Starting Over

Chapter Two.

I opened my eyes and glanced around the room, the lavender walls caused me to swipe at my eyes, attempting to wipe away the sleep. I yawned and stretched out before pushing the fluffy white comforter off, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and yelped a little as my feet met the cold wood floor.

I was just about to stand up when I heard footsteps and the door the the room I was occupying opened. Chelsea walked over to me and helped me up out of bed, I was incredibly weak.. Why was I so weak?

I looked up at Chelsea with a smile, but it quickly turned into a mask of confusion as I saw the pained look upon her face.

"What's wrong, Chels? Are you okay?"

She gave me a strange look and nodded. "Well, yeah. I mean... I'M okay.. Are YOU okay?"

"Um, yeah?" I rubbed the back of my head and shrugged my shoulders. "Why wouldn't I be oka-..." Strange, it just dawned on me that I was in Chelsea's guest room instead of my own bedroom. Why wasn't I at home?

"Chelsea, why am I sleeping in your guest room?"

"I- oh.. Um, Riley.. You don't, you don't remember what happened?" The corners of her mouth turned down as she peered at me.

"No? I.. what happened? I remember, geez, I don't remember much of anything, actually." I hadn't had a spell like this in a long time. The last time something this bad happened was when I found out my grandmother had died. What could have caused this?

"Chelsea? What happened last night?"

"I-.. Riley. It was awful, and it was all my fault.."

"Are you okay? What happened? Would you please just tell me."

"Your parents.. And, the dinner party, and the ring.." She had started to cry, but I couldn't find it in me to move closer and comfort her.

I confessed. Oh god, I remembered everything now. I told my parents I was gay, the instant hatred they had for me was incredible.. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to be surprised, I always knew they wouldn't take it well. I was their only child, I was supposed to get married to a rich, beautiful woman and carry on the family name with tons upon tons of little baby boys.

I dragged my hand across my face and suddenly couldn't find the strength to stand, I sat down on the edge bed and stared at the floor. I could hear Chelsea's sniffles and I wanted to tell her it was alright, that it wasn't her fault, but I just couldn't. Not yet.

"Riley, I'm so so sorry.. I should have taken the ring off, it just totally skipped my mind."

I shook my head briefly and waved her off. "It's fine, Chelsea." My voice didn't even sound right to myself, it was exceptionally monotone.

"I took you right here after the party, you passed out at some point while I was driving home so I just had Brody help me carry you inside. You've been out for a couple of days and I nearly called the hospital, but.. Brody remembered the last time and insisted we just let you be."

I nodded and made a mental note to thank Brody later, hospitals gave me the creeps and they would have kept me for days trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I was used to that whole shindig, so many medicinal prescriptions.

"I'm going to call my mom."

"Do you.. think that's a good idea, Riles?"

"I don't know. But I need to find out."

"Of course, I'll be out in the living room if you need me."

I nodded my head and waited until I heard the door click shut to grasp my phone from the bedside stand. I silently thanked Chelsea for turning it off so it didn't die and held down the on button. As I waited for it to boot up I thought back to my father's reaction and cringed without meaning to. He was so harsh and distant.. Was it really so bad I was gay?

My phone dinged and I looked at it, seventeen new messages and four missed calls. I sighed and deleted all of them without looking, I didn't really care who they were from, it probably didn't matter anyway, they were generally just random party invitations and if that were the case, I would have missed the party by now.

I scrolled through my contacts until I found the one labeled 'Mum' I paused and looked at the caller ID that I had set for her. It was a picture of when I was younger, her and I had gone to the beach and found a baby seagull. I had tried so hard to get her to let me keep it, but she had insisted I not, they were "horrendously terrible creatures" as she had so elegantly put it. I never did get to keep the bird, but she did allow me to take a picture of her and I with the bird in the background.

I clicked call and waited as the phone rang, it felt like it took forever before I heard her answer. She never checked her caller ID.

"This is Marissa speaking." Her familiar voice traveled through the line and I suddenly wished she was calling to invite me to another party, instead of me calling to ask if ... what WAS I calling to ask?

