Status: A Side Project, I'll try to update as much as I can.

The One Finger Salute

When I Graduated And You ***ing Missed My Album Release Show

"Okay, Ms. Parks, congrats." The Dean said handing me my diploma. I thanked him and walked out, to where all the guys were waiting. I held up the diploma and they all cheered in joy. We piled into the van and drove to the venue to set up for the big night ahead of us.

"No! The red tape! That's orange! Red! No! Yes!" I yelled at Jonah as he was getting the tape. Once handed it to me I started to wrap up my mike. "Oh Red!" I heard a voice call. I looked up and worried. "Where is he?" I whispered. "Red! Oh my it's been so long! Ahh come here!" Johnny jumped in front of me and hugged me really tight. "Johnny!" I yelled. "Hey, now don't forget about us." I heard someone say. I turned to see Bam, Ryan, Chris, and Wee Man. I laughed and jumped down off the stage. "Hey guys what's up?" I said giving them all a hug. "Nothing much, here to hear this shitty band called The One Finger Salute." Bam said. "Yeah, I heard their drummer is a man whore." I said a little louder so that Isaiah would hear me. "Bitch!" He called out. We all laughed and mess around until showtime. "Alrighty boys, we gonna go kick some ass!" I yelled. "Yeah!" They all shouted then ran on stage and took their positions. "Ah fuck, dear god, don't let me throw up." I said to myself before walking out on stage.

"Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you doing tonight?" I asked the crowd and got a scream in return. "Well, how many of you know who we are?" I asked. About half of the crowd raised their hands. "How many if you are lying?" I screamed. A quarter raised their hands. "Perfect! Well if you don't know who we are, which is okay because now is the perfect time to find out. We Are THE ONE FINGER SALUTE!!!" I screamed I to the mike. "Alright, this first one is called For A Pessemist, I'm Pretty Optimistic!" I said into the mike.

Just talk your self up
Then tear yourself down
You hit your one wall
Now find a way around
Well what's the problem
You've got a lot of nerve

So what did you think I would say
That you can't run away
That you can't runaway
So what did you think I would say
That you cant run away
You wouldn't

I never wanted to say this
You never wanted to stay
I put mynfaith in you
So much faith
And you just threw it away

We went through our entire set. And it was just amazing by the end of the night. I think it's safe to say that we did a really good job. But now that I think about it, the only thing missing was Steve-O. That son of a bitch! He promised he would be here but he is no where to be seen! He is so gonna get it later. I thought.

By the end of the night we sold more than 900 hundred copies of our album, and the sales were still rising.

Johnny came over and sat next to me, "So um Tay, we just got cleared to do a Jackass movie." You have got to be shitting me.
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Hi! I'm alive! I'm not dead. Hello to all the new subscribers! I'm Bree and I'm the idiot behind this story. So I know it's been a while since I've posted, school started, I got busy, all the usual shit. So I decided after getting two comments I thought that this should be put up. So if you have any questions feel free to ask, I won't get back to you straight away because I'm going to see Blink-182 and My Chemical Romance tomorrow. I do not own any people or songs used in this chapter. So yup, comment, and all that other stuff!