Starting Over

Chapter Twenty-One.

"Awww, Riley that's so adorable. I'm so happy for you." Chelsea squeezed my hand and was smiling at me warmly.

I had just delivered the news to her that I was now in a relationship with Ash. That's right, we were official...

"Have you guys had sex?" Her question had me spurting out my coffee. What was with people asking me such personal questions when I was drinking something?


A knowing smirk passed across her face "How was it?"

My cheeks burned and I grabbed a napkin, distracting myself by trying to wipe up some of the spewed beverage. How embarrassing.

"Riley! Come on! We tell each other everything!"

"This is so not the time, or the place." I signaled around the coffee shop we were in, there were various people, sitting alone or in groups. One guy sitting not too far from our table was giving me a weird look. I grimaced and turned my attention back to Chelsea.

"Fine, when we get home, you have to tell me. Okay?" She gave me a hard look, I wonder if it was too late to fake being dead? Yeah, probably.

"Fine." I sighed in defeat and waved my hand. "I'll tell you how it was when we get home."

"Ah-hah! So you admit you slept with him!" She practically shouted and I slammed my hand over her mouth, blushing furiously as I gave an apologetic smile to the people that Chelsea had drawn. Okay, maybe she didn't shout it that loud. But a few people did hear.

She shoved my hand off and glared at a man that was scowling at me. "Yeah, he's gay. Got a problem?" Ahh, so confrontational. Couldn't she just let it go? I did.

"Chelsea." I patted her hand, signaling for her to shut the hell up.

"I can't believe they let scum like you in here." The guy shook his head and went to walk away, but Chelsea wasn't having any of that..

"Excuse me? My friend is scum because he likes men?"

The guy stopped, turning around to face the now standing Chelsea. She had a very solid and cruel expression on her face and I knew where this was going.. It wasn't the first time she had called someone out for making some rude remark.

"Chels." I whispered "Let's just go." I tugged at her sleeve, walking away from the two towards the door to the small shop. By now we had everyone's attention.. and I didn't like being the center of attention. It made me squirmy.

"It's not natural." The guy stated, crossing his arms over his chest and looking down at Chelsea with a very judgmental look.

"Love isn't natural?" She challenged him, standing her ground.

"Of course love is natural, it's just what he has isn't love. It's an abomination."

"Oh I can assure you, what he has is love." Chelsea crossed her arms across her chest. "It may not be your every day 'boy meets girl' love, but it is love. Regardless of gender."

The guy shook his head, as if disappointed. "You kids and your new 'views'. Life was better back when the gays were where they belonged. In the closet."

"If you think about it, you're the one in the closet. The closet of close-minded pig headedness." She shot him a glare. "It takes alot of guts to come out, and I'm incredibly proud of Riley for doing so, he's been through alot these past few months and he doesn't need jackasses like you sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. I can't believe you are sitting there and honestly trying to tell me that love doesn't deserve a chance. If anything, the world needs more love, regardless of who it's between."

She stomped past the guy, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the coffee shop into the cold. Fall was coming quickly, the nip in the air was enough for anyone to tell.

I walked quickly to keep up with Chelsea, grabbing at her arm when I was within range. She slowed down a bit and turned to me.

"Sorry, Riley. I know you don't like it when I cause a scene.. but I kind of had to. People like that have no right to sit there and judge on something that they're just too close-minded to understand."

I shrugged. I was rather used to people hating on me and tossing their judgments and religions in my face, it may not happen all the time, but it had happened quite a few times in the past. It always seemed to rile Chelsea up though... As you probably already guessed.

"It's alright. Not much I can do about it now."

She gave me a sad smile "I can't believe you just have to deal with people like that..."

"I'm used to it."

"You shouldn't have to be."

"Well, I am." I gave her a hard look, signaling the end of the conversation.

"Right." Her lips turned down in a slight frown. "Well, anyway... Can we talk about you and Ash now?"

"I guess." Anything was better than talking about homophobes.

"So, you guys did the deed, huh?" She looped her arm through mine and wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Yes." A blush tinted my cheeks and I looked down, thankful that my hair was finally growing out. I hadn't had a haircut in a long while and you could tell. I should probably go in for a trim.

"And how was it?"

"I can't believe you want to know this, sicko." I jabbed her side, earning a laugh.

"What can I say? I'm a fangirl." She winked at me and my face went blank.

"A fangirl?"

"Yeah. Perhaps I should make a 'Ash and Riley' fanclub. I could be the leader!"

"Chelsea, you better not." I gave her a hard look, hoping she'd understand I was serious. Yet, I knew that if she was serious about making a fanclub, nothing could stop her.

She just shrugged in response and we continued to walk down the sidewalk in silence. We weren't too far from her house, she had chosen a coffee shop nearby so we were nearly back to her house.

