Been To Hell

New Job, Clean Slate

The next morning I really was up and dressed by quarter to seven, much to my brother’s surprise.

“Morning Andy, where you going?”
“I met up with Scarlett last night, she hired me as her new tattoo artist.”
“Congratulations. When do you start?”
“Next year Jorel, why the hell would I be up so early if I didn’t have anywhere to be?”
“I don’t know Andy, I’ve given up trying to understand how your mind works. Oh, morning Johnny.”
“Morning Jay, oh, Andy, you started to tell me something last night but then you stopped.”
“Oh, I was gonna tell you that… well… I met up with Scarlett Franklin last night and I’m working for her now.”

He remained silent for all of two seconds before nearly getting down on his hands and knees and begging me to get her number for him again. I told him that I’d see what I could do but I wasn’t making any promises and then left, giving my nephew a quick kiss on the cheek and my brother a hug.

Let’s skip the car journey, you know how that works right?

I banged on the door, cupping my hands at the window, trying to see if there was anyone there yet. It was mid-July and honestly I didn’t want to be standing outside in the crushing heat of Southern California.

A young girl came to the door and opened it a crack, blocking me from entering.

“I’m sorry but we don’t open for another hour.”
“No, I’m the new tattoo artist, I met Scarlett last night she told me to come in this morning, she wanted me to start work straight away.”

She looked me up and down for a second before deciding that I didn’t look like I was too much trouble. Some people have NO sense of judgement.

“Come on in then, sorry, my name is Hadley.”
“I’m Haley.”

We shook hands and she gave me a smile, one that I tried to return but it just came out as a grimace. Probably offending her.

“Sorry, I don’t smile a lot anymore.”
“It’s okay, my sister’s like that, she suffers with depression. What about you?”
“It’s a long story, one that I’ll save for when I get to know you a little bit better.”
“It’s fine just… it’s very personal.”

There was a moment of awkwardness until Scarlett came in dressed all in black as usual and got me set up and prepped me for what I was gonna be doing today.
♠ ♠ ♠
Listening to: Tigers And Sharks - You Me At Six

Ashley, Synacky oxox