Been To Hell

First Date

Tony picked me up at the exact time that he told me he would and while he waited for me to finish getting ready, the guys grilled him in the living room.

“Hey Andy, why are the guys grilling Tony Lovato downstairs?”

Amy asked, poking her head into my room as she walked past with Aaron.

“We’re going on a date and this is pretty much standard thing for them to do.”
“You’re going out with Tony?”

I avoided Aaron’s eyes and nodded.

“When did THIS happen?”
“Why do you care Aaron?”
“I’m just wondering.”
“Well if you MUST know, it happened when you guys came to see me the other day at work.”
“Oh, cool.”

The two of them walked away and my hands balled into fists by my side.

“Andy, you need to chill, you’re having fun tonight. Remember?” Reagan reassured me as she carried on curling my hair.

All of the girls had got together to help me get ready. I had to keep reminding them it was dinner and a movie, not the freaking Grammys.

“Hey, girls, I’m going out to go meet some friends, do you need anything or do you wanna tag along?” Amy asked, sticking her head back into my room.
“No Amy, please go away.”

She huffed but walked away anyway.

“God, why did I ever trust her?”
“I don’t know Andy, we gave up trying to work your brain out years ago.”

I playfully hit Scarlett. I loved my friends, they were the best anyone could ask for and the best part is when they stop trying to make me into a giant Barbie doll.

I walked downstairs while the rest of the guys watched.

“Hey Tony.”
“Hey, you look… beautiful.”
“Thanks. I tried to get them to stop at the dress but they just kept going.”

The girls giggled, running into the arms of their boyfriends and Tony took my hand.

“I’ll see you guys… um… when I see you.”

My cheeks blazed red as everyone chucked the condoms at us.

“Oh for God’s sake, that joke stopped being funny the moment we left school.”
“Still funny!” all of the guys called out.

I waved goodbye to them and Tony and I left.

“Sorry about that, as you can see… they never grew up.”
“It’s fine. I’m somewhat used to it by now. So, I was thinking we could go see… um… I have no clue what’s on at the moment.”
“Neither do I.”

We laughed as we walked down the street, trying to decide on what movie to watch when we got to the cinema.

“You know what, let’s wing it.”
“I think that’s probably a good idea.”

I smiled at him and shivered a little, LA is boiling during the day but always freezing at night.

“A little.”

He took off his hoodie and put it on me, I inhaled the scent. Cologne and cigarettes. Just like… No! Bad mind. Stop it. You’re on a date with TONY, no thinking about Aaron.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we carried on towards the cinema.

Skip the movie

We couldn’t help but laugh our asses off even more as we left the cinema, in the end we’d been to see a romantic movie. It sucked balls and the acting couldn’t have been worse so all we did was talk and occasionally laugh at the movie.

“So, where to go for food?”
“I don’t know, you choose.”
“Let’s see… you reckon Hibachi’s will have a free table?”
“I doubt it but we can…”

I didn’t finish my sentence; instead I yanked Tony behind a random food cart while stealing glances around the side of it.

“Andy, are you okay?”
“Shh. Hang on.”

I took my phone out of my pocket and started taking pictures of what I was seeing. Even a video, all the while Tony was left dumbstruck as to what I was doing.

Finally I put my phone away and took his hand in mine, finishing what I’d been saying before.

“We can see if you want.”
“Okay but Andy what was that all about?”
“I’ll tell you when I can work out if I saw what I think I did. It’s nothing important though, don’t worry about it.”

He gave me a questioning look but like the girls, just shrugged it off. He knew me better than to question my mind.

If what I saw was real then Aaron’s made a big mistake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Listening to: King For A Day - Forever The Sickest Kids

Haley, Shadgates xoxo (soz, Ash is trying to get her own account and when she has it, she'll be doing updates again)