Starting Over

Chapter Six.

"Boys, Boys, Boys! We like boys in ca-ars."

"Boys, Boys, Boys! Buy is drinks in ba-ars!"

Lady Gaga's lyrics burst into my hearing and I scrambled wildly for my phone, I was naturally clumsy and even more so when I was tired. I accidentally pushed my phone off the nightstand and willed myself to roll out of bed.. Literally.

I landed with a thump on the floor and groaned, grabbing my phone I hit answer and mumbled out a greeting. "H-Hello?" I wiped my eyes, attempting to rub some of the sleep away.

"Hello? Is this Riley?"

I nodded, then realized the speaker couldn't see me. "Yes, this is. Who is this?"

"Christopher.. From, Cicada."

That seemed to wake me up some, perhaps he was calling to tell me I got the job. Strange though, I recall him telling me the manager would call.. Unless he was the manager?

"Oh, yeah. What's going on?"

"I figured I'd call and just let you know that boss decided against hiring you, I'm sorry.."

"Oh, he did? How come?"

"He's just looking for someone with more experience."

That made sense, I didn't have ANY experience, but then again.. How hard could being a waiter be? I was a little agitated.

"Oh, okay.. Well, I suppose thank you for calling me."

"No problem."


"Was there uh, anything else you needed?"

"Wha? Oh, um no. That was all."

"Ohh-kay. Well, I'll see you around then."

I pulled the phone away and hit the end button, letting out a groan of frustration and pain. Falling on the hard wood floor in the morning wasn't exactly my ideal way to wake up.

I rubbed my eyes and pulled my sheet back over my torso. I needed more sleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Don't do it, Riley!" I raised the gun to my eye and looked through the cross hairs, aiming carefully. I needed to make this shot, I just had to. I waited two seconds, breathing out as I pulled the trigger.


A little red flag popped out of the barrel of the gun and the owner of the stand laughed.

"Haha, better luck next time, buddy!" The little yellow rubber duckies were still all afloat in their small pool, looking at me all innocently.

All of a sudden I was laying on a rock when a cloud came out of nowhere and slammed into my face. I would have thought it would disperse on impact, but it was strangely hard. I tried to sink further into the rock I was laying on, but I wouldn't go any further.. Another cloud appeared in my view and slammed into my face again. What the hell?

I shot up into a sitting position "What the hell?!" I voiced my most previous thought and I looked around my room quickly, all of the objects were spinning in my vision and a blur of purple and blue jeans was standing to my left. Ugh, head rush.

I shook my head briefly and glared at the girl standing next to me. "Chelsea! What the hell?!"

She was laughing almost hysterically and I just glared at her.

"Wh-What.." That was all she got out before she burst out into laughter again. I rolled my eyes and waited for her to calm down. It took a few moments, and she ended up sitting next to me on the floor.

"Would you care to tell me why you were mumbling about evil rubber duckies while you were sleeping?" She smiled at me and I glared at my bedpost.

"They were taunting me."

"HOW exactly were they taunting you?"

I looked over at her and sighed dramatically "I was going to shoot them.. They were taunting me."

She shook her head and grinned "You have the weirdest dreams, Riles."

"What're you here for? Not to be rude." I scrunched my face up and got to my feet, wrapping the sheet of my bed around my body. I always preferred sheets to actual blankets, they were much comfier.

"I came over to tell you I'd marry Jack Sparrow." Chelsea laid down on the floor and held her hand to her head in a wistful motion.

"But think of how Brody would feel! Besides.. You can't marry him, he's mine." I winked playfully at her and she opened one eye to look at me.

"Sorry, Riley.. I don't think he's gay. Besides.. What about Mason?"

"Mason would understand." I grabbed a random shirt out of my drawer and pulled it on. I felt a little more decent that way. I still had boxer shorts on, but that didn't bother me. Chelsea was used to seeing me in boxers.

Chelsea shot up off the floor and was over to me as soon as I had the shirt on all the way "He would understand? Does that mean you two!?" She squealed and I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Wait.. Chelsea, is Mason even here?" I looked at her and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know... I just came straight to your room, I'm not friends with him, I'm friends with you." An innocent look was painted onto her face.

"Chelsea... What'd you do?"

"Nothing! I just asked if you guys were together." She rolled her eyes at me and turned around.

"Then what was the point of getting all worked up when you asked me? You already knew the answer." I swatted her shoulder gently and she shrugged.

