Been To Hell


By midday I felt all-powerful. I’d given about two people tattoos and then around six more had come in and given me their pictures for me to draw up.

“Andy, what do you want from the pizza place?” Scarlett called out.
“Veggie Supreme please.”

I didn’t even need to look up from what I was doing, Scarlett and I had always had the sort of friendship, we were like twins.

“I TOLD you she was here.” Dillon’s voice boomed through the shop.

This time I did look up only to see all of the guys standing at the doorway with none other than Tony Lovato, one of my best friends, walking in.

“Hey Tony!”

I dropped my pencil onto the side and stood up to give him a hug.

“How are you doing Andy?”
“Good in some ways, the worst I’ve ever been in others, how are you?”
“I’m doing okay. You heard about Mest’s breakup?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s cool.”
“Is there anything I can help you guys with or did you just come to disrupt me?”

I noticed out of the corner of my eye Johnny walking over to Scarlett and tapping her on the shoulder. She turned around and grinned, jumping into his arms and squealing like a little girl. I think this relationship might just work out second time round.

“Andy? Hello, anybody home?”
“Funny Aaron. What do you want?”
“I don’t, Amy does though, she’s coming in later, she wants a dove and grenade on the back of her neck, could you maybe get it done asap cause I’m taking her out tonight.”

I gave him one of my death stares and smiled as he cowered. I didn’t miss Tony’s confused look though.

“Tell you later. Hey, let me ink you up.”
“Andy are you blind?”

He unzipped his hoodie and gestured to his covered body.

“You know what I mean Lovato, now go get on that chair. You need a smiley face just above your ass crack.”
“I don’t know I’m bored. Go get in my chair.”
“I like this new Andy.”

He grinned at me and did as I said, the rest of the guys sitting on one of the leather couches at the front.

“Andy, we got a problem.”

I came out of the ink room (stock room) and rushed to Scarlett’s side.

“What’s wrong sweetie?”
“We just had a delivery and no one’s free to put it in the right place.”
“Hang on, there’s an upside to having an extremely strong group of guy friends.”

I took her hand and led her over to where the guys were sitting.

“Tell them what to do and they’ll get it done as soon as possible. Boys, be good and listen to Scarly, time to actually USE those muscles.”

I left her to go straight back into the ink room, got out the right inks for Tony and then took them to my station.

“Sorry it took so long Tony, we had a situation.”
“Hey, first day always has its problems.”
“Very true indeed. Now… shirt… off.”
“It’s a hoodie.”

I laughed as he started singing Hot In Here by Nelly. It felt good to really laugh properly. I hadn’t done that in a LONG time.

One of the other tattoo artists, Michael, helped me to make my chair go flat so that Tony could lie down.


“So, Andy, to be perfectly honest with you, there IS a reason that I asked your brother to bring me to you today.”
“Oh yeah? And what would that be?”
“I know we tried it a few years ago and it didn’t work out but I was wondering if you’d maybe like to go out with me some time?”

I looked up from the rubbing alcohol I was using to smile at Tony, who’s head was currently turned awkwardly so that he could see me, and nodded.

“I’d love to Tony, how does Friday sound?”
“Friday sounds great. Pizza and a movie?”
“It’s a date.”

I grinned at him and for the rest of the tattoo we made small talk and it felt just like old times… except for the fact that this time round I wasn’t constantly stealing glances at Aaron and I was now actually WORKING.
♠ ♠ ♠
Listening to: Falling Asleep On A Stranger - Pierce The Veil

Haley, Shadgates xoxo