Starting Over

Chapter Eight.

I glared at the dark haired man who was so conveniently placed on the other side of the locked door to the ice cream shop, and he wouldn't let me in. He had just stood there when I first tried to open the door.. It's a push door so I naturally ran right into it when it didn't open.

"Would you open the door?!" I shouted at him through the door.

He shook his head 'no' and tapped his wrist.

"What the hell does your wrist have to do with anything?!"

He rolled his eyes and pointed at the clock hanging on the wall. 9:54. Oh great, so it was six more minutes until opening.

"Well that's great.. But I'm not a customer! I'm a new employee!" He just smirked at me in response and walked away into the back of the store. What a bitch.

I kicked the door and sat down on the curb. "What a jerk. I can't believe I have to work for him." I mumbled a few profanities until I noticed someone had sat down next to me, I had heard her chuckling and I looked over at her.

Her red hair was the first thing I noticed, it was the brightest red I had ever seen and it fell around her in waves, it almost touched the pavement while she was sitting down. She had huge black glasses on and was wearing a blue shirt with a giant ice cream cone printed on it, she had matched her shirt with a black and grey skirt, and just some regular black flip flops.

"Is Ashley being an ass again?" she looked at me innocently.

"I have no idea who that is, but yes." I glared at a tree across the street and she chuckled again.

"The scary guy.. his name is Ashley."

I whipped my head over to look at her "Seriously? He has a girls name?"

"Hey, don't hate on that name.. alot of hot guys are named Ashley. Plus, I see nothing wrong with it, I have a guys name." She grinned at me.

"You do?" I blinked, surprised.

"Yup, Alyx." She grinned broadly and held her hand out to me, I shook it.

"Huh, never woulda guessed. I'm Riley."

"I know." I gave her a confused look "Ashley told me about you last night."

So they were together? that didn't seem likely.. Ashley was such a jerk, and Alyx seemed so nice, but I guess they WOULD balance each other out nicely.

"Oh." I have no idea how she knew, but just from that one word I guess she knew what I was thinking.

"Oh no no no, we aren't together. He's my brother." She grinned at me, she was very smiley.

The bell on the door dinged and I whipped my head over to see Ashley standing the doorway. "Great, Alyx is here." He rolled his eyes and I raised an eyebrow.

"Can I come in now?" I glared at him and he smirked.

"Yup, we're open. You can come in now."

"Ashley! That's so rude! he works here now, he should be let in before regular customers!" Alex stood up and placed her hands on her hips, glaring at Ashley, quite a contrast from her usual smile. "Just like I should!"

I looked over at her and my face lit up "You work here too?"

She turned to me and her smile returned "Yeah! I do! My parents have both Ashley and I work here, my dad owns a ton of the stores and he made us share the duty of manager at this store, although.. Ashley is always firing everyone." She rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand, dragging me into the store behind her.

"Well, I guess since Alyx is here, she can train you. You two seem to get along so well." He flipped his hair out of his face and walked away, to the back of the store I guessed.

"Don't worry, Riley. We don't need him." Alyx grinned at me and I smiled back.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I smashed the cone down on the counter and glared at the retreating customer.

"What a bitch!" I shouted, then realized there was still two little kids sitting at a table in the corner of the store. Alyx's eyes popped out of her head and she quickly put ice cream into two separate bowls, taking it over to the kids.

"Sorry guys, he's new." She shrugged like it was no big deal and walked back over to me, sending me a sharp look.

"You can't just shout profanities while there are customers here.. Sorry, Riley." She frowned at me sympathetically as I slammed my fist down repeatedly on the already smashed cone.. I was just turning it into cone dust at this point.

"Sorry, Alyx.. But come on! She was such a bit-" Alyx quickly slapped her hand over my mouth and signaled over to the kids.

"Uh uh."

I pushed her hand off "She was."

"She was.. but we don't say that word, not around little kiddies."

I rolled my eyes "Fine."

The previously mentioned customer had stood at the counter for at LEAST twenty minutes, tossing between ice cream flavors, then she finally chose Blue Moon, triple scoop in a waffle cone.