After the confusing sexual orientation talk that Mason and I had on our 'date' we finished our meal and went home, small talking the whole time. We went our own ways and he had kissed me goodnight again.

Yet, that was really the last I've seen of him.. The past few days had been spent with him packing boxes, bringing them over to our place and unpacking them again. He had been in a whirlwind of moving, and sorting things out with his family. So I had kept myself occupied by applying at different places (Mason had given me a tad bit of helpful information.. You usually won't get hired if you apply at one place. I'm glad I listened.) and mostly just meandering around my (now shared) household.

Chelsea and I walked out into the kitchen and I pulled the orange juice out of the fridge, pouring myself a glass. I hadn't spotted Mason, so I guess he was out getting more boxes.

"I didn't get the job."

Chelsea put the newspaper down and looked up at me. "Which job?"

"Cicada." I took a sip of orange juice and leaned against the counter, glancing at the clock on the stove.


"Oh, I'm sorry, Riles.." She gave me a sympathetic look "Where else did you apply?"

"Uhm.. I don't remember to be honest with you.. I know that ice cream place that we go to.."

"Tasty Treat?"

"Yeah, that one." I nodded and placed my empty glass in the sink, putting the container of juice back into the fridge and I walked over to Chelsea and leaned against the counter next to her.

"How do you forget where you apply?" Chelsea stuck her tongue out at me and I scowled.

"By being me!"

"Right, well.. I have to go, wedding plans. You know" She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Wedding plans? have you set a date yet?!" I was kind of surprised she hadn't had to work on wedding plans sooner, and she still hadn't told me a date yet.. obviously.

She shook her head "No, we haven't decided yet.. We're just looking over our options. Which dishes we can use, what flowers.. what theme. You know, just super basic stuff that you don't need a set date for."

I nodded "Of course, of course. Well, you have to let me know the second after you find out, alright?"

She smiled at me and gave me a hug, which I gladly returned "Of course I will, Riles."

Her keys jingled as she pulled them out of her pocket. "I'll see you later then, Chels. Let Brody make some of the decisions for the wedding too."

She rolled her eyes and waved before leaving.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

My shoes slapped against the pavement in a soothing rhythm. I didn't have a particular destination, I was just walking to walk. It was a nice day out.. Not too hot, not too cold.

I looked down at my shoes as I walked, not always my smartest decision.. but I just didn't see how I could go wrong with it if I stayed on the sidewalk. I was wearing my converse today, they were really comfortable.. But I hated how long they took to put on, hi-tops just didn't seem worth it sometimes.

Another pair of shoes appeared in my vision on my left, they were black and green, I wasn't really sure what type because the persons jeans hung over too much of the shoe. I looked up and smiled at the person.

"Hey, Christopher. What's up?"

I hadn't even realized I was walking by Cicada.. I looked over my shoulder and could see it in the distance. Yup, right past it.

"Not a whole lot, was just about to leave work when I saw you walk by. Figured I'd come out and walk with you.. If that's alright?" He questioned and I nodded.

"Of course. I don't mind company at all, I've gotten kind of used to having a roommate, or my friend around.. But lately both have been busy so I've gotten a little lonely." Way to sound needy, Riley.

Christopher chuckled a little and I smiled, his laugh was just like that I guess..

"Sorry to hear that, but you know.. If you're ever lonely, you can always come over to my place. I don't live too far from Cicada."

"You don't?" I looked over at him and scrunched my eyebrows together, trying to remember a time where I had seen him before. I could of sworn I had only seen him at Cicada.. But if he lived so close, I should have come across him before.

"Nope, just right down the street really. Do you live far?"

"No, I live in the neighborhood too."

"Strange that we've never met."

I looked over at him and smiled "I was just thinking that myself. Although, I used to go out alot and was nearly never home.. Also I've never eaten at that restaurant."

"Ah, well that might explain it then."

I nodded and we walked in silence for a few moments.

"So, you have a roommate, hm?"

"Yeah, Mason."

He stopped walking and I, in turn.. Stopped as well, turning to look at him I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you guys, ehm.. Involved?"

Were we involved? How do I answer that.. yes, kind of.. but no, not really.. We weren't together or anything, we had just kissed a couple of times.

"I-Ehm.. We.. Kind of?"

"Kind of?" He looked up at me (he had been looking at his shoes.) and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we've.. kind of kissed a couple of times" I blushed "And he's more bi-curious than anything I think, but I've offered to help him figure out what's going on."

