed for the living room.

I scowled and went back to my room, gathering a few things into a duffel bag and pushing my arms into a jacket. I put my shoes back on and slammed the door behind me.

I wasn't sure what to feel right now, hurt? anger? There was a whirlwind of things running through my head and it was starting to give me a headache. I didn't want to walk all the way to Chelsea's so I walked a few streets over and knocked on the door.

Once it opened I looked up and frowned "Do you mind if I crash here?"
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Who do you think Riley went to?