"So you'll come to my wedding, right?"

"What?" I looked at her, shocked. "Of course I will! I wouldn't miss it for anything!"

"Good! Because it's in a couple weeks, ya know."

"What?!" I shouted, stopping my footsteps and turning to look at her "It's in a couple weeks?! You never told me!"

"I didn't? I thought for sure I had.. Oh, wait. Maybe that was Alyx. Oopsie." She smiled sheepishly at me.

I scoffed. "I need to get a suit."

"No no no, my first wedding will be more of a party than a wedding.. just Brody and I's closest friends. No parents.. Blah." She stuck her tongue out "I want a fun wedding."

"What about all the plans you've been making?"

"A party wedding still needs planning." She pointed out. "Besides, we'll have another wedding in the spring, and that one will be huge. All the family will be invited to it."

"Ah, okay." I didn't totally understand the reasoning behind two weddings, but whatever made her happy. "So, I don't need a suit?"

"Nah." She shrugged "Well I mean, you can wear one if you'd like, but I doubt anyone else will. Just dress nice." She smiled at me. I was good at dressing nice.

"Will do, captain." I mock saluted her and walked up her driveway, thankful to finally be home. It was cold out and I was going to demand a blanket once I got inside.


I fumbled around blindly for my phone, my usual Lady Gaga ringer blasting her lyrics through the silent house.

"Son of a bi-" I picked up my phone, having finally found it, and hit talk.


"Uh, bad time?"

Oh good God. Mason was the last person I wanted to talk to right now.

"That depends on what time it is." I looked around the room I was in, trying to find a flipping clock. What was with my friends and not having clocks? Seriously.


"In the morning?" That explained why I was dog tired.


"What do you want, Mason?"

"Look, I know I really have no room to ask you this, but my parents are going out for dinner on Friday evening and they requested I bring along a date or a friend. All of my other friends are busy and Alyssa and I are on a -ehm, break, right now. Would you accompany me as a friend?"

... Please tell me I was hearing things because it was so early morning.

Or that I was just hearing things for no reason.

Or maybe even that this was a dream.

He was not asking that of me, was he?

"Wh.. Are you serious?"

"I know, like I said. I really don't have room to ask this of you.. But please, Riley? I have no one else and I won't hear the end of it from my parents if I don't bring someone. They don't care who, friend, date, whatever. It just has to be a person that can dress nice and smile."

"Bu- Mason, seriously? Are you seriously asking me this?"

... It was early morning, I had to right to repeat my question unnecissairly.

"I'm afraid so."

I groaned, rubbing my face with my free hand. "Why in the hell did you call at three in the morning?"

"I wasn't sure if you'd be busy or not.. and I had been awake so I figured I may as well call."

"You didn't care if I was sleeping, huh?" Okay, now I was being rude.

"Yes or no, Riley?"

I groaned again. How could he ask me this? I was such a nice person sometimes.. I hated saying no to people.

Really, what could it hurt? I go as a friend, keep my distance, act kind. I had done the whole 'rich family' scene many times before, it would be like an old routine.


"Excellent. I'll pick you up at seven, okay?"

"No, that's okay. I'll walk to your place."

"Oh, alright. I'll see you then."

"Bye." I mumbled before ending the call and turning off my phone. I didn't want to hear from him again.


"Riley." Chelsea pinched the bridge of her nose, letting out a frustrated huff. "Stop being so damn nice to people."

I groaned and slammed my head down on the kitchen counter "I know. I'm an idiot."

"Yes, you are." I felt her flick my ear, but I ignored it. "I can't believe you agreed to go.. you need to get ahold of Mason and tell him you changed your mind."

"But, Chelsea!" I shot up, frowning at her.

"No buts, mister! Do you know how upset Ash will be?" She gave me a hard look, crossing her arms.

"I can't help it! He needs me!"

Chelsea scoffed "He doesn't need you, Riles. He can find someone else."

"But, Chels. I already told him I would go.. And it's tomorrow."

"Riley! Do you understand how upset Ash will be? Seriously. You can't go." She frowned at me.

"He'll just have to trust me." I shrugged. I had already thought about how Ash would react, and I couldn't see it ending well.

That's why I had decided to not tell him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for such a shoddy chapter ;(
I had originally planned lots of updates for today, but right when I sat down at my computer to write my mom called and gave me a list of chores to get done, and then told me my Uncle was going to come by and pick me up for a wedding I had to go to.
I wanted to at least get this chapter out today because I won't be able to update again until Tuesday or Wednesday~ At least I got this out ;)

Also, I started a new story called The End Where I Begin. It's only two chapters so far but I'd really appreciate it if you'd check it out (if you haven't already) and lemme know what'cha think. <3