"Hi, mom."

There was silence on her end of the line for a moment before I heard a door shut. "Riley, you shouldn't be calling." her voice whispered to me.

That wasn't good, dad must be home.. and he must have been serious when he said I wasn't his son anymore.

"I-I don't know what to say..."

"Riley..." She sighed and her voice sounded strained.

"I hate to be the one to tell you this, but it needs to be said. Your father is selling your house. He's already found a buyer and you're to be out in three days from today."

"What? Mom? Where am I supposed to live?" He was selling my house? What was I supposed to do? I'd never had a job before, I don't even have anywhere else to go...

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure you'll figure something out. Good luck, Riley. Please don't call anymore." The line clicked and I sat there for a moment before pulling the phone away from my face and staring at it.

I guess there would be no 'cooling down' period and then they would accept me back as their son, as I had hoped.. No, I was no longer existing as far as my father was concerned. I was grateful my mother at least told me about having to move out, that way I could pack my things.

I heard a knock on my door and I looked up at it. "Yes?"

The door opened and Brody peeked his head in "Hey, Chelsea went to take a shower, I wanted to see how you were doing."

I waved him in and he walked past the door, shutting it behind him.

"I just got off the phone with my mother."

He cringed visibly and I nodded at him "Yeah, that pretty much about sums it up."

"What happened? Didn't go well, I take it?"

"No, not well at all. They're selling my home, and she told me to never call again."

Once I was finished saying my part Brody's mouth shot open "Are you freaking kidding me? They're cutting you out of their lives because you like men?!"

I nodded my head and studied my hands, I wasn't sure what to say, I had been at a loss for words since I woke up.

"That's incredibly archaic. This isn't the old world, it's not like you're the only gay guy in the world. Jesus Christ."

A small smile made it's way onto my face, at least Chelsea and Brody would still be there for me. I loved this guy like a brother, he would always stick up for me when no one else would.

"Thanks Brody, it doesn't really matter though. It's happening and I only have three days to collect my things. I'm not even sure what to do though.."

"Hey don't worry, man. I will help you out in whatever way I can, and I know Chelsea will be more than willing to help you out too, she loves you like a brother. I know she does."

"Thanks.. I think I'd be a bum if you guys weren't my friends." I scrunched up my nose at the thought and stood up from the bed. "Do you think Chelsea's done in the bathroom? I need to shower, I think I smell like a rotting corpse." I sniffed the sleeve of my shirt.

Brody crossed his eyebrows together "I wasn't going to say anything, but yeah. You reek."

"Tch, thanks" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah, she should be done though. You know where all the towels and soap and whatnot is."

"Whatnot? You say whatnot?"

"Uh, yeah. I do."

"Huh, okay.. I wasn't aware people still said whatnot."

He shook his head and shuffled out of the room, I followed shortly after and made my way to the bathroom. Chelsea was just coming out of it and her hair was falling in little wet blonde ringlets around her face, she was (thankfully) fully clothed.

"Hey Chels, mind if I take a shower? I need to get clean and go pack my stuff."

"Pack your stuff? What's going on?" her eyebrows shot up her forehead and she wiped the water dripping from her hair off her face.

"I'll tell you about it if I can take a shower."

"Psh, of course you can shower, weirdo. But you better tell me how it went with your mom, okay?"

"Of course, Chels. When have I ever NOT told you something that's happened in my life?"

She thought for a moment, her finger tapping her chin. "Good point. Now go shower, you smell like a giant sweaty foot. You have an extra set of clothes in the third drawer of the cabinet."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I sat down on the couch, still rubbing my wet hair with a blue towel I found in the bathroom. The shower helped me feel better, physically anyway.

"So... gonna tell me yet?"

Chelsea and Brody sat across from me on the mini-sofa, she was sitting on the edge of the couch staring at me intently, but it didn't bother me. That was just Chelsea when she was anxious for some information, I was used to it.

"They sold my house, the new owner will be moving in three days from now."

