Status: A Side Project, I'll try to update as much as I can.

The One Finger Salute

When We Were In College Pt. 1

I sat in class, carefully taking notes. Then suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. I jumped and saw Steve-O crouching down so the professor wouldn't see him. "I'm here to bust you out." He whispered. "Dummy, you don't have to hide. We are sitting in the back of the class room." I said as he sat down next to me. "What is so important about this class?" He said kicking up his feet. I put them back down, and said, "It's Pathology. It's important." , trying to take notes. For those of you who don't know, Pathology is a study about diseases from a cellular level. "So, big deal. This is boring let's go somewhere else." He whined. "No, you can cut class, and disappoint your father, but I need to study for a test next week." I told him, trying to get hi to leave. "Fine, next period?" He asked. "No, then I have anatomy." I told him as I tried to take notes. "You my friend are no fun." He said. "Now, leave you made your point. I need to pay attention." I said, and he groaned in defeat. He stood up and walked out. The class finished and I got called back. "Ms. Parks? May I have a word?" Professor Cole asked me. I grabbed my bag and walked up to the front of the class room. "What's up?" I asked. "I would like to compliment you on your work, I first thought you stole it from somewhere but I was pleasantly surprised. You are a very bright girl. Keep up this work and you will be on a good track." He praised me. I thanked him and walked out of the classroom. I was studying to be a doctor. So hard work was basically my life at this point. I walked into Anatomy prepared for work.

Steve-O's POV:
I seriously think she doesn't like me anymore. All she ever does is blow me off to study. Do I stink? I lifted up my arm and sniffed my pit. Eh, I could use a shower but nothing barfable.

Back to Tay.
I finally made it back to my apartment. I put down my keys and took a long shower. I dried my hair and put on my makeup and made my way to the diner where I worked. "Tay, you have someone here looking for you." My boss Duke told me. I was confused, but went back to where the lockers were. I saw a girl standing there, and I stopped in my tracks. "Holly?" I asked. Then Holly turned around, and shrieked. She ran to me and we stood there, hugging, crying, and laughing. "Enough of that! Get to work." Duke yelled at me. I quickly turned to Holly, "Here is my address I get off at eight." I said writing down my address. I handed it to her and she hugged me one more time before she left. Then a bunch of college kids came in and sat down. Before you think, ugh just the classic the kids hate the worker girl, most of them were really nice to me. "Hi, Tay! Saw Steve-O sneak in to see you in Pathology." One of them told me. She wink and I waved it off. "He was just trying to get me to cut class." I told her. They ordered and I got all their food. "Okay, here you go. anything else y'all need before I leave. They all said no. I went back and worked. When they left I went to bus the table, and saw 20 dollars and a note there. It said: You are our favorite waitress, don't even think about returning the money. "Aw, that's so sweet." I said to myself. I pocketed the money. I worked until my shift was over leaving with a good night for tips.

I made my way to my apartment, and saw Holly sitting there, and we went in and caught up. "So, how is New York." I asked as we sat at my kitchen table drinking box wine. "I have some exciting news! I wanted you to be the first to know. I am going to play a lead role in a new Broadway musical, called Wicked. I play Glinda!" She said. "Oh My GOD! When does it open? I'm totally seeing it opening night! Oh, I hope I have enough saved. Where can I buy tickets?" I started to babble. Holly stopped me. "I am getting You, Steve-O, and Isaiah good seats for free and I'm paying for you and Steve-O to take a train up there. Relax." She said. "That is too much money!" I said. She laughed. "No, I have five free tickets for friends and family. And plus the musical Rent paid good." Holly told me. So we sat up talking for the rest of the night. Not knowing all the destiny or fate or other crap that was cooking up. Haha lame ending to a lame chapter.
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Okay, so the way I'm writing is I'm gonna write about the important parts until I get to a certain point in time. And in this part, Steve-O and Tay are both 22. Oh and for you Broadway nuts, I know Kristen Chenowith was the first Galinda but I'm making Holly the first one. Oh and somethings are gonna be switched up in time. So I'll try to keep it simple.