Starting Over

Chapter Three.

"What? He offered to let you stay with him?" Chelsea finished wiping off the counter and I nodded at her "For no cost? Or anything? Just.. because he wants a roommate?"

"Yeah, I don't know. We didn't really get into the details. I'm sure that will come later, but.. Who am I to turn this down? It will be so much easier staying there, and now I don't have to take any of your money!" I beamed up at her from my chair and she just gave me a flat look.

"It wouldn't have been a problem to have you stay here, but if this is what you think the best decision is, then I support you." She turned her back to me and threw the wash cloth into the sink, taking the proper actions to act it out as a basketball player.

"So, what's this guys name again?"

"Mason." I answered automatically.

"Mason.. Hm, and he was at that dinner party, you say?"

"Yeah, I bumped into him in the hallway and then didn't see him again until we were driving away."

She looked up at me from the counter and raised her eyebrow. "When we were driving away? What do you mean?"

"Yeah, when you started driving away, he was standing on the front porch watching us leave, that's pretty much the last thing that I remembered before I blacked out."

"Weird, I wonder what the hell he was doing watching us leave. Did you ask him?"

"Well, I .. No, I didn't.. I guess the thought never occurred to me." I shrugged and avoided Chelsea's gaze, she looked annoyed.

"Way to go, Riles."

I shifted in my seat "So, tell me about the engagement."

I hadn't gotten the details on how he proposed yet and I was curious to find out. Chelsea grinned at me and took a seat next to me at the table.

"Well, you know the other day was our two year anniversary."

"Oh yeah, congratulations on that!" I was terrible and remembering important dates.

She chuckled and continued "So he told me to be ready at seven and that he would be here to pick me up, naturally I was ecstatic so I dressed the best I could. I didn't even really expect him to propose.." She tapped her chin thoughtfully and I scoffed at her.

"Damn straight you didn't expect it, I would have known if you were expecting it."

She slapped my shoulder playfully "Yeah, that's true. Anyway, we went out to the same restaurant that he took me to on our first date, and once we were done eating he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife!"

"Wow, that is so adorable, yet incredibly cliche."

"Oh please, you find his cheesiness adorable."

She had me there. I liked my men like I liked my Doritos; the cheesier, the better.

"So have you set the date yet?"

"No, not yet" she shook her head "But I have no problem with having a long engagement, there's something new and sexy about being his fiance. It's as if I've upgraded in his life."

"Technically speaking, you have upgraded in his life, but.. In a way, I think Brody has always pictured you as wife material."

* * * * * * * * * * *

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist, shaking my head gently to rid it of a bit of the excess water, but not hard enough to get water on the mirror. I ran my fingers through my hair and opened the bathroom door, letting some of the steam out. I preferred hot showers.

I tossed my dirty clothes into the hamper and made a mental note to do laundry later this evening, all of my good jeans were now dirty.

I heard my cell phone start to ring from my room "Shit" I wrapped the towel tighter around my waist and went after my phone, turning the corner to exit the bathroom I ran straight into Mason.

We tumbled to the floor and I slammed my elbow on the door frame. "Wow, I'm so not used to having someone else living here."

I looked over at Mason and frowned when I noticed he was just staring at me, he had a strange look in his eyes and I couldn't really place it... It seemed almost, hungry?

That was when I realized what I had been wearing in the bathroom, and that the green towel had been ripped off my waist as we fell. My cheeks instantly heated up as I noticed his eyes raking my body. I wrapped the towel back around my waist hastily. "S-sorry."

Mason still didn't say anything so I got up and walked quickly to my room, avoiding his gaze as best as I could. I shut the door and leaned against it "Good job, Riley." I was so mortified I was sure to burst into flames and turn to ash right in my room.

I walked over to my dresser and was just about to pick up my phone when I heard a soft knock at my door. Well, there was only person that could be and I wasn't sure if I could face him right yet, my face was still burning and I hadn't even changed yet.


I cursed under my breath and quickly threw on my grey sweatpants that were draped lazily over the back of my chair. I cracked my door open and peered at Mason. His back was turned to the door, I couldn't tell if he was just about to leave or if he was just waiting for me to answer.


