Status: A Side Project, I'll try to update as much as I can.

The One Finger Salute

When We Had Our Traditional Friday Night Movie Marathon

"Tell Me!" I belted into the mike. "Great Tay, take five." I heard Dan say. I walked out of the vocals booth and sat down with the rest of the guys. John held a bottle of water in his hand. I taped him and pointed at the water, my voice hurt so much. I had done at least 8 takes of that belting part and it was starting to wear me out. He handed it to me, I nodded a thanks to him and I took at long drink. "Okay, so now all we need are the little voice over parts, and this track will be done!" Dan told us. We were recording Complicated and it was coming along great. "Knock Knock!" Dunn said walking into the room. "Hey." I croaked. "So how is it coming along?" He asked Dan. "Do you want to hear it?" He asked Ryan. "Yeah!" He said enthusiastically. Suddenly our song filled the room and my voice filled the air. Once the song was finished, all Ryan could say was, "Wow." I silently laughed, and cleared my throat. "You have to be on one of these tracks. How about Ryan do some backing vocals for us?" Josh said suddenly. "Yeah!!! He can do them on Anything But Ordinary!" I said quietly. "Ryan what do you think?" Dan asked Dunn. "I am probably your biggest fan. Of course!" He boomed. John taught him all the parts, and we pushed him in the vocals booth. "Ready Dunn?" I asked through the intercom. He nodded and I started the track. He sang it just a little of but it was barley noticeable. He came out and I gave him a high five. "Much better than me today." I said. "Yeah, I noticed your voice was kind of off." He said. "Yeah, I had to belt for Complicated a shit load of times." I said grabbing another bottle of water. "Tay!" Dan called out. "Huh?" I said walking over. "I just got the call from the label, your free to announce that your a signed band now." He said. I did a little happy dance.

I ran up to Steve-O's place with Isaiah in tow. We were buzzed in and once he saw what we had in our hands, Steve-O ran to prepare for the night ahead of us. "So whats all this for?" He asked us sitting down. "Celebrating. We got signed to Hopeless and we are making a record!" I said. "Fuck Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Come here babe!" He said and we hugged. Isaiah took this as the opportunity to start talking. "Okay Ladies and Gents! Here we have the Tay, Steve-O, Isaiah, and Holly Friday Night Movie Marathon! Except without Holly. So here we have oreos, milk, redvines, and all other kinds of shit that make your butt big! And of course as the movie cycle goes, last time we did sy-fy. Now tonight we are doing HORROR!" Isaiah shouted. "Wait! I have one more thing to add to the snack pile!" I screamed out. I ran out to the car and grabbed the beer I had hidden on the drive over. I brought it back up and handed it to Steve-O. "That's my girl!" He said. I went into the bathroom and changed into sweats and a tank top. I pulled my hair up into a bun and put on my glasses. We all got situated on the couch, meaning me in the middle. Isaiah popped in the first movie and we all started to snack and joke. Once we settled down and were actually watching the movie, Steve-O kept getting scared. He hid his face in the crook of my neck. "Steve-O! Move!" I whined. He mumbled a 'no' and I sighed. "Steve-O, your a fucking pussy." I told him. We all burst out laughing. Once he was back to normal and watching the movie, I saw Isaiah sneak over. I nodded at him and he nodded back. Isaiah pounced on Steve-O freaking him out. We all burst into laughter, once we saw that he pissed his pants. He showered and changed, and was back once again. We were on our fourth scary movie when I fell asleep.

I woke up the nest morning in Steve-O's arms. I was comfortable so I didn't move. That is until I heard them talking. "Aw dude, that's so fucking cute." Isaiah said to him. 'Dude shut up. It's not like that." Steve-O said, his grip getting tighter. "Alright, don't forget to send me an invitation to the wedding." Isaiah said. Steve-O moved the arm that was supporting my head and threw a disc holder at Isaiah. "Ow!" I yelped once my head hit the ground. Steve-O put his hand back and picked up my head again. "Sorry." He whispered in my ear. "Jerk, now I'm awake." I grumbled. Steve-O chuckled and we all fell asleep again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler. I felt that there wasn't enough Steve-O in the story, I'm sorry!

So, I want to tell you that my computer is being taken to San Antonio with my mom and so I will have to either type out chapters on the iPad or borrow my Dad's computer so, updates may become more infrequent.

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Oh and I'm not that good at writing cute shit so bear with me.