"What?! They sold it! Already? Good freaking god that was quick."

I just nodded as she kept talking "What about all your stuff? Do you have time to get it all?"

"Well, I'm not sure what I'm going to do about any of that, I have some money in my bank account, but it's all from my parents, so I wouldn't be surprised if they emptied that out. Otherwise I'm not really sure where'd I keep anything, or where I'll keep myself."

Chelsea sighed and leaned back into her seat, tapping her fingers against Brody's leg in a quiet rhythm.

"Well, we can rent you a storage place for your things, and you can keep out your necessary items."

"I don't want to use your money, it's very nice of you to offer, but I'm sure there's something else I can do."

"Riley, shut up. You have been there for me through every hard part of my life, you've been like an older brother to me and you're my best friend. I took care of you when we were eight and you scraped your knee, and I'm going to take care of you now when you really need it. Brody and I will rent you a storage unit and you can stay here in the guest room until you find a job and can get on your feet."

I looked at Chelsea with tears in my eyes "You are the best friend anyone could ask for, Chels."

She smiled at me warmly and layed her head on Brody's shoulder.

Brody kissed the top of her head and then turned to me "Do you want us to come help you pack today?"

"No, that's okay. I think it'd probably be best if I went by myself today. What time is it?" My whole sense of time had been thrown off due to sleeping for two days, but Chelsea generally showered in the evening, so it had to be getting close to night time.

Chelsea glanced at the watch on her wrist "It's nearly two now."

"In the morning?" My eyes bulged and I started to re-think my plan of packing.

"No, silly. Two in the afternoon."

"Oh, alright. Is my car still here?"

Chelsea nodded and pointed to the table by the door, it had various objects on it, but my keys were placed next to the small flower vase.

"Thank you, I'll go start packing."

"Okay, I put a key to the front door on your key chain. Love you, Riles." Chelsea got up and gave me a hug, which I gladly returned. I waved goodbye to Brody and he nodded at me.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I opened the door to my bedroom and looked around. It was the last room to look in, I had already decided what I was going to put into storage, and what I was going to leave here.

I tugged a box into the room with me and placed it on my desk, gathering Cd's and books I started to arrange them to fit them all into their temporary container. The box was about half full when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

I scanned my room quickly, deciding there was nothing close enough to get in time I grabbed one of the books resting on the floor and made my way quietly to my bedroom door, it was slightly ajar and I could see the person's shoe from the crack in the doorway.

A converse. Someone with converse shoes broke into my house. Oh my god, I'm going to get killed by a hobo wearing converse shoes.

My slightly neurotic thinking was interrupted as my bedroom door swung open and the person came into view. I quickly brought the book down on the first part of the strangers body I spotted.. Which so happened to be their arm.

"What the fuck?!" The person quickly retracted their arm and I stepped into the doorway, grasping my weapon tightly.

"What are you doing here?!" I looked at the stranger and my mouth dropped open. "M-Mason? What ARE you doing here?" I looked at the taller man and stood dumbstruck for a moment.

"Well, I was just checking the place out, I guess the gods had a little more in store for me." He rubbed his left arm and I winced.

"Sorry, I.. I didn't know it was you. I thought something was going to kill me."

He raised his eyebrow at me "No worries. But um.." He reached over and tilted the book down to read the cover. "Uncle John's Bathroom Reader? That's certainly an interesting weapon of choice."

I blushed and threw the book on the floor "It was the first one I saw."

He smirked at me and quickly looked me over "Whatever you say."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"So, what exactly are you doing here again?" Mason and I had taken our conversation into the living room, and were now sitting opposite each other on the sofa.

"My dad bought this place for me the other day and I figured I'd come in and check it out."

"Y-Your dad bought it for you?" My eyes narrowed into slits. I guess that's why it was so easy for MY father to sell it. He knew someone who was looking.

"Yeah? Did I do something wrong?"

I shook my head at him "No, you didn't do anything. I suppose I'm the one in the wrong here."

"What do you mean by that?" He tilted his head and looked at me curiously. He looked cute like that.