I had put two scoops in when she suddenly changed her mind and wanted Cherry Jubilee, double scoop, in a bowl. I threw out the cone and had grabbed a bowl, scooping her ice cream in.. Nearly done when she changed her mind AGAIN, double scoop vanilla with chocolate sprinkles on a chocolate dipped waffle cone.

At that point my patience was wearing out and I was already frustrated, I had just finished her ice cream cone and handed it to her, she took two licks, looked at me and glared, bitching at me about how I couldn't get an order right.. I didn't do ANYTHING wrong! She gave me the cone back and stormed out.

Thankfully she was the first foul customer I had gotten, Alyx had helped me with pretty much everything, it was overall a really easy job.. and it had to do with ice cream, who wouldn't enjoy it?

I'm not sure what Ashley had been doing the whole time, as far as I know he just stayed in the back room and did nothing all day and got payed for it.. I guess I can't really blame him, the store wasn't THAT busy, and whatever customer I missed, Alyx got. It would have just been cramped at the front counter with him up here, and I didn't really want to deal with him, he seemed like such a jerk.

It was almost closing time and I had worked all day, I didn't really mind it.. Gave me a good amount of training. Alyx and I got along really well, so really it wasn't that bad, in fact. .I rather enjoyed it, if I didn't have to work with Ashley, I think I could do just fine here.

I wiped off the counter and watched the kids walk out of the store, quickly rushing over to the door and locking it as soon as they were out.

"Yay! Another day is over!" Alyx jumped up and down in place, her red hair flouncing around her.

I grinned at her "My first day!"

"Congratulations, Riley! You did awesome today!" She gave me a high five and Ashley appeared out of the back room.

"Trust me, you won't be that excited after about five hundred work days. You'll want to quit."

"Oh please, Ashley.. Like you'd know. You don't even do anything." Alyx stuck her tongue out at him and he glared at her, shocking.. I know.

"Alright, you can go home now, Riley. Ashley and I will clean up.. You worked hard enough today, I'll show you how to close up store later." She grinned at me and gave me a hug.

"Okay, thanks for teaching me everything, I'll see you Thursday."

I hugged her back and waved shortly at Ashley, he just nodded at me and I walked out of the store, watching Alyx lock it behind me.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A/N: This last part has poorly written boyxboy smex in it.. so if you don't want to read that, then stop here~ Nothing else important happens in this chapter, just that Mason and Riley get it on :P Anyway.. to all you other dirty little readers (don't worry, I'm not judging... I'm the one that wrote it, can't get dirtier than that xD) enjoy~ <3


"Welcome home, babe." Mason grinned at me and wrapped me in a hug, pulling away slightly to lean down and place his lips upon me, kissing me momentarily.

I smiled back at him "Well, if I had known that's how I would be greeted, I would have gotten a job sooner."

His laugh filled the air around me and my smile grew broader. "How'd it go? Not too bad I hope."

I shrugged. "No, not too bad. My boss is a jerk, but the other boss is really cool.. and I really only had one bitch of a customer today."

Mason nodded his head and waited until I was done talking "Good, good. You like it?"

"I'm working around ice cream and a hyper, friendly girl all day.. Yeah, I like it."

"Good! I'm glad to hear that." He smiled at me again and took me by the hand, leading me into the living room. "Are you hungry?"

I shook my head, no. I had eaten alot of ice cream today and wasn't really in the mood to eat anything.. be it ice cream or normal food.

"Alright" He smiled at me and sat down on the couch, I sat down next to him and he flipped the television on, surfing through the channels for something to watch.

Mason finally landed on a show, something about fishing.. I'm not really sure, because I was soon distracted. I leaned over to him and poked his arm, when he turned to look at me I kissed him.. It was meant to be totally innocent, I swear.

Our innocent kiss turned into more when I went to pull away, he placed his hand on the back of my head and pulled me closer gently, deepening the kiss and taking it further by nipping gently on my lower lip. I happily opened my mouth and enjoyed the feeling of his tongue exploring my mouth.

