Status: A Side Project, I'll try to update as much as I can.

The One Finger Salute

When I Got Signed and You Got High

I was pacing back and forth in the small room that Hopeless records had shown us to. "Tay, calm down. Everything will be fine." Josh told me. I stopped and put a hand on my hip and rolled my eyes at him then went back to pacing. "Hello, how is everyone doing in here?" A man asked us. I stopped and smiled at him and sat down. "Well, my name is Dan, and can you introduce yourselves?" He asked us sitting down. "I'm Tay." I said sticking out my hand. "Tay, you seem familiar, but that can wait." He said, and the rest of the guys introduced themselves. "So, tell us what genre, what type of music you guys do." He said pulling out a pen and and a pad of paper and I saw him write out band name at the top. "Well, um Alternative, Pop/Rock, some Punk." John said. "Ah I see. What are your influences?" He asked us. "Well, I listen to a lot of Nirvana, The Offspring, Blink-182, Foo Fighters, and Green Day." I told him. " Ah, so you like Punk." He said writing stuff down. I nodded. "Well, do you guys write your own material?" He asked us. "Yes we do." Jonah said with pride. "What other jobs do you have right now?" Dan asked us. The boys all went down the line listing their jobs. I guess I wasn't paying attention. "Tay?" Isaiah nudged me. "Oh! Um, I am actually working on a TV show called Jackass right now." I said sheepishly. "That's where I recognized you from! My son can't stop watching that pilot." He said laughing. "Well, can I hear you play an original?" He asked us. We nodded and pulled out all of our equipment, meaning, Isaiah and his weird box drum and shaker, Josh, with the acoustic bass his friend let him borrow, and John and Jonah with the guitars. "Which song do you want to do?" I asked them. They all shrugged, "How about Homecoming?" I asked them. They all nodded and we started.

Homecoming, I'm coming.
My sweet mistake
Summer's over
Hope it's not to late
I'm Pacing, Impatient.

We went through the entire song perfectly. Once we finished I could help but do a little whoop at the end. Dan clapped. "Well, can you come back next week, I want to talk to some people and see if we can get you a record deal cause this." He said pointing at us as a whole, "Is what I like." He said. We set up another appointment. As soon as we left, we did a little victory dance in the parking lot.

Another week rolled around and we were back in that room. "Guys I have some news." Dan said coming in. He sat down and let out a sigh. "I don't know how to put this..." He said. My heart dropped, we weren't going to get signed. "You guys are getting signed! That is if you want too." He said. I looked up in surprise. I turned to Josh who was sitting next to me. I hugged him hard and high fived the rest of the guys. "So I take it as you like the news?" He asked. "Hell yeah!" I said. "Great here, read over this, and then sign it, you don't have to sign, you can have your manager come and read them." He said. "We are to poor to have a manager." Isaiah said. "Well, um then can I go over it with you guys?" He asked us. "Please DO." I said.

After an hour of going over what the contract had stated, we all signed. "Great, um you guys can't announce that you signed with us until we okay it." He said. We all nodded and left and had once again done a victory dance in the parking lot.

I was walking over to Steve-O's place, well more like skating. I buzzed his apartment. "Yeah Dude?" He asked sounding kind of funny. "It's Tay." I said grabbing my board. "Oh, come on up." He slurred. I made it to his apartment and when I walked inside I knew he was smoking weed. "Steve-O." I whined. "What?" He said sitting down. "Are you high?" I asked him sitting down next to him. "Like a fucking kite baby." He then tried to put his arm around me. I shrugged it off. "Why are you doing this to yourself?" I asked him. "Because! It's my fucking body! I can do what I want!" HE shouted, making me jump. "Steve-O, this stuff, is bad fucking news." I said picking up a blunt. "Your bad fucking news." He said touching my face. "Okay ew, you better be at work tomorrow, or I'm kicking your ass." I said putting his hands down, not knowing where they might have been, most likely down his pants. I stood up and walked to the door. "God, please help him." I prayed before I left him sitting alone in his apartment.
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DISCLAIMER I do not own any bands or song mentioned in this story, and to warn you, I shall use songs from bands and use them as if The One Finger Salute wrote them because I am not talented enough to write my own songs.

So Tay has seen Steve-O in his high state, fair warning, this story will get dark at times due to Steve-O's past.
AND Tay got signed. I think this chapter is semi-important.

So little story, I started to watch the Jackass TV show when the second movie came out and so I forgot a lot of what happened so I had to get the series on netflix. So they send me the first disk, but it has a HUGE crack in it and was unplayable and then the replacement was supposed to come today but of course it didn't. Ugh so expect Jackass in the next chapter. Comment and subscribe!