As soon as that thought entered my mind I smacked myself. Stop it, Riley. You don't need to deal with a relationship right now.

I looked back up and realized Mason had been staring at me the whole time, I really needed to work on when I zone out into my own little world.

"Uh.. Are you alright?"

"Y-Yes, I'm fine." I felt my cheeks heat up and I all of a sudden wished my hair was just a tiny bit longer, so I could hide behind it.

"Okay then. So why are you selling the place? It has a sick view and it's overall a really spectacular place."

"Well, I'm not exactly the one selling it."

He raised his eyebrow at me, a signal to continue.

"My father's selling it, he bought it for me on my twenty first birthday."

"Why is he selling it then? I can't imagine you'd want to live anywhere else."

"No, not really. I do enjoy living here. But, well.. You um, remember the dinner party the other night?" I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

His deep chuckle filled the room "Yeah, I remember that. You made quite the impression on everyone there."

Oh good, so he had been in the room.

"Yes, well.. My father didn't take too kindly to my confession so he's disowned me and sold the place to YOUR father."

"How odd is that? Your dad buys it for your twenty first birthday, and my dad bought it for me for MY twenty first birthday."

I shook my head "That IS odd."

He nodded at me and our conversation seemed to have lost it's gusto. The silence fell between us and filled the room with awkward tension.

"So you're gay?" He blurted the question out and for some reason it caught me by surprise.

"Well, yes.. I am in fact gay."

"So, are you going to hit on me?"

I whipped my head around and scowled at him "Excuse me?"

He smirked at me and raised his hands in defense "Don't worry, I'm kidding."

"Hmph." I crossed my arms and curled up in my spot on the sofa. "You don't have a problem with it?"

I could still see him from the corner of my eye and I noticed the weird look he gave me.

"No, certainly not. Why should I?"

I turned to look at him "Well, I don't know. Everyone else there had a problem with it."

"Ah, they're all old farts anyway. Who cares what they think?"

"I do."

"Well you shouldn't. What does it matter what they think? What kind of impact will their decision to be ignorant toads have on YOUR life ten years from now?"

I waited for a moment before replying "Well, when you put it that way. Probably none, apart from losing my home. In fact, ten years from now over half of them will most likely be dead."

Mason outright laughed at that "That's the spirit!"

I smiled along with him and pushed my hand through my hair, a habit of mine.

"Well, I just realized the awkwardness of this situation. I seem to be putting you out of your house."

I nodded at him "Yes, yes you are. But it's not your fault."

"Well, where are you going to stay?"

"My friend's Chelsea and Brody are allowing me to stay with them, they said they'd rent me a storage space and I could keep my stuff there and stay with them until I can get a job and get established."

Mason was shaking his head throughout my answer and when I was done he looked up at me. "Well, that seems like an awful lot of trouble. Why not just stay here with me?"

Me eyes about popped out of my head as his reply left his mouth. He wanted me to stay with him?

"Buh.. Wait, what?"

"Stay here. Don't leave. You can keep the room you already have and I'll move into your guest room. I don't see why you should move everything out when you've already gotten so comfortable here. Also I don't really enjoy living alone, I much prefer the company of a roommate."

"Are you.. Serious?" I raised my eyebrows at him and my mouth was hanging open, I just knew it was, but I didn't really care.

"Perfectly serious."

"That would b-be amazing, so amazing."

"Excellent, it's a plan then! You'll stay here, leave your excellent furniture here and I'll just move into the extra room. So it's like you're not losing anything.. except for the erm, connection with your parents, of course."

"Of course..."

"Oh, and we might want to keep it on the down low that you're staying with me, I'm not sure how my dad would react to that and I certainly don't want to get kicked out.. No offense to you."

I just shook my head, I was far too amazed by this guy to take offense to something he said. He had the looks, a (so far) wonderful personality, and he was offering me to stay with him? How splendid.

It seemed as if he had been sent from the gods to save me from myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woops, another chapter >.>
Oh well, I like writing this, even if no one likes reading it ;)
Hehe thanks for reading <3