Status: A Side Project, I'll try to update as much as I can.

The One Finger Salute

When We Were Thirteen

"Tay! Get your ass out of bed!" Steve yelled and jumped on my bed. "Fuck off." I groaned and threw a pillow at him. "Come on, Motley Crue is in town!" He said. I sat up and saw that he was sitting on my bed facing me crossed legged. "And why does my mom let you in?" I asked him. "Easy, she loves me just as much as she loves you." He said, and I rolled my eyes at him. "Leave, I have to get dressed." I said pushing him out the door. I threw on a pair of jeans, and an old The Clash t-shirt. I grabbed my board, and opened the door. Steve must have been leaning on the door because when I opened it he fell to the ground. "Smooth move Glover." I said stepping over him. I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Hey Hun, where's Steve?" My mom asked me. "On the floor outside my bedroom." I said. "Oh." She said. "You could have at least helped me up." Steve said walking into the kitchen. "I didn't feel like it." I said laughing. We ate our breakfast and then decided to go 'hunt' down Motley Crue. "Wait! I get payback!" Steve yelled. With that he ran up and hopped on my back. I carried him all the way to his house.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short I know. Ryan Dunn's death made me go back and watch all the series and movies again. Then I remembered how cute Steve-O is. So this entire story is dedicated to Ryan Dunn. I was devastated when you died Ryan. You made me laugh, and gave me something to escape to when my life got to hectic and hard. and you were my favorite Jackass. The World lost some light and some laughter, we will all miss you. Rest in Peace Random Hero.