He quickly turned around and searched around for a second before looking at me through the crack in the door. "I'm sorry about that, I didn't uh.. Except to run into you, or expect you to be n-naked." his cheeks turned a soft pink color and I had to keep myself from letting out a girly squeal.

He was embarrassed! It was good to see I wasn't the only one in the world capable of blushing, it sure felt like that sometimes. His embarrassment made me forget MY embarrassment temporarily, I opened the door further.

"It's okay, I should have thought before running out of there in a towel."

We stood there for a moment, the awkward tension was starting to get thick and I rubbed the back of my head while Mason shifted on his feet.

"So, uh.. Wh-What did you need?" He had to be here for a reason other to apologize, right?

"Uh, no, nothing else in particular..." He shoved his hands in his pockets and I frowned slightly.

"Oh, okay.. well, okay.."



"Yeah.. I'm gonna" He pointed behind himself and turned to leave.

"Oh, Mason?" He turned around really quickly and looked at me, almost eagerly.


"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, anything." His eyes quickly gazed over my bare chest and I suddenly felt hyper-aware of my half nakedness.

"Uhm, why were you watching Chelsea drive away at the dinner party?"

He visibly stiffened and shifted his gaze from mine. "Uhm, I just wanted to make sure you got out of there alright, you didn't look too healthy when you left. I would have offered to drive you home, but the uh, Chelsea, had it taken care of."

I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face, that was so sweet. Mason stepped slightly closer and brushed his hand against mine, I had to keep my mouth clamped shut because I thought the butterflies in my stomach were going to fly out.

Mason quickly retracted his hand and cleared his throat. "Well, I'll let you.. change and, whatever else."

I nodded and still kept my mouth shut, I felt weak in the knees and I wasn't really sure why. He hadn't done anything extraordinarily sweet, yet I felt like I was falling in love.

Uh-Oh. I just thought the L word. I wasn't in love with Mason. I pinched my arm and winced from the pain.

There, that was exactly what I needed. I'm not in love with him, I don't even like him. I rolled my eyes at myself and leaned my head against the wall, I was hopeless.

I guess Mason had never actually left like I thought he had, because when I looked up he was standing a little ways down the hallway looking at me strangely. "Um.." I wasn't really sure what to say, and that was all that came out.

"I don't mean to sound like a prude, but.. Are you going to get a job?"

I opened and closed my mouth briefly "Buh, um.. Yes, I suppose I should look for a job. I can't" I shook my head before continuing "I don't suppose we'll live here forever, and I'm sure I'd have to get one eventually, may as well be sooner than later."

Mason gave me a small smile and nodded "Yes, well. I know the restaurant down the road is looking for a new waiter. If you're interested, you may want to apply rather soon here."

I just nodded at him before he turned and left. I made sure he was actually gone this time before I retreated back into my room.

How pathetic was it that I was twenty one and hadn't had a job yet? Chelsea's seventeen year old cousin had already had three jobs, she kept getting fired though.

I sighed and sat down on my bed. Maybe it wasn't smart for me to accept the invitation to move in with Mason. I wasn't even sure of his sexual orientation, granted, he just HAD to be at least bi-sexual. The way he looked at me was anything but innocent and there was no way a straight man would look at me like that. But geez, I didn't even know if he was in a relationship with anyone - I knew I couldn't keep myself in check for long, hell, I was already feeling emotions towards him that I hadn't felt toward someone since high school. I was in dangerous territory, but there was no where for me to escape to now.

I suddenly remembered the whole reason for this awkward evening and got up to walk to my dresser. Grabbing my phone I checked my missed calls, it had just been Chelsea. I groaned and hit call. Sometimes that girl was so much trouble.

"Hey Riles, you okay?"

It had taken me a bit longer than usual to return her call so her question didn't surprise me.

"Yeah, I'm alright, just returning your call."

"Oh, okay. Well in that case, I hate Bella."

That however, did surprise me. My eyebrows knit together in confusion "Buh..? Yeah? We've both agreed that she's a stupid harlot and should have chosen Jacob over Edward, but that was exceptionally random.. Is THAT what you called for?"

"Yeah, that was pretty much it."

"Where's Brody at, Chels?" Something Twilight related must have prompted Chelsea to hate Bella, and if something Twilight related was happening in her house, Brody wasn't there.

"He went to pick up the pizza. How'd you know he wasn't here?"

