Status: A Side Project, I'll try to update as much as I can.

The One Finger Salute

When I Met Aiden and You Didn't Like Him

I drove to the library to do some research for a paper. I went to the back near the encyclopedias were. "What are you doing here?" Someone asked me. I looked up to see a lanky kid with big ass glasses. "Um, research." I said looking back down. "Please. The kiddies section is back there." He said snobbishly pointing towards a colorful room. "Sorry, but I don't have time for your games. Pathology is calling." I said looking back down once again. "Freak." He spat. I walked up to him and grabbed his shirt by the collar. "What did you say?" I asked him. It was a good thing we were in a deserted corner. "N-nothing." He stuttered. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "He's not worth it." A cool voice said. I let out a sigh and released the asshole. He scrambled away. I crossed my arms and turned around. "I can see why he chose you as a target." The boy said walking around me. "Alice in Chains T-shirt, black jeans, and bright red highlights. That guy, thinks he owns the library." He said handing me the book I dropped when I grabbed the assholes collar. "Thanks, he did it to you too?" I asked him as he looked at books on the shelf. "Yeah, but I didn't scare the shit out of him like you did. Tay." He said. "Jackass?" I asked him. "The One Finger Salute. You guys have a decent fan base out here." He told me. "Wow, I didn't know that." I said sort of surprised. "Yeah, but now your on that TV show, rumor has it that you left the band. You guys have been MIA for at least a month." He told me sitting down at a table beckoning for me to follow. "No! The exact opposite! We actually got signed and we are working on an album." I told him. His face lit up. "Really! That's awesome! You guys did a southern tour once and I flew out to Georgia to see you guys." He told me. "Oh my god that was you?'' I asked him. During the set we had stopped to introduce ourselves when someone from the crowd had shouted out that they flew from Cali to see us. He laughed and nodded. "Well, whats your name?" I asked him. "Aiden. So tell me, what are you doing in a library?" He asked me. I slapped my forehead. "Research for a paper." I looked at my watch. "I really have to get going. I have some skits to shoot." I said standing up. I gathered up the books and went to the checkout line. I handed her my new library card I had set up a few days after I had gotten to LA. I walked back out to my car. "Wait!" I heard Aiden call. I rolled down my window. "Hm?" I asked him. "If your free tonight, meet me here at 7:30. I know a few good food places around town." He said hopeful. "I might take up your offer on that. See you tonight at 7:30 then." I said before I drove away.

"Tay! Hurry up! Change into these and meet us back out here." Johnny said handing me a bunch of black clothing. I changed into the clothes and walked back outside. I saw a hearse and a coffin. "No, there is no way I'm doing that!" I said. "Please?" Jeff asked me. I let out a sigh. "Fine, but I get to leave work an hour early okay?" I asked him. He nodded. I climbed into the coffin. They loaded me in and kept the top open. We drove around for a good few minutes looking for a nice steep hill. "Tay, so whats gonna happen is, Johnny will pull over and open the door, then I will push you out with my feet. Okay?" He asked me. "Yeah yeah, let's just get this shit over with." I said. The top of the coffin was closed. I then heard Johnny shout as my coffin started to move forward. I felt the coffin hit the the ground. "Oh shit." Johnny said as he tried to pick my coffin back up. Once he succeeded he shut the door and started to drive. The top opened once again. "You okay? Jeff asked me. "Yeah, how many more?" I asked. "Two." He answered. We did it once again gaining help from a guy and the top fell of revealing my face so I had to act dead. We did it one more time and a group of guys had to help. Once the top cam off I sat up and faced Jeff. "Ow! You kicked hard. My head bounced up and I hit my forehead on top!" I yelled. "Sorry." Jeff said laughing.

Once I was done for the day, I went home and took a shower. I then dried my hair and straightened it. I then applied my usual eyeliner and mascara. I had a hard time deciding on what to wear though. I then decided that I didn't really care and got dressed in jeans and a Ramones tee. "Guys! I'm going out behave!" I yelled before I walked out the door. "Hey!" Steve-O said jumping out of nowhere. "Sweet Jesus!" I yelled. "What do you want?" I asked. "To know where your going." He said. "Out, with a guy." I said walking to my car. "What's his name?'' Steve-O asked me. "Aiden. I really need to get going O." I said. I got in the car and rolled down the window. "I don't like him." He said leaning down so that we were level. "You haven't even met him yet!" I yelled. He started to say something but I cut him off. "Fuck this, I'm late!" I said before pulling out of the driveway.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." I said walking up to Aiden. "It's okay. I saw you today. You were dead though." He said laughing. "Well, work is work." I said. We started walking. I hope you like burgers." He said. "Love 'em." I replied. He laughed. We walked into this fast food place called In 'N Out. "What do you want?" Aiden asked me. "Surprise me." I said. He ordered for us and once we got out food we walked back outside. I arched an eyebrow. "Come on." He said. We walked over to a car. "Yours?" I asked him. He nodded. "Get in." Aiden said. I got in and we drove. We talked on they way there getting to know each other. "By the way, you look stunning tonight. I love the Ramones." He told me once we pulled up at a beach. "Thanks." I said laughing and blushing. Thank god it was dark so that he couldn't see. He pulled out a blanket and put it down on the sand. We sat down and started to eat. We talked even more. Once we were done, I had him drop me off at the library. "Thanks, I had a great time." I said. "Me too, I would like to do this again." He said moving closer. I did have a great time, but something wasn't there. I also knew because I saw that there were more than a few articles of women's clothing that weren't mine. He had a cell phone too, which was called while he was setting up the blanket at the beach and I found he had a girlfriend. I moved away. "Um, no thanks. Tell your girlfriend I said hi." I said before I got in my car. Before I drove away I rolled down my window and shouted out, "Do you really think I'm that dumb DickFace!?!" He stood there dumbfounded. Well at least one good thing came out of this. I was officially hooked on In 'N Out.

"Told you!" Steve-O shouted at me. We were in my room and I told him all that went down. "Yeah yeah. At least I found out before we did anything else." I said. "Yeah, well I'm glad that your okay." Steve-O said. I showed him to the door. "Your sure you don't wanna come over for a joint?" He asked me. I shook my head. He shrugged, "Night Taylor." He said before I shut the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I thought I would switch things up. Yeah another crappy filler, but the next chapter will be better.

We are leaving the time period of shooting for the first season of Jackass. Wah. But there will be more ahead.

Thanks to the two new subscribers. I went from Six to Eight! And I looked again! Eight TO Nine!

SO Comment Sub, and all that shit.