"Oh of course, of course. So you're..."

"Gay." I finished his sentence for him "Yes. I'm gay."

He nodded and we reached the intersection, there wasn't much traffic and we could have crossed but we both turned around and started heading back the way we came.

We walked in silence, just enjoying each other's company until we got back to Cicada.

"Well, this is where I must depart from our marvelous little walk." Christopher smiled at me and I returned it.

"Yes, thank you for keeping me company, it was nice."

"Anytime, Riley. Also, I'm sorry about my boss being a butt head. It's actually probably better this isn't your first job anyway, he's really particular about who he hires and keeps a close eye on everyone, there wouldn't be much room for mistakes.. Or learning, for that matter."

"Oh it's no problem, I've applied a few other places anyway. It's not as if I need the job right this very second anyway, just in the near future here."

"Well, if you apply at the Tasty Treat nearby, I may be able to say a good word.. My brother's best friend works there, he's worked there for forever."

I beamed at him "That'd be splendid! I did in fact apply there... Errr, yesterday, I think, maybe it was the day before.." I tapped my chin thoughtfully. "Anyway, I did apply there.. that'd be so great if you could say something."

He smiled at me and nodded "Yeah, for sure.. I'll tell him about you and to ACTUALLY think your application over instead of just tossing it aside as he usually does." He rolled his eyes before a smile appeared on his face again.

"Wow, thank you so much, Christopher.. I really really appreciate it." I moved closer and hugged him.

Which I guess I should have thought about before I actually did, some guys aren't comfortable with a gay guy just launching themselves at them and giving a hug. But oh well.. Too late now.

He stood still for a brief second (out of surprise, I think) before returning my hug, when I pulled away his cheeks were tinted pink. But it could have just been my imagination.. It WAS getting kind of dark outside.
"No problem, Riley. And you can call me Chris if you'd like."

I grinned at him "Alright, Chris. Now.. can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Why are you helping me out so much? I mean, don't get me wrong. I sure do appreciate it.. But, most strangers would have seen a struggling civilian and just laughed instead of actually helped."

He shrugged at me and stuck his hands in his pockets.

"I don't know, you looked like a lost little puppy.." I pouted a little "no offense intended, of course. But, I just figured I'd give you a helping hand." He finished with a shrug and a glance back at the restaurant.

"Ah yes well.. Thank you again, Chris. And I'll let you get back to work.. or home, whatever it is you're departing for." I scratched the back of my head.

"No problem, Riley. I'm glad you walked by tonight."

"Me too." I turned to start walking away but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Hey, do you mind if I catch your number? You know.. So I can keep you updated on the ice cream ordeal."

"Oh of course, I don't mind at all." We exchanged numbers quickly and we went our separate ways, he into Cicada's and I hummed on my way home.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I opened my front door, it hadn't been locked.. so I guess Mason was home.

"Hello?" No answer, he must be listening to music or something.

I shut the door behind myself and made sure to lock it, it was getting late and I'm sure neither of us would be going out again.

I was walking down the hall and I tripped over a shoe, cursing at nothing in particular I went to kick it aside.. when I realized what kind of shoe it was.

It was a woman's shoe.. a high heel, to be exact..

Now, that could mean one of two things. I obviously didn't own any high heels, so either Mason did.. Or he had a woman over.

My gut twisted, I had a bad feeling.. I was hoping desperately that I was either finally losing it and seeing random shoes tossed carelessly around, or that for whatever reason, Mason owned a pair of black stilettos.

I walked down the hallway cautiously, holding the shoe as a weapon, or evidence.. I'm not really sure which.

I guess they hadn't exactly made it to the bedroom yet, because Mason had someone pushed up against the wall in the hallway, and he.. she.. it.. whatever it was, had their lips attached to Mason's neck. His hands ghosted down their arm, I honestly couldn't tell what gender they were (judging by the shoe in my hand.. female) but I didn't stick around to find out.

I dropped the shoe and turned on my heel, thankful I hadn't taken off my shoes or jacket. I picked my keys back up off the small table by the door and fumbled with the lock, only to hear Mason coming after me.. I guess the shoe falling was loud enough to bring attention to me.

"Riley, Riley.. Wait!" I slammed the door and started walking to the sidewalk. I don't know why I was so intent to get out of there.. I felt like I had just been cheated on, tears burned my eyes and I picked up my pace a little.