We slowly worked our way around to where I was laying down on the couch while he hovered above me, he started to kiss me more urgently, down my neck, searching for my soft spot. I let out a gasp as he found it and started to nip and suck on it, definitely going to leave a mark.

I slid my hands up his shirt and felt his toned torso, enjoying the feel of his muscles under my exploring fingers.

Mason attached his lips back to mine after reaching down to the edge of my shirt and pulling it over my head, he ran his hands up my stomach and rubbed one my nipples, causing me to elicit a moan. The sound kind of shocked me and I opened my eyes, Mason noticed I stopped and looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"S-sorry, go ahead." I shook my head and pulled his head back down to mine, kissing him hungrily.

He kissed down my jawline to my lips as his hand rubbed at my nipple, his other hand ran down my chest and over my bulge, I was getting hard but there was no point in being embarrassed about it. It was his fault after all.

I pressed my crotch against his hand, wanting more. He unzipped and unbuttoned my pants expertly before sliding his hand inside my boxer shorts and grasping my member in his hand, pumping it slowly. I moaned and bucked my hips in his direction. "Mason.." I said breathily.

He stopped for a moment too long as he pulled down my jeans, my boxers going with them. He kissed my lips one last time before trailing kisses down my body towards my erection, he blew on my hardened member teasingly and I let out a low growl, I heard him chuckle.. He was sooo going to get it for teasing me.

Yet, as soon as his mouth covered the head of my erection I couldn't help but forget why I was annoyed at him. His tongue licked around my length as he started to take me further and further into his mouth, he got the top half of me in his mouth before wrapping his hand around the bottom half, starting to pump slowly in motion with the movement of his mouth on me.

A low moan left my mouth, you'd think he had a ton of practice giving blow jobs, but strangely enough, this was his first one.

His hand stopped rubbing at my nipple and found it's way down to caress my balls as he sucked harder on my length, the added stimulation felt incredible and soon sent me over the edge, I wasn't sure if he wanted to swallow or not so I tried to warn him "M-Mason, I'm going to cum." I managed to breathe out, but I guess he didn't care because he just kept sucking and rubbing me, until I burst into his mouth. I threw my head back and welcomed the release my climax brought.

Once I was done Mason pulled away and kissed me, I tasted myself on his lips and wanted to give him the same pleasure he had managed to give to me.

I pressed myself up against him and rubbed my hand over his bulge, he was incredibly hard and I couldn't help but want him inside of me again.

I tugged his pants down and his boxers followed shortly after, I started to run my hand up and down his length, he was the perfect size, not too big.. not too small.

He moaned at the contact and leaned over me "Riley.." He breathed out, and that had to be the most incredibly sexy way I had EVER heard someone say my name, and I've heard my name said alot.

He suddenly pushed my hand away and flipped me over, I got on my hands and knees and he spread my legs apart as he kissed my neck, inserting two of his fingers into my ass. I winced as he pressed his fingers into me repeatedly, shortly after I bucked my hips against his hand, I wanted more.

His fingers were quickly replaced by his length, he pressed his tip against me before pushing in, slowly at first. "Mason." I growled his name and pushed back on him, the familiar pain slammed into me, making me wince in pain for a brief moment, Mason started to push into me over and over, slowly picking up speed, and the pain was quickly replaced with pleasure.

I leaned into his body and caught his lips in a kiss as he pushed into me over and over, his hand reached around and found my dick, he started to pump it, up and down, and over again as he pushed into me, as soon as he hit a certain spot inside of me I moaned "R-right there" I managed to moan out, and he grunted in response, pounding into me faster as his hand worked on my length. He kept hitting me in the same spot and causing sparks of pleasure to go off inside of my body, soon enough it was all too much and I felt the familiar tingling in my body as I came, sadly it was all over the couch..

He kept pounding inside of me, he came shortly after I did, and he rolled off of the top of me, allowing access to sit up and stare at the stain on my once all black couch.

I looked down at Mason as he layed on the floor and I pointed to my couch "You're paying for a new one of these."

He winked at me from his place on the floor. "It was so worth it."
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Hope you enjoyed.
Leave me comments <3