I ignored her question and answered with one of my own "Which Twilight movie are you watching?"

"Eclipse, it just ended though. Jacob is WAY hotter than Edward, and it'd be so much cooler to be a werewolf than a vampire!"

"Chels, she would be human if she stayed with Jacob."

I heard her scoff "Yeah, but that's not the point."

"Okay, well.. I have to go, I'm going to go see if the restaurant down the street is still open, I'm going to apply for a job."

"Whoaaaa, Riley? Are you feeling okay? You're going to apply for a job? Why?"

"I-I don't know, because I think it'd be a good idea. I don't really have any money, and I can't mooch off Mason forever."

"Unless you marry him."

My eyes bulged and I choked on air. "Mm-mmarry him? You have GOT to be kidding!"

I heard her laughter before she answered "Calm down, Riles. I am kidding. But with a reaction like that I dare say there are some romantic feelings going on there." I could just imagine her wiggling her eyebrows at me and I groaned.

"Shut up."

"There SO is! Oh my god, you like him don't you!"

"Even worse.. I thought the L word." I confessed to her, she may as well know.

Her gasp cut through the line and there was a moment of silence before she replied. "THE L word?! As in, the opposite of hate? The L word that goes with Peace and Happiness?"

"Yes, that L word."

"But you don't even know him!"

"I know, I know! But you know me, love at first sight, baby."

"Wow, well.. I have to go, Brody just got back, but.. Riles?


"Use protection."

And I heard the line click. I blushed bright red and glared at my phone. I hated how she had a knack for embarrassing me.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I slipped my arms into a grey jacket, it was getting kind of nippy outside and I didn't want to freeze to death before I could find out what the big deal about working was. I squirted a small amount of cologne on my neck and checked myself out in the mirror in my room. I'm not vain, I swear.

I decided I looked presentable so I swung open my bedroom door, stuffing my wallet into my back pocket as I trudged down the hallway. I was kind of nervous about this, I wasn't even really sure what to do.

What did I say once I got there? Hi, I'm Riley and I want to service your people!

... That was just wrong.

I shook my head and went to open the front door.

"Where are you going, Riley?" I turned my head around to look in the living room where the question had come from.

And before you think I'm insane, no. The living room wasn't speaking to me, Mason was.

"I was just on my way to apply at that restaurant place." I pointed at the front door as if that explained it all.

"Right now? It's nearly seven, they're going to be busy with a dinner crowd."

"Oh..." Like I knew that, come on. "I guess I'll just, go later.."

"I would say go around eleven tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow morning? But.. I'm all ready to go tonight." I looked down at myself and pouted slightly.

"Don't worry about it, here." He scooted over on the sofa and patted the seat next to him "Come watch a movie with me. See, Eclipse just started, we could watch that."

I do like Twilight.. But wasn't Chelsea just watching Eclipse? Weird.

"O-okay" I walked over and took a seat next to Mason as the rain began to pour on the television screen.

I couldn't really focus on the movie, due to the close proximity of the guy next to me, our legs were nearly touching and I wanted to slap myself for sitting so close to him. This spelled disaster. His scent invaded my sense of smell and I breathed deep, he smelled like pine trees after it rains, it was delicious.

I brought my attention back to the screen and watched as the guy writhed on the dock, slowly turning into a vampire from the bite.

"He's good at writhing in pain." I sort of blurted it out and it even surprised myself.

Mason glanced over at me and chuckled slightly "Yes, I suppose he is."

I wanted to smack myself again, and was just about to when Mason excused himself to use the restroom.

A few moments after he left his phone started ringing, I hadn't even realized it was sitting on the coffee table, but the ringer was annoying me, I couldn't hear the TV. I didn't mean to be rude but I grabbed the phone and answered it.


"Hey, Mace. Why the hell won't you call my sister back? She IS your girlfriend."

"Wh- What? This, this isn't Mason."

"Oh, sorry man... Didn't realize, but why don't you tell him to call his girlfriend, would ya?"

I nodded before I realized he couldn't see me. "Yeah, sure."

The line clicked off and I placed the phone back on the coffee table where I found it.

Mason came back a few moments later, but I was frozen in place on the couch, one word kept pounding through my brain.

Girlfriend. Girlfriend. Girlfriend.