"Riley, come back.." Mason started coming after me and I could hear him buckling his belt back up, he had no shirt on.. he was probably a little cold, I should give him my jacket.

I nearly smacked myself for thinking that but instead focused on keeping my feet in a straight line, tripping wouldn't be the greatest thing in the world right now.

"Riley!" Mason gripped onto my shoulder and whirled me around to look at him, I cringed a little and wiped my face quickly.. Hopefully removing any evidence of tears.

"Mason, just.. I'll .. I'm.. gonna.. Yeah, go back to.." I wasn't making sense, but I wasn't really trying to. Why was I the one trying to make up an excuse? He was the one in the wrong here.. Wasn't he? Maybe not, it's not like we were together.

"Riley, I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.. Please come home and we can talk about this, I'll send her home and we can talk about this, please.." I had been looking down at the sidewalk and looked up at him briefly.. bad idea.

Any resolve I had to NOT return home had quickly crumbled at the look on his face.. He looked defeated. I had thought it would have been more 'caught' or.. 'oh shit'.. or even 'fuck my life' would have been better than defeated. I hiccuped (stupid tears) and nodded shortly.


"Alright, just.. give me two seconds, alright?"

I nodded and we walked back to the house together, he went ahead of me .. I guess to tell the chick to clean up, get dressed, and leave. Well, I hope he told her to leave.. Oh god, what if he let her stay in his room while he talked to me? I hadn't even been in his room yet!

I was starting to get a little angry and I rubbed my arm, trying to calm down slightly.

I was standing outside the front door.. contemplating whether or not to go into MY house, because of some slut my roommate brought home. What the hell was wrong with me? I shook my head and opened the door (not as strongly as I would have liked, in fact it was rather timid) and looked around, making sure the coast was clear of slut before I walked in, scurrying quickly to the living room and sitting down on the sofa.

"Whatever, Mason. Go talk to whatever ruined our night. Don't you EVER call me again!" I heard the girl storming down the hallway and slamming the front door.

He called her? I was really getting curious to hear this story now.

Mason came into the living room, he had put a grey hoodie on and it was zipped up halfway, revealing some of his bare torso. He pushed a hand through his hair and sat down on the chair that was opposite of the couch.

We sat for a moment before I cleared my throat.


Mason shook his head. "I'm sorry, Riley.. I was out at a bar and ran into my ex.." He cringed a little and I gaped at him.

That was his ex?!

"So, sh-she.." I shook my head "She.. what. why.. what.." I was about to babble again, but Mason cut me off.

"We were dancing and drinking and I got turned on and.. I don't know, one thing lead to another. I'm still drunk." He rubbed his forehead "I'm-I'm sorry, Riley.. I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry."

"It's not like we're together." Act cool, collected. Don't care.. Be cool Riley, be cool.

"We aren't?" Mason looked up at me and my eyes bulged.

"Well Ah, I mean- Did you.. Want to be together?"

He looked confused.. So cute.. I shook my head and glared at his foot.

"I DO want to be together, yes.." I looked at him and grinned.. Just like that all thoughts of why we were here as was.. My tear stained face and him half naked, were gone. It didn't matter that he had almost done the nasty with his ex. It didn't matter that I had just been crying and felt betrayed.

But we hadn't been together at the time, so it didn't really matter, right?

"So.. are we together now?"

Mason got up out of his seat and kneeled down in front of me, taking me by the hand and catching my eye.

"Riley, I apologize for my stupidity, there's no excuse and all I can say is that I'm sorry, and I can promise to you it will never happen again. That being said... Will you be my boyfriend?"

I was grinning halfway through his little speech and by the time he was done my cheeks were a little sore.

"Are you sure you know what you're saying, and you aren't too drunk to understand?" I smirked a little at him and he blushed.

"Yes, Riley.. I'm very positive I'll remember this in the morning. I've wanted to be with you since I met you."

I leaned down slightly to capture his lips with mine, feeling the strange electric flow running through my body, he quickly returned my kiss, licking my lip to ask for entrance. I opened my mouth just enough to let him in and I felt his tongue roam my mouth in the most tantalizing way. He tasted of beer.. not the most pleasant, but oh well. We broke apart, slightly short on breath.

"I'd love to be your boyfriend, Mason." I smiled at him and he returned it, kissing me lightly again before standing up and grabbing my hand, leading me down the hall to his bedroom.