Starting Over

Chapter Nine.

"Get your butt out of bed." Mason slapped my ass and I groaned in complaint.

"I don't wanna." but, I said it into the pillow, so I'm sure it came out garbled. Either way, he understood what I was trying to say because he ripped the blankets off me, the cold air attacked my body and I almost shrieked while I curled up into a ball, trying to maintain some sort of heat around myself.

"Riley." Mason growled and walked over to the bed, crawling over me. I turned around on the bed so I could face him, this was certainly turning into an interesting way to wake up.

"Yes, dear?" I painted an innocent look on my face and kept my tone cutesy.

Mason rolled his eyes "Faker." He leaned his face down to mine and I closed my eyes, waiting for the kiss. His lips barely made contact with mine, just ghosting above my lips and I could practically hear his grin in his voice. "Get out of bed."

Then he jumped off the bed and I opened my eyes to scowl at him. "Jerk."

"What? No, I haven't done that today. No need to after last night." He winked at me and I felt the color rush to my face.

"Well, good to know it was satisfying enough for you." I threw a pillow at him and he smiled as he dodged it.

"Very satisfying." He winked again as he pulled a shirt over his bare torso. "Seriously though, you need to get up, babe. We have to go get a new couch."

I raised an eyebrow "You're seriously going to get me a new one?"

"Well, yeah.. You told me I had to, didn't you?" He turned to look at me and I nodded my head quickly.

"Yes, yes you do."

"Although, I don't really see why.. YOU are the one that messed it up, not me.." he trailed off innocently and I glared at him.

"You know EXACTLY why, it was your fault! Not mine!"

Riley laughed "Sure it was. I want to see you in the kitchen in twenty minutes." He winked at me as he left the room.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I had a scowl plastered onto my face as I walked into the kitchen, searching for Mason.

I slammed the plastic bottle down onto the counter "What the hell is this?"

Mason turned to look at me, his gaze turned down to the bottle and his face instantly looked as if he were fighting a smile. "Soap?"

"Very funny.. Why was it the ONLY soap in the shower? I highly doubt YOU used it, so explain where the manly soap went!"

"Oh come on, Riles.." Mason picked up the bottle and turned it so he could read the label "Raspberry kiss? Yeah, that doesn't sound so bad to me."

"Of course it doesn't.. because YOU didn't have to use it! Now I have to walk around all day smelling like a girl!" I scowled again and Mason walked around the counter, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I think you smell delightful." He leaned his head down to my neck and inhaled before planting a soft kiss on my exposed skin. I shivered and nodded slowly.

"Besides." He pulled away from me and walked back over to his previous spot against the sink. "You like it and you know it." He grinned and my face instantly twisted into a scowl.

It totally didn't matter that I liked it, it mattered that I was going to be walking around town smelling like Raspberry Kiss.

"Not the point!" I shouted and he smiled at me.

"It's okay, the only person who will be close enough to smell you will be me."

I rolled my eyes and went into the hallway, searching for my shoes. I finally found them sitting behind the couch in the living room and I slipped them on. "I'm ready to go!" I shouted, and a few moments later Mason appeared in the living room.

"Let's go then."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"I like this one." We were standing in front of an.. interesting, couch. I gave Mason a flat look and shook my head.

"No you don't."

He looked at me, mocking hurt "I am offended that you would say that! What's NOT to like about it?"

I took a glance back at the couch "More like.. what IS to like about it?" it was a mustard yellow color and had the most bizarre print on it, a mix of flowers, birds, and sailors. Seriously? Those didn't even go together, okay.. Maybe the birds and sailors, but where the hell did flowers fit into the mix?
I looked around the store, trying to find a salesman. No one had approached us, but I'm willing to bet that's because we walked into the store hand in hand.

Mason stood looking at the couch, one hand on his chin in a thoughtful manner. I smiled at him and went up to the main counter.

"May I help you?" The lady asked sternly and I sighed.

"I was wondering if I could get a salesman to help me?"

"To help you, or both of you?" Her voice was flat and I could see the disdain on her face.

"Both of us." I scowled at her and she glared at me.

"Oh shove of, Linda." A younger girl pushed 'Linda' aside gently and smiled at me, extending her hand. "Sorry about her, she doesn't keep up with the times." She winked at me as I shook her hand. "What can I help you with today?" She smiled and I couldn't help but smile back, it was nice to meet someone in public who was okay with gays.

I pointed behind me at Mason who was still looking at the ugly couch and the girl frowned "Oh god, please don't tell me he wants to buy that one.."

"He does." I said solemnly and shook my head.

"Oh dear lord, you desperately need my help." She walked from behind the counter and started going in Mason's direction, I followed behind her.

"Hello there sir, do you need help today?" She smiled up at Mason (she was pretty short.) and he jumped in surprise. I guess he had been deep in thought.

"Yeah, my boyfriend and I want this couch." He pointed at the offense to nature and I groaned, slapping my forehead.

The girl shook her head "No you don't."

"Uh, yeah we do."

"No, you don't.. Trust me."

"Why not?"

"Are you serious?" She stood looking at him her mouth agape. "That thing is fucking ugly!"

Mason laughed "I think it'd fit perfectly with the rest of our decor, don't you, Riley?" He turned to look at me and was met with a glare.

The girl snickered and shook her head "Nah, I can find you a better couch. My name's Sierra." She held out her hand and Mason shook it.

"What price range are you folks looking at today?"

I smiled, she talked kind of weird but it was endearing. "No higher than-"

"No price limit." Mason smiled at her and she grinned back. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. I had forgotten he was still using his parents money, lucky bastard.

"Oh-ho. I have the perfect couch for you then." She winked at us and turned around, directing us toward a black leather couch. "Isn't it beautiful?" she fawned over it and patted it gently. "It's the most comfortable thing I have ever sat on in my entire life. I could LIVE on this couch." she nodded her head fiercely and signaled for us to take a seat, which I did so happily.

Let me just say, sitting on that couch was like floating in the sky. It was SO comfortable, and I'm guessing Mason liked it too because as soon as he sat down he sighed and practically melted into the couch.

"Oh yeah.. I like this one. What about you, babe?" Mason directed the question at me and I noticed Sierra trying to hide a smile at his term of endearment.

"Yeah, I like it too, alot." I smiled and got up.

"Good" he looked over at Sierra "We'll take it." He grinned at her and she clapped her hands.

"Excellent! Just come with me and I'll help you fill out the paperwork, basically just where to have it delivered and such, ooh.. and you have to pay, of course."

Mason nodded and walked off with her over to the front desk. I didn't particularly feel like boring myself to death with the payment details so I kept walking around the store. I exited the sofa department and went over to the beds and dressers, there were a few I liked, but none I needed. My bed set was still rather new and in good shape.

I was looking at a dresser that had a hidden drawer to it and was trying to figure out how to shut it properly when I heard a familiar voice.

"Oh, I don't know dear.. I don't think that one would go well in the guest bedroom."

Oh shit, my mother.. and I'm here with Mason? They can't know we're together. I slammed the drawer shut, not really caring if it was shut properly anymore and looked for a place to hide. The front door was too far away and I could hear my parents chatting as they got closer to me. I spotted a bed close by and quickly darted under it, praying that my parents didn't bother to look down.

I tried to slow my rapid breathing, I felt like my heart was going to pound out of my chest. Sadly enough, lady luck was not on my side at the moment.. Although, she's never really on my side. Maybe she's homophobic? Bad Riley.

My parents stopped right in front of the bed I was under, I was just praying that Mason didn't come running around the store shouting my name.

Which is close to what happened.

My parents stood at the bed a moment longer before I heard my father speak up. "Mason? What are you doing here, son?"

Oh sure, call him son. You wouldn't be doing that if you knew he was in a relationship with your gay son.

"Oh, uh.. H-hi, sir. I'm.. getting a new couch."

"Well, the uh, sofa's are over there."

"Wh- yes I-"

"Are you here alone, dear?" My mother.

"I, uh.. Yes, yes I am. I was just leaving too." What? No! He can't leave without me! JERK!

I could see Mason's feet walking away, towards the front door. How dare he leave me here? oh he was going to pay. Granted, if my parents found out I'm sure we'd BOTH be homeless, but geez.. he could fake a bathroom emergency.

My parents walked away from the bed and I waited until their voices were just whispers until I crawled out from under the bed.

"Riley?" I jolted at my name being spoken and I slammed my head on the wooden build of the bed, wincing in pain. I looked up and Seirra was standing in front of me "Oh my god, sorry! Are you okay? What the hell are you doing under there?" She helped me out from under the bed and I looked around quickly.

"Quick, the rich looking couple, where are they?" She looked around the store and pointed by the dining tables... They were in between me and the door.

"Son of a.."

"Do you know them?" She gave me a confused look and I nodded.

"Long story, but.. They're my parents, and don't know Mason's gay. They kicked me out and disowned me when they found out I was gay." Sierra's mouth dropped open and she looked around.

"Come on, you can sit in the break room until they leave." I nodded a thanks.

* * * * * * * * * * *

"What are we going to do, Riley?"

Mason and I were sitting at home in my bedroom, I was laying down on my bed and he was fiddling with some string while sitting in my computer chair.

"I don't know." I shook my head.

My parents had finally left before long and I had called Mason to come pick me up, we both went home and thanked Sierra for her help, she told us our couch would be delivered in two days.

We were now sitting at home and talking about the almost run-in with my parents. I couldn't believe they were at the furniture store, they almost never did their shopping.. Unless mom was into that now? I don't know.

We couldn't afford to have a run in with them though, it definitely wouldn't be a good thing if they found out Mason and I were together.

"What if we just go to cheap places? My mom wouldn't be caught dead in a place like Wal Mart."

Mason smiled weakly at me "Yeah, I can totally see her shopping there."

I smiled back at him and shrugged.. which was kind of hard to do laying down, for whatever reason.

"Riles, this is ridiculous. We shouldn't have to hide our relationship from the world. I want to be able to take out to shop for a new couch without having to worry about running into someone we know." Mason pushed his hand through his already messy hair and I frowned.

"I guess that's just part of it, Mason."

He frowned at me and got up, exiting the room. "I guess so."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this is SO late, and I'm so sorry o___o I've been neglecting it! D: But here's an update, love me again! :P