Starting Over


I stood at the bus stop, grinning happily as the yellow bus pulled up and opened it's doors. A petite girl came barreling down the stairs and into my arms.

"Daddy!" She wrapped her small arms around me, giving me the customary hello hug.

"Hi, sweety. How was school?" I grinned at her as I grabbed her hand and took her backpack from her, slinging it over my own shoulder as we started our walk home.

"Good! Kayla shared he sandwich with me at lunch, so I didn't eat mine." She signaled to the brown paper bag in her hand and I smiled softly. "Is she coming over today, daddy?"

"Who, Kayla?"

"Yeah! She said she was coming over today."

"Then she probably is." I chuckled as we walked up the stairs to the front door and I pulled out my keys, letting go of my daughters hand to unlock the door.

"Is dad home?" She trudged up the stairs, shrugging out of her jacket and hanging it on the doorknob to the coat closet.

"Not yet, he'll be home later tonight. He had a presentation."

Ell looked at me, suddenly serious, her brown eyes wide "Ohhhh, he'll nail this one!"

"That's right, he will!" She gave me a high-five before running off into the living room, leaving me smiling and cleaning up the boots and coats in the hallway.

The door opened, bumping me in the back. I quickly moved out of the way as a familiar voice spilled apologies out.

"It's alright, Kayla." I grinned at the small girl coming inside. Chelsea followed behind her and grinned at me, spouting out a hello.

"Is Ell here?"

"Yup, I think she's already in the living room."

"Yay!" She bounced over, giving me a quick hug before bolting down the hall to the living room.

"Sorry, she's been so full of energy since I picked her up. I think they fed them sugar today.. How's Ell?"

"No worries, Chels. Ell is doing fine, she doesn't seem to hyper... I think it's just your child." I winked as she hit me, rolling her eyes and walking down the hall, she peeked into the living room before going to the kitchen.

I hung the last coat up and walked into the living room, noting the girls playing with polly pocket's on the couch. Ell looked up and grinned at me before returning to her toys.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a cup from the cabinet and filling it with water. "How're things going, Chels?"

"Oh, pretty good." She looked up from her phone, smiling. "Riley, guess what?"

"Hm?" I gulped down some water, choking on it and nearly meeting my death as Chelsea answered.

"I'm pregnant!"

I coughed and spluttered, trying desperately to regain my breath. "Really? Again? Congratulations, Chels!" I walked around the island counter in the kitchen and wrapped Chelsea in a hug.

She hugged me back, giggling happily. "Thanks! I'm so excited! Have you guys thought about adopting again?"

I shrugged, wiping at the counter absentmindedly "Nah, not really. I think we're happy with just Ell, she's never expressed being lonely. Although, I do think that may be due to Kayla."

I heard the front door opened and I raised an eyebrow, excusing myself from the kitchen to greet whoever the hell was walking in my house.

My face lit up in a grin as I saw Ash closing the front door behind him. "Hey, babe." He pulled me into a hug, giving me a quick peck on the lips before pulling off his coat and hanging it up. "It's getting kinda chilly out there already."

"I know." I frowned, walking back down the hall as he followed behind me. "How'd the presentation go?"

"Oh, good. I think we've got some new customers."

"Great, babe!" I grinned at him "I was gonna make lasagna before you got home, but you're here kind of early."

"Ahh yeah, the clients got an earlier flight so the presentation was earlier than first thought. Hey Chelsea." He directed the last part to the blonde who was currently sifting through our fridge, she waved her hand as an indication she had heard him. "Is Brody coming over tonight?"

She popped up out of the fridge and nodded as she chomped into an apple "Yeah, he should be here after work."

"Excellent, looks like it'll be a full house tonight then." I grinned at Ash and pulled a dish out, making sure it was clean before getting the ingredients out for lasagna.


"Tanya, could you pass the corn, please?"

"Sure!" she chirped happily as she grabbed the blue bowl, passing it across the table to me.


"No problem, Riley!"

I turned back to my plate and piled the corn on.

I felt a nudge on my right side and turned, facing Ash. "Hm?"

"It was nice of you to invite Tanya and Alyssa... but did you have to invite Mason?" He glared at the man across the table, who just so happened to be engaged in an intense conversation with Alyssa and Christopher.

I rolled my eyes at Ash's question "Yes, I did have to invite them. Mason isn't a threat anymore... Just look at him and Chris, they're so enamored with each other." I snorted and took a bite of corn.

It seemed like such a long time ago that I had issues with Mason, yet, after that happened things had seemed to be set straight with the universe. Ash and I had gotten married a year after I so unconventionally asked him to marry me, not too long after that we had entered an adoption agency, being blessed with a baby girl named Ell. She was nearly five years old now and it seemed like the world was just passing us by.

Mason had made things right with us, settling for friendship between us and instead setting his eyes on Christopher, they seemed happy enough as a couple, nearly as happy as Alyssa and Tanya were.

Chelsea and Brody had a baby girl together about the time that Ash and I got Ell, our children had been able to grow up together and so far they were the best of friends.

Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better setup. My friends and family finally seemed to be able to all exist together without wanting to kill each other.

And as far as my parents go... We eventually worked things out, they were much more comfortable with my sexuality and they loved Ash. They absolutely loved that they had a granddaughter now, Ell was their pride and joy.

As far as I was concerned. My life was perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, it's over o.o

I've never written an epilogue before, so sorry if this sucks xD

Anyway, thanks to each of you for being so awesome. This story hit 10 stars on here and has 92 subscribers. That's incredibly awesome. You guys are amazing, thanks so much for reading and thanks for all the comments and positive